Can't make it to go there
But i have the feeling that it will be the same setlist as Belgium and Crete
Also i am pretty sure that there will be a lot of good vids from Thessalonikians that already cover other concerts in town. They are good, i have a trust in them
The interesting and no good thing is that there is no news about support act
That means 40 euros only to see Sisters, while in Crete there were 4 bands with 25 euros price
Glad i choose Chania
Edit-They arrive. Ben's post
Fan-Fun fact. The Sisters of Mercy perform tonite at a Monastery
I believe it is a unique chance to use that line without quoting anything and be true

'Are we the Baddies?'...
"Someday! Someday, everything you need, is just gonna fall out of the sky..." -A.E. Reading 1991
"Don't forget that most of the judges in witches trials had harvard degrees."