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Well since light hearted threads seem to be where its at, I'd like to start one (and forgive me if it's been done before) .......... I'd like to know about any tattoo's sported by H.L members (and whether they've experienced any prejudice because of them)

I personally have a Japanese koi fish design, a phoenix, a wolf and the Egyptian Eye of Horus design (traced direct from the C.D cover of "Vision Thing" because I'm lazy!)
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Only the Scottish Tattoo which comes out every year on my birthday and other assorted family occasions.

A friend had a barcode tattoo once- some statement about how we've all lost our individuality etc etc - which I think she regretted after we concluded that she had simply been left on the shelf.
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i have three to date.first i got when i was 17,thus illegal-is a cute red devil holding a trident;forked tail and pink of left arm.

second was more to see if i had the nerve.small heart shaped tatoo,but inside on half is a crescent moon with face etc following the curve.

third is a plain black octopus,or squid depending on your point of view perhaps.very graphic in that it is plain,no shading to it,just black.has three little pin prick dots around its directly on my spine,lower back.

dont regret any of them,enjoyed every experience ive had with every tatooist ive seen.

same with piercings since were on the subject of body modification.
like most kids had the ears done several times with parents.
17 had my nose pierced for first time,same year fot it done again.used to wear a chain from nose ring to ear for a while....scared my gran;lol.

after that had navel done,upper ear lobe pierced,tongfue was done once,lip,naval second time,and nipple once as well.wasnt sure about that one,but got it done anyway out of curiosity.didnt like it on me tho.

seen some examples of weird and mind boggling piercings and modifications.

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Speaking of Piercings - I am thinking of having my Tongue pierced!

Out of interest - has anybody here - inc. Serendipityhaven- had it done - fi you recommend it - why - are is it a nightmare to have doen and - hope much should I pay - I have heard some different views - just want HL's opinions!

Thanks in advance

As for tattoos - I have considered - on and off having Sisters "Head and Star" over BCG/TB jabs on left are - never seem to get round to it though!
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i have a couple of chums who are tattoo artists/piercers.

our very own biggy has also been known to "do a bit of colouring in" on people in and around south yorkshire too ;)


never seen a design that i've liked enough to want to carry around for ever, though i have been tempted quite a few times... i do like the "big daddy" ed roth monster/hot rod stuff :von:
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Quiff Boy wrote:i have a couple of chums who are tattoo artists/piercers.

our very own biggy has also been known to "do a bit of colouring in" on people in and around south yorkshire too ;)


never seen a design that i've liked enough to want to carry around for ever, though i have been tempted quite a few times... i do like the "big daddy" ed roth monster/hot rod stuff :von:
I'd like some more work done on mine - theyre quite old and have faded here and there. Haven't dropped on a tattooist round here that I like yet though, somebody thats willing to really work on something - most of them seem to just want to bang out the bog standard stuff from flash sheets. Quick and easy money I guess.
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@Andy the goth-hey there :)
i heard a lot of scre stories before i had my tongue pierced.had been considering it for a while but was put off by the mainstream popularity of it when some spice girl or other had it done.
but after a few years,i went ahead and had it done.

id head that your tongue swells up to scarey proportions shortly after making anything but drinking/eating without the use of a straw impossible.

id heard you shouldnt smoke or drink alcohol,kiss etc etc for weeks after having it done.

i cant confirm these to be advised practise,what i can tell you is my own personal experience tho.

i had mine done mid day.wasnt apprehensive,want scared.was curious.
what is done is the piercer uses a set of tongs to grip you tongue(firmly enough to keep it stuck out of your mouth).its not possible to freeze your tongue,dont expect anasthetic with this,so no copping out or cheating :wink:

do arm yourself with lots of tissue,because you will drool uncontrolably for the entire duration of tongue in tongs-which could be a few minutes.
its perfectly normal,but is a little embarrasing if you are unprepared.

it doesnt hurt.honest!i was quite suprised at this.had braced myself for sharp pains,but was none.i didnt realsie he had actually done the piercing until he said it was finished.

they should put in a longer sized bar not standard.this is to accomodate swelling so doesnt restrict blood flo in your yeah theres swelling

took about 2 weeks for things to be abck to pretty much normal for me,but have heard of 10days,to a month of it must be an individual thing.take lots of viatmin c and b(apparently they help the healing processess).

