Search found 304 matches

by lucretia
11 Aug 2004, 14:49
Forum: General Chat
Topic: 10 minutes to HAPPY BIRTHDAY Blast time!
Replies: 47
Views: 5554

Happy Bday Sir Blast ... hope it's totally groovy - I'll have a couple for ya!
by lucretia
10 Aug 2004, 11:12
Forum: General Chat
Topic: I'm off
Replies: 38
Views: 3527

hallucienate wrote:it's really cool here.

And you're on the Internet because ....?
Get out there on the beach RIGHT NOW ...!
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 17:52
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

Well, the phone call didn't eventually happen. A few politely amicable e-mails have been exchanged. I'm guessing that a phone call later in the week will end in an argument. My quiet suggestions that stringing me along wasn't going to make me very happy have not be well received, so I look forward ...
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 17:47
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Vin Diesel getting all sweaty and stuff ... yawn
Replies: 20
Views: 3198

Yeah he's gross :urff: Just 'cos he's muscular people think he's gorgeous :urff: I can never imagine Will Smith as a hunk - I'm still stuck with the image of him as he was in The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. Where his gawkiness could probably have given Cocker a run for his money :lol: He's also got ve...
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 17:46
Forum: General Chat
Topic: What to do about Hollywood
Replies: 15
Views: 2103

...Catwoman... clicky Although there are undoubtedly elements within Hollywood which are pro-Bush Republicans, I think a more realistic scenario is that in a time of greater uncertainty in the "world situation", many people don't want to be confronted with it; they'd rather just forget ab...
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 17:31
Forum: General Chat
Topic: What to do about Hollywood
Replies: 15
Views: 2103

Isn't Manchurian Candidate quite a politically relevant up-dating of an earlier film? Yes but also a remake ... so doesn't count in my book. Though it does make your list :P Pedantry aside (I know, no-one likes a smart-arse ... but then few people like me, so there you go), is this unusual? When ha...
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 15:33
Forum: General Chat
Topic: What to do about Hollywood
Replies: 15
Views: 2103

andymackem wrote:Isn't Manchurian Candidate quite a politically relevant up-dating of an earlier film?
Yes but also a remake ... so doesn't count in my book.
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 15:09
Forum: General Chat
Topic: What to do about Hollywood
Replies: 15
Views: 2103

What to do about Hollywood

Okay, army of my Peers, there is this conspiracy theory brewing in my head, that Hollywood (denizen of global social consciousness and card-carrying conglomerate of the Bush administration) is pursuing a rampant, not very discreet and very global, thought-policing policy with regards to the plethora...
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 13:17
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

And QB is a sweety pie.
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 12:21
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

its a rather unsavoury thing to admit, but when you're the one thats been dumped you can have the moral high-ground and play the martyr for all its worth... its extremely annoying to witness your ex else doing this, and its not partucularly healthy if its you thats doing it either (i've been on bot...
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 12:14
Forum: General Chat
Topic: I'm off
Replies: 38
Views: 3527

Hope you don't get lost in the parking lot at Jo'burg International when you come back - it's not a pleasant experience.
Enjoy the wedding!
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 07:26
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

Hell yeah!
A Chip Butty and strong tea ...!
Sounds just like it would hit the spot right now.
by lucretia
09 Aug 2004, 07:14
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Vin Diesel getting all sweaty and stuff ... yawn
Replies: 20
Views: 3198

The trailer to I Robot looked bloody good, I thought ... I'll go soon and make up my own mind. Pity about TCOR, maybe I'll have more luck with Thunderbirds. I'm giving my age away here but I was brought up with it on TV ... John Tracy was my first ever romantic crush - ah, those were the days.
by lucretia
08 Aug 2004, 18:48
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Vin Diesel getting all sweaty and stuff ... yawn
Replies: 20
Views: 3198

Vin Diesel getting all sweaty and stuff ... yawn

I went to see The Chronicles of Riddick last night, which would have been groovy except the farking soundtrack was buggeried and they stopped the movie half way through - started playing Michael Bolton music while they fixed the problem - and of course, leaving the film to run, so it was sort of sur...
by lucretia
08 Aug 2004, 18:25
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Hot in Sweden
Replies: 29
Views: 3433

Well Halucienate ... thank you're lucky starts you're not on Mercury - 450 degrees C in the day and minus 212 C at night ... how's THAT for blowing hot and cold?

BTW it's a mild evening here in ye Olde Johannesburg, thank you very much.
by lucretia
08 Aug 2004, 18:21
Forum: General Chat
Topic: More entertaining than us i expect!!!!!
Replies: 7
Views: 1095

Five Quid ... are you cheaper? :P
by lucretia
07 Aug 2004, 22:24
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

Oh and I'm not drunk tonight ...
by lucretia
07 Aug 2004, 22:23
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

Well at least he had the decency last night to compose a two page email to me, explaining the whole thing and he was as sincere, honest, thoughtful and considerate as only he could be. Yep, my poor old heart is broken again but at least I know that I did mesmerise him for a while and I suppose, in t...
by lucretia
06 Aug 2004, 19:34
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

Re: Why are men so freaking fickle?

Ditto. But it's roles reversed for me. :evil:[/quote]

Holy cr .. ap
Maybe we should get together and cry into our beers.
by lucretia
06 Aug 2004, 19:17
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

:lol: Yeah, yeah, yeah....... Beer goggles never help though I have found or even Amarula goggles :innocent: I actually thought I was being ever so poetic in this post and Goff like ... obviously I haven't had enough to drink yet. But thanks for the kind words of Sisterly support. Ah ... maybe I sh...
by lucretia
06 Aug 2004, 19:15
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Ave Heartlandi, morituri vos salutant
Replies: 16
Views: 2331

James Blast wrote:you are all making the basic mistake when go-karting; missing out the 3hr sesh in the pub before hand

Alwaysh worksh for me ... hic
by lucretia
06 Aug 2004, 19:09
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
lucretia wrote:I am on my second half of the bottle of Amarula
Maybe that's what's not helping :wink:

What!? Give up my hooligan juice ... are you mad? :lol:
by lucretia
06 Aug 2004, 18:59
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

Brideoffrankenstein wrote:Got bloke problems Lucretia? :?
Tell me about it ... but then I am on my second half of the bottle of Amarula and fecking Trent Reznor doesn't help, hey :roll:
by lucretia
06 Aug 2004, 18:37
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Why are men so freaking fickle?
Replies: 80
Views: 14982

Why are men so freaking fickle?

They expect you to be all mysterious but that's never good enough for them. Once they find something that piques their interest, then they want to know all about you … and if you don't give, they think you are being mysterious deliberately and take that as a "come on", whether you are or...
by lucretia
05 Aug 2004, 19:26
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Who can play what?
Replies: 65
Views: 11968

Blimey no-one's said they play with themselves ... !
My fave weapon of choice is the pianofarte.