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by nodubmanshouts
17 Apr 2008, 18:18
Forum: General Chat
Topic: US Election
Replies: 48
Views: 7215

But this points to my earlier point of monarchy being the only really acceptable system
I thought you were joking...
- Danes live in a monarchy, and yet are some of the happiest people in the world.
Do you have any evidence for that? The suicide rate is 18% higher for Denmark than the USA.
by nodubmanshouts
17 Apr 2008, 17:09
Forum: General Chat
Topic: US Election
Replies: 48
Views: 7215

The bit I have the issue with is the US' claim to "export democracy" when they don't have any of their own. I would dispute that. The government of the USA is a *form* of democracy, and it works pretty well. There is also pure democracy in the form of states propositions. But ultimately t...
by nodubmanshouts
17 Apr 2008, 11:34
Forum: Sisters Chat
Topic: The 1985 split
Replies: 77
Views: 30497

As told to me by somebody 'who was there'... The beginning of the end started after Body and Soul. Nobody was happy with the single, and in oder to get the success they wanted, and through fear of being dropped by WEA, Andy was to take a back seat to writing the music and production, which was to al...
by nodubmanshouts
17 Apr 2008, 11:12
Forum: General Chat
Topic: US Election
Replies: 48
Views: 7215

Ah, the classic great misunderstandings about the world's greatest country.... The USA is a Federal Republic, not a Democracy. Think of it as Democracy being the ideal, Republicanism being the practicality. The electoral college, by and large, is mandated by law (state law) to follow the votes of th...
by nodubmanshouts
20 Apr 2005, 07:07
Forum: General Chat
Topic: What was your first proper band?
Replies: 84
Views: 27826

1, Thompson Twins - We Are Detective

2, Thompson Twins!

3, Yeah occasionally... I think they're a much underated band from the 80s, especially the remixes and instrumentals. I've had people say "wow, what's this?" in the car, and they're all embarassed when I tell 'em :lol:
by nodubmanshouts
17 Apr 2005, 01:35
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Challenge
Replies: 35
Views: 10560

how's about one line from one song? :lol: 1. Are you male or female? man 2. Describe yourself: star 3. How do your friends feel about you? dog man star 4. Who do you want to be? star 5. Describe your significant other: star 6. What would you rather be doing? suck on a pill 7. Describe where you live...
by nodubmanshouts
16 Apr 2005, 16:38
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Do you believe in God?
Replies: 95
Views: 20139

I mind one Mayday, on the annual kickabout, a policeman on the frontline asking me what I believed in..

Policeman "So what you representing here then?"

Me: "Nothing"
Just curious, if you represent nothing, why did you get out of bed that morning to go to the front line?
by nodubmanshouts
05 Apr 2005, 05:37
Forum: General Chat
Topic: UNI
Replies: 85
Views: 18367

1. Leeds University (just to be different)
2. Bsc Hons, Computer Science (just to be geeky)
3. Senior Videogame Programmer (just because its better than having a 'real' job :lol:)
by nodubmanshouts
04 Apr 2005, 02:15
Forum: General Chat
Topic: The Doctor Has left The Building....
Replies: 35
Views: 5685

He was allowed to, he wrote it.
I know, but its still quite.... I dunno, I need to invent a new word for this.... circlest :)
by nodubmanshouts
04 Apr 2005, 01:45
Forum: General Chat
Topic: The Doctor Has left The Building....
Replies: 35
Views: 5685

second episod, and they've blown up Gallifrey?!
Haven't seen the episode, coz I live in the colonies, but surely that would be ok, as Gallifrey would blow up at some time no doubt... or was there more to it than that?
by nodubmanshouts
04 Apr 2005, 01:42
Forum: General Chat
Topic: The Doctor Has left The Building....
Replies: 35
Views: 5685

the end of the world party? it was all a bit HHGTG wasnt it?
Well Douglas Adams did use the untelevised "Shada" storyvfor one of his novels, so all's fair in love and scifi :lol:
by nodubmanshouts
02 Apr 2005, 21:57
Forum: General Chat
Topic: The Doctor Has left The Building....
Replies: 35
Views: 5685