i was told by the piercer to buy some mouthwash,none alocoholic mouthwash(since most of the standar stuff does contain it believe it or not);and to gargle every time i drank or ate anything at all-including water.

make sure you have plenty of mouthwash.

as for the dont drink,kiss or smoke thing....well maybe thats advised practise but i lit a cigarette up as soon as i got out of the piercing studio,went out to local alternative club that very night,and kissed most of my friends whilst i was there since they were all curious as to what it would be like.

the swelling didnt truely come up until late in the evening and by then i was inebriated anyway and didnt care too much.but the weeks after it was a pain in the ass.i lost weight because it was difficult to eat,and sometimes too much hassle so just didnt maybe inbvesting in lots of soup and plastic straws wuld be a good idea too.

oh-it will afect your speach for a while too.

but,altho at several points i did ask myself thru swollen tongeness was this really worth it,it was.the swelling went down,i had minty fresh breath all of the time(bonus!),it looked very cool,i swapped the longer bar for the standard one so fit in the mouth better.

one thing which was an annoyance after getting it done was that the tongue bar would unscrew and come loose.dont know if youve seen them,they look like tiny bar bell(a small ball on either end of thin metal bar),and the "ball" which screwed and unscrewed(to allow for changing/cleaning etc)would come loose.

one time i accidentally swallowed the little major harm done,but didnt have a spare,so went without for 12hrs till could get to shop and buy another.this meant the hole had all but closed up.andDONT TRY THIS AT HOME EVER ANYONE!!!,i re-pierced it myself by pushing the bar thru what was left of the first hole in my tongue.

so make sure you have a spare in the vicinity at all times.

you can get some fantastic jewelry now,from flshing/uv tongue bars to ones with little icons on one point i had whats called a satelite in,which is a standar tongue bar but had replaced the plain srew in ball with one which had ying yang on it and four smaller balls going round the bigger screw in bit.

unfortunately i had to take all of mine out when was pregnant with twins,simply because of the higher risks for possible surgical intervention and the fact all of them would have had to have been taken out before would do surgery.and obviously in an emergency situation messing about with your tongue bar when so much is at stake is stupid.also had to remive navel one because stomache was expanding to such an extent the piercing wa sbeing stretched so much that it would reach "critical"strech-ness and split.not that a man would ever have that problem :lol:

hope thats been of some help... :D :wink:
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No tats. Two ear pierces. Had a friend with a lip ring once.... what incredible kisses.

That's an interesting story SerendipityHeaven. Thanks for sharing.
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just highlighting some of the perils and pitfalls i came accross during,and post piercing.

no embellishments,no exaggerations,just how it happened with me...

check out the "prince's wand" body modification for the more extreme side of things (definately NWS,not for the sqeemish,or anyone gifted with a vivid imagination) :wink:
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Hats off Serendipity!! - how the f**k did you find that article ? (Or shouldnt I ask ? :wink: )
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Holy s**t!!!!!!

Man, that's an eye opener. Not for me I might add....I'll stick with lip rings.
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:wink: shhhhh. :lol:

chances are if you can concieve a body modification,there's already someone else whose thought of it before you,modified it and gone thru with it and proudly displayed a full account with pics on the net somwhere(usually in the U.S.A).we catching up in the uk now mind you.

branding+scarrification :? not too sure about all that lot.still illegal to practise here i think.may be wrong tho.... :?:
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scarification? nah, my mate in leeds does it in his studio... i'm sure it's legal, but i don't think there's many people that will do it (yet) :)
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One tatoo, old style star n' head, getting on for ten years old and going rather blue. Used to be quite pierced, got bored, only one left now (hidden, he he he), for "Practical" reasons :eek: ;D
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ah,wasnt sure if the branding and scarring thing was happening for real here in uk.ive seen some examples of them both,but really not been impressed with them.

the old prince albert is something to behold,if youve never seen anything like that,or led a very sheltered existance.always figured youd need to have built up a very close and also trusting relationship with your piercer to proceed with that.

oh,forgot stretching too.the hole in ear lobe etc thing.looks evry effective if you have a glass effect gem in your ear and theres a strong light behind you.apparently they get very smelly :?: .

