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Posted: 14 Sep 2005, 10:10
by Quiff Boy
yep, and quicktime standard (ie: free) on my work pc and quicktime pro on my home pc.

i guess its just a case of it using recent codecs. so any newer version of of the bigger media playback apps shoudl be fine :?

Posted: 14 Sep 2005, 15:56
by pikkrong
Quiff Boy wrote:both played fine for me using windows xp and media player 10 :|
I've got Windows XP and Media player 10 (when I tried to upgrade I knew that I've got already the most recent version). I downloaded the last free version of Real player as well. Still no result, only sound. Really strange :?

Posted: 14 Sep 2005, 20:30
by Andrew S
pikkrong wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:both played fine for me using windows xp and media player 10 :|
I've got Windows XP and Media player 10 (when I tried to upgrade I knew that I've got already the most recent version). I downloaded the last free version of Real player as well. Still no result, only sound. Really strange :?
I've got the same software and the same problem.

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 09:23
by Quiff Boy
hmm. dunno. it just worked for me... :?

have you got the latest codecs in media player? have you got it set to automatically download new ones as required?

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 13:06
by Petseri
I am in the same situation as our northern members above. :? All updated and automatic updates where possible. The audio for Vision Thing sounds good, though.

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 17:43
by dtsom
for me it does work.

The video and the quality is more o lees good in my opinion.
I´ve got it in a vcd and a sort fragment of top nite out as well

Posted: 16 Sep 2005, 00:48
by pikkrong
Quiff Boy wrote:hmm. dunno. it just worked for me... :?

have you got the latest codecs in media player?
that's the strangest thing :?

Posted: 20 Sep 2005, 19:12
by Planet Dave
Bum, the link has died. VT I've downloaded and can play just fine with WMP, I was just about to do Top Nite Out. Anyone know another link? Bum.

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 09:10
by markfiend

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 10:08
by Planet Dave
Well bowled, Mr Fiend. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Edit: Except of course you seem to have hidden it quite well. :eek: :?:

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 11:35
by markfiend
Odd. Vision thing works but snub nose doesn't seem to. Give me a second...

...Edit: I appear to have spazzed on the upload. New FTP client I haven't got my head round properly yet. My bad :oops:

It should work now.

Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 17:04
by James Blast
got Snubnose, :notworthy: VT is returning that 'Quicktime is missing a plug-in bollocks' :(

Posted: 25 Sep 2005, 00:31
by Andrew S

I have now downloaded all available updates for RealPlayer 10.5, Media Player 10 and QuickTime 6.5.2. And still no joy with Vision Thing :evil: :cry:

Media Player happily plays the audio but no video, RealPlayer tells me "the video for this file cannot be played" and that "there is no software update available to play this content" and QuickTime tells me that "a necessary data reference could not be resolved". If 3 up-to-date applications are refusing to play this, I can only assume the problem lies elsewhere on my PC. Any ideas?

Posted: 25 Sep 2005, 00:53
by Planet Dave
Cheers Mark :notworthy: snubnose works fine.

AndrewS - god knows how WMP works, VT runs fine on it for me, BUT I've been sent many a clip / song with the warm words 'works on MP' only for it to do no such thing. :? Bloody Microsoft. :evil:

Posted: 25 Sep 2005, 10:41
by Obviousman

I have now downloaded all available updates for RealPlayer 10.5, Media Player 10 and QuickTime 6.5.2. And still no joy with Vision Thing :evil: :cry:

Media Player happily plays the audio but no video, RealPlayer tells me "the video for this file cannot be played" and that "there is no software update available to play this content" and QuickTime tells me that "a necessary data reference could not be resolved". If 3 up-to-date applications are refusing to play this, I can only assume the problem lies elsewhere on my PC. Any ideas?
I'd try installing DivX (perhaps even the player) and BSPlayer...

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 17:24
by karogui
Is there a full version of the gig online? Where could I find it?

Posted: 24 Oct 2005, 07:10
by Ghostrider
mine goes for winamp and all that s**t...but than again..

Posted: 09 Dec 2005, 16:58
by eastmidswhizzkid
markfiend wrote:I'll upload them to my webspace...

*Edit: Right, done:
i don't suppose these might be made available again for those of us too stupid to have got them the first time? :oops: :innocent:

Posted: 09 Dec 2005, 17:06
by markfiend
:oops: I've gone over my site space limit so I had to take them down. I'll re-upload them next week some time.

Posted: 09 Dec 2005, 17:50
by eastmidswhizzkid
:notworthy: nice one mark. :notworthy: