Petseri wrote: ↑11 May 2023, 00:29
Quarry House is full and not letting anyone else in. Hope to see you at the Filmore
I’m sorry I missed you - I got there around 6:30 and ran into some old friends. We went back to QH after the gig, but it was too packed, so I called an Uber home.
For those interested, good crowd for a Wednesday night in a company town. Band was on fire. My friend, who had never seen them before, was ecstatic. They really were great tonight - except for the usual. I did not realize how much Ben carries the vocal! Von was audible in the early parts of the set, and, to my ears, sounded good. But he soon became inaudible. Still, a great show, and it drove home how great the new stuff is. If only a record, yadda yadda yadda. Nothing new in the setlist - but they tore it up.
The opening band, Blacklist, was… forgettable. That’s actually worse than being bad in my book. They were dull. It was like a Bauhaus cover band made up of guys from Kinko’s middle-management. If the opening act is meant to make the headliner look good, these guys did.
As for merch... well... the only new shirt was the old "To The Planet Edge" shirt (I've got a long-sleeve somewhere, purchased in San Francisco), except now at it says"
At the Planet Edge" and has the 2023 dates, and is a short-sleeve.