as for costs,well ive never paind over umm£15 for anything inc jewelry,but having said that knowing what i do now id not advise taking any chances when looking for a piercer.
insist on health and safety certificates at the bare minimum.and anywhere that doesnt supply you with info on the possible risks if you have certain conditions(epilepsy for example),along with some aftercare(even if its just a piece of paper with info on) should be avoided at all costs.
ask around for recommendations in your tend to find that the disreputable ones are well known anyway.and also any piercer/piercing parlour should be only too happy to answer any questions,talk you through proceedures show you around even if they are worth your business.if you dont feel comfortable enough to ask questions why would you put a piece of your anatomy in their hands?
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Ahoy, there!

Unfortunately, no tats at the moment; I've been wanting one for over 20 years, but I've got no idea what to get! As for piercings - I used to have at least 6 per ear (!!!), but I've let all but 1 per ear close up. Dunno - I guess I got bored. I've got a ring in my right nostril and a ring in my navel; I just got my right eyebrow pierced on Sunday, and I've got a barbell in that (for variety, hehehe). :wink: Left to my own devices, I'd be *covered* with piercings and tats; unfortunately, I need to work for a living... :evil: :roll: :von:
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Me and Schwirls iccle bwuvva Booka just got a Bass Cleff tattooed on his right shoulder - looks very, very 8)
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One of the reasons I got rid of my stretched lobes was the above mentioned smell, they really do stink to high heaven, kind of like your ears rotting off. Apparently If you change the steel for polished wood plugs it goes away, but then I'd have looked like a f**king hippy, and I can't be having that. ;D :twisted:

As for the PA, as long as the piercer seems clean and friendly I wouldn't worry, doesn't (really) hurt, and gives you a massive f**king endorphin rush anyway. Tis safer than most piercings as Urea is a natural antiseptic, and heals much faster and better than just about everything else. Plus you can keep the bugger wherever you work, unless you work somewhere
very odd, or in geophysics (plays merry hell with archaeological surveys apparently) :roll:
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I have a bat tattoed on my arm.

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we have quite a few piercing/tatoo parlours in town of them is run by a bloke,really knows his piercing stuff.they have the full range of jewelry and do any piercing you can dream up too,as well as the stretching malarky.hes got both of his lobes stretched to jaw hits floor size-kind of like the size of hole a small bird could comfortably perch those wooden ones in the holes.sure he must really like them,but must be damned painfull if he turns his head sharply tho.... :?

also that type of modification isnt like a piercing where if you remove it the hole will close up so its bsrely noticeable,or a tattoo which usually isnt on the face cant really cover up gaping holes in your ear lobes unless you opt to wear a hat.
maybe the smallest stretches would receed to something relatively unnoticeable,but this guy can literally bring each lobe to underneath his chin so they effectively meet there.something like that no matter how long you have the jewelery removed for isnt going to close up surely?
have no real knowledge of the stretching thing so set me straight here if ive got it wrong :)
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RobF-endorphin rush-absolutely!the rush you get from getting a piercing done,and the build up to that as well is crucila part of the piercing in general i think.also can become adictive too.leads to another and then thinking about another and so on.
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I had my ears up to 16 and 14 mil, and they've just about closed after six months, kinda miss em' but I'm on the job hunt at the moment so I can't be doing with it, I get far less worried down the front at gigs these days too :)

As soon as I get a job though, I'm gonna waste some money on some ill advised tats, oh yes. I really fancy the Trojan records helmet thingy, somewhere on my chest, or something equally daft.
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Serendipityhaven wrote:@Andy the goth-hey there :)
i heard a lot of scre stories before i had my tongue pierced.had been considering it for a while but was put off by the mainstream popularity of it when some spice girl or other had it done.
but after a few years,i went ahead and had it done.

id head that your tongue swells up to scarey proportions shortly after making anything but drinking/eating without the use of a straw impossible.

id heard you shouldnt smoke or drink alcohol,kiss etc etc for weeks after having it done.

i cant confirm these to be advised practise,what i can tell you is my own personal experience tho.

