Garden Of Delight demo

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Road Kill
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I just downladed it and I was curious as to what the story behind it was?
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I think it's taken from the demos for "left on m*****n and revenge". It's a Hussey song that Eldritch didn't like.

There are two versions, a Husssey vocal and Eldritch vocal. Its sound similar to the version on The m*****n - First Chapter
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Yes, apparently Andrew did sing some of Waynes lyrics, despite what's been told to the press and radio. Wayne explained that Andrew were very disappointed in his lyrics and was quoted to have said "I can't sing these". And Andrew told everyone interested that he liked the music Wayne produced during that time but that he thought the words were "dreadful" and that he couldn't sing them. "I'm glad I didn't try", said Andrew. But at least this once he did.
From what I've gathered Andrew and Wayne went off to Hamburg to work on the new album Left On... etc. They presented some material to each other, Wayne with a few songs that ended up on the first Mish album, like the Garden of Delight for instance, and Andrew had a few ideas that became The Sisterhood stuff and songs for Floodland. During the stay in Hamburg Wayne and Andrew were on their own, having noone else around them, pretty much for the first time, at least for a longer period of time and they discovered they had nothing to talk about. And as far as the new album went, there was no way they could compromise their own respective visions into one. After Hamburg they went back home and split up. During some time here they must have gone into rehearsal to do this demo. Not a very good one, although Andrews singing is remarkably well performed.
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There were a few songs that Wayne had, Dance on Glass, Garden of Delight, Serpents Kiss and a few others. They were taken to the Slaughterhouse sessions and given to WEA. When tghe SIsiters issue remain unresolved the tapes were taken by the manager and released through Chapter 22. Effectively ending Wayne's and Craig's contract with the Sisters. This pretty much signalled the end of any possibility of both Craig and Wayne performing on a Sisters record.
Considering Hamburg, it was pretty much at an end there, they only rehearsed there for two days after which Wayne quit and Craig the day afterwards.
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I thought it was the other way round (Adams left first, followed by Hussey a day later) :?:
and didn't Von say later on that Adams walked out after hearing "Torch"? (not one of my favourite Sisters tracks).
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Scardwel wrote:I thought it was the other way round (Adams left first, followed by Hussey a day later) :?:
and didn't Von say later on that Adams walked out after hearing "Torch"? (not one of my favourite Sisters tracks).
i heard it was adams first too :?:

didnt know it was due to torch though. me no likey that song either. sounds like a dodgy german synth uber-goth song to me. takes itself far too seriously... :roll:
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I'll have to look it up, but I'm pretty sure it is Hussey and then Adams. I never heard the Torch reference, but that 'taking himself too seriously' is something that came back often.
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The 'Torch' reference was in one of the early UTR's. Von stated that *that* song was the final straw with Adams. I can see why as the song is quite forgettable (no wonder it ended up as a B side!).
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Hello again. The way Wayne tells it Adams walked out, with Andrew stating the legendary "well, that got rid of the dead wood", and then Wayne left a day later.
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Ed Rhombus
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Yeah Adams left first, he does have the quickest temper.

Also I was looking through Heartlands Volume 4, which said some of these MIsh songs were demo'd by the Sisters in 84 at Strawberry Studios shortly after Mister Huss joined!

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The Torch reference as far as I can remember was something to do with Craig not wanting to play another song where the bass line follows the guitar line or something like that. Deceased
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