I’m catching up on the evolving myth here and deciding if I want to dive into it further and expand on Andrew and Simon’s chivalry, or own the fact that I essentially abandoned them both and followed strangers to their car and then nonchalantly kept walking in the pitch black until in reached my hotel by some holy miracle. I suppose the truth is mythic enough, so let’s go with that!
Andrew did gift me with a single Kleenex to use in the bogroll-less bathroom, which I tore into sections and dubbed it the Chanukah tissue because it somehow lasted all night.
Yes, the place was weird! It was set far back from the street and next to a field. We met up check out the queue, since Milan started so early. Sure enough, Manual was already there. After a quick stroll far enough inside to get us removed from the venue, we decided to leave Manuel and get a drink before re-joining the queue.
Eventually, Rob, the Canadian arrived. Rob is filming a movie featuring charice Theron and it will be called the old guard part two. When you see it, know that Rob has loved the sisters since 1987 and that he’s part of a growing crowd that probably thinks I’m f**king weird. He’s correct.
Anyhow... when we finally got in, the place was round and the UFO shaped and the locals had no interest in getting near the barrier. Andrew and I simply sat on the floor while the rest of the crowd stared at us. We were hoping to be abducted by whomever owned the UFO, and I “entertained” Andrew with the full ayahuasca story. The important part, btw, is that entering the space outside of time and identity, becoming god and seeing the reality of inescapable existence involuntarily changed the impact of music.
Right! Music. You probably want to hear about the show.
But this was all set up for our resolution to the weirdness of the evening. “Let’s get s**t-faced” became the battle call. And we did.
And it was fantastic.
The crowd eventually approached the stage, body and soul. They were into it and responsive to old and new material alike. Still no shoving and no pit.
From Don’t Drive on Ice (which means, from the beginning), the magic flowed. But Genevieve was a stand out. There is a door! Here is, I think, my favorite, though show me is still a beacon. Lucretia was a bouncing party of joy as was TOL. Caligula was still powerful, but I was in too good a mood to enjoy the venom.

Of course the crowd reveled in corrosion, which just never gets old.
Then I ditched Andrew in the dark and managed to navigate the 40 Keyes to my most fabulous room. I’ll post some pictures of it on Facebook, along with the few I took of the gig after I figured out that my credit card in my phone case was blocking the camera and corrected the issue. Please, feel free to copy those pictures and paste them all over the internet. Let me know if you need feet pics. They’re fabulous.

On to SPAIN. I’m still not sure it will happen. I’ve been trying to get to Spain since 2018, when i was shopping for homes in Santiago de compostella... but that’s another story and way less interesting than the ayahuasca one.