i had mine done mid day.wasnt apprehensive,want scared.was curious.
what is done is the piercer uses a set of tongs to grip you tongue(firmly enough to keep it stuck out of your mouth).its not possible to freeze your tongue,dont expect anasthetic with this,so no copping out or cheating :wink:

do arm yourself with lots of tissue,because you will drool uncontrolably for the entire duration of tongue in tongs-which could be a few minutes.
its perfectly normal,but is a little embarrasing if you are unprepared.

it doesnt hurt.honest!i was quite suprised at this.had braced myself for sharp pains,but was none.i didnt realsie he had actually done the piercing until he said it was finished.

they should put in a longer sized bar not standard.this is to accomodate swelling so doesnt restrict blood flo in your yeah theres swelling

took about 2 weeks for things to be abck to pretty much normal for me,but have heard of 10days,to a month of it must be an individual thing.take lots of viatmin c and b(apparently they help the healing processess).

i was told by the piercer to buy some mouthwash,none alocoholic mouthwash(since most of the standar stuff does contain it believe it or not);and to gargle every time i drank or ate anything at all-including water.

make sure you have plenty of mouthwash.

as for the dont drink,kiss or smoke thing....well maybe thats advised practise but i lit a cigarette up as soon as i got out of the piercing studio,went out to local alternative club that very night,and kissed most of my friends whilst i was there since they were all curious as to what it would be like.

the swelling didnt truely come up until late in the evening and by then i was inebriated anyway and didnt care too much.but the weeks after it was a pain in the ass.i lost weight because it was difficult to eat,and sometimes too much hassle so just didnt maybe inbvesting in lots of soup and plastic straws wuld be a good idea too.

oh-it will afect your speach for a while too.

but,altho at several points i did ask myself thru swollen tongeness was this really worth it,it was.the swelling went down,i had minty fresh breath all of the time(bonus!),it looked very cool,i swapped the longer bar for the standard one so fit in the mouth better.

one thing which was an annoyance after getting it done was that the tongue bar would unscrew and come loose.dont know if youve seen them,they look like tiny bar bell(a small ball on either end of thin metal bar),and the "ball" which screwed and unscrewed(to allow for changing/cleaning etc)would come loose.

one time i accidentally swallowed the little major harm done,but didnt have a spare,so went without for 12hrs till could get to shop and buy another.this meant the hole had all but closed up.andDONT TRY THIS AT HOME EVER ANYONE!!!,i re-pierced it myself by pushing the bar thru what was left of the first hole in my tongue.

so make sure you have a spare in the vicinity at all times.

you can get some fantastic jewelry now,from flshing/uv tongue bars to ones with little icons on one point i had whats called a satelite in,which is a standar tongue bar but had replaced the plain srew in ball with one which had ying yang on it and four smaller balls going round the bigger screw in bit.

unfortunately i had to take all of mine out when was pregnant with twins,simply because of the higher risks for possible surgical intervention and the fact all of them would have had to have been taken out before would do surgery.and obviously in an emergency situation messing about with your tongue bar when so much is at stake is stupid.also had to remive navel one because stomache was expanding to such an extent the piercing wa sbeing stretched so much that it would reach "critical"strech-ness and split.not that a man would ever have that problem :lol:

hope thats been of some help... :D :wink:

@ Serendipityhaven - Thanks for that reply ! :-)

I have a very close friend - who recently had his tongue done - he expected the same as you and got, ironcally, the same results - not much swelling, friends wanting to "Try it out" - ok with smoking and drinking - 2 weeks of being a little irritated - that sort of thing!

I am fast becoming convinced to have my tongue done - and I am sure Mrs Goth - will also "appreciate" it ;-) - My mate has his done by a professional - also a good of his - Hopefully I will get them to do it - Is only cost him £10 - which is nice!

Thanks again - that was great and honest post!
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For SerendipityHaven:

Wow you are a wealth of knowledge. I got my ear done in Soho, very professional job, got all the warnings, the paper etc., in a private room, like a doctors office. The guy was good, very good and laughed at me being afraid it would hurt. It didn't. He was quite proud of that and told me he had the best needles in Soho. Titanium stud.

Second pierce I had recently done at home. Got none of the above but did it anyway. Mistake! The pierce hurt like hell!!!!!! She f**king butchered me trying to get the damn barbell in. I get crunchy s**t on my barbell and it still hurts. Was sitting in a chair.... in room full of people getting tats. And all I got was stainless. Bah!!!

I won't do that Again.
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