Eleven? There's the original 7, then McGann & Ecclestone, that makes nine. Then Peter Cushing from the two movies, that's ten. Who's the 11th? (Didn't Rowan Atkinson play the Doctor in some cruddy comic relief special. Sorry, you're not having that as the 11th!) And Richard E Grant? And there w...
by nodubmanshouts
02 Apr 2005, 21:51
Forum: General Chat
Topic: The Rose Of Avalanche
Replies: 3
Views: 1202

Always There was pretty good too. Everything else was fairly forgettable...
by nodubmanshouts
30 Mar 2005, 10:49
Forum: General Chat
Topic: It's an absolute disgrace
Replies: 110
Views: 34255

So by the logic of several of the last posts, we might as well not punish any crimes, because the jails are so full, obviously punishment is not a deterent at all? :roll: The two countries with the highest murder rates per capita (Colombia, South Africa) do not have the death penalty. To compare the...
by nodubmanshouts
30 Mar 2005, 08:59
Forum: General Chat
Topic: It's an absolute disgrace
Replies: 110
Views: 34255

Let's say that Joe Blogs is convicted and then executed by a court. It is later found out that Joe Blogs is innocent. Under the logic of capital punishment, Joe Blogs' killer should now be tried and executed (surely it's one rule for everyone?). Who should be executed for Joe Blogs' killing? Um, no...
by nodubmanshouts
28 Mar 2005, 09:38
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Those 46 ers...
Replies: 11
Views: 2858

Well its sad when anyone resorts to this...

I remember the lead singer of Big Country doing the same thing 1/2 a mile from my place in Hawaii... I think there's something about being an 80s popstar which can really f**k you up... all the success and then nothing. Gotta mess with the head.
by nodubmanshouts
27 Mar 2005, 20:05
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Doctor Who - new series
Replies: 71
Views: 20001

For anyone else who's been denied, there's plenty of trailers and stuff at

NoDubMan Towers has become a bit of a Doctor Who center in the last 24 hours :lol:
by nodubmanshouts
27 Mar 2005, 19:59
Forum: Sisters Chat
Topic: Help! do you know this track
Replies: 18
Views: 4125

I'd suggest not playing Hawaii then
by nodubmanshouts
26 Mar 2005, 21:33
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Doctor Who - new series
Replies: 71
Views: 20001

It was good then, ey?
by nodubmanshouts
26 Mar 2005, 21:24
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Doctor Who - new series
Replies: 71
Views: 20001

no "i live in america, so have no chance of seeing it in the near future" button? :lol:
by nodubmanshouts
26 Mar 2005, 08:41
Forum: Sisters Chat
Topic: Help! do you know this track
Replies: 18
Views: 4125

nodubmanshouts wrote:
Dude, makes me wanna rush out and buy my old vinyl all over again. Friggin rocks.

Can I add, Nodubmanshouts, a VERY disturbing avatar you have!!!

Feel free to borrow, anytime!
by nodubmanshouts
25 Mar 2005, 04:40
Forum: Sisters Chat
Topic: Help! do you know this track
Replies: 18
Views: 4125

Dude, makes me wanna rush out and buy my old vinyl all over again. Friggin rocks.
by nodubmanshouts
24 Mar 2005, 10:13
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
Replies: 25
Views: 5670

Seriously! I could have done without Jar Jar stepping in doodoo (et al), but aside from that, it ranks above Return Of The Jedi if you ask me :)

(and I'm British, not Californian! I just live here!)
by nodubmanshouts
24 Mar 2005, 09:48
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
Replies: 25
Views: 5670

Ep1 - Good
Ep2 - s**t
Ep3 - eager anticipation

But LOTR is on my DVD player more often, I must admit :lol:
by nodubmanshouts
24 Mar 2005, 08:08
Forum: General Chat
Topic: School Shootings.....
Replies: 111
Views: 34074

The first line of the Metro's coverage stated that:
Said it once, I'll say it again! Most journalists are pond life trying to fill space on a copy sheet - they'll make up any old crap, or exagerate something/anything to make a headline.