2023-06-09. Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO

Gig news, reviews, set lists, thoughts, comments and observations on The Sisters 2023 tour.
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Roll Call


Don't Drive on Ice
I Will Call You
But Genevieve
Dominion/Mother Russia
Show Me
Instrumental 86
Doctor Jeep / Detonation Boulevard
Eyes of Caligula
Something Fast
On the Beach
When I'm on Fire


Lucretia My Reflection
Temple of Love
This Corrosion
Just like the old days

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So America, this is the final gig of theUS-leg of the Sisters At The Planet Edge Tour ... :D ... doors should open soon, party hard ... ;D ;D ;D ...
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Don't Drive on Ice
I Will Call You
But Genevieve
Dominion/Mother Russia
Show Me
Instrumental 86
Doctor Jeep / Detonation Boulevard
Eyes of Caligula
Something Fast
On the Beach
When I'm on Fire

Lucretia My Reflection
Temple of Love
This Corrosion

(From fb)
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a porcupine cut!
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Thanks for the setlist, vicus ... :D ... first vid ... :D ... Nice picture, pista ... :lol: :kiss: ...

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I was at the Denver show last night, and it was so good to see the Sisters again after such a long absence. All the local goth/alt celebrities were out in force and the venue was packed, though not sold out the morning of anyway.

First impression was "Wow, I can actually hear Von's voice in the mix!"... and he was fairly well "there" for the first few songs. After that, he did a lot of singing that could more be described as Laibachian growling and it was obvious the tour had worn on him, as could be expected. His voice would come and go. But he was game and roamed the foggy stage like Gollum stalking a hobbit. The female parts were sung by - wait, someone's singing female parts? Is that a backing track? No? Well, they did a good job of it as needed.

It was a fun medium long show with lots of "new" material sprinkled into the fan favorites,. We also appreciated that although it was at the tail end of the US tour, he didn't just cancel and fly off home (like Bauhaus has several times in a row - yes, still a bit bitter about that).

All in all a grand time was had and I loved seeing them again.
Last edited by Holofernes on 11 Jun 2023, 02:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Spotted on the twitters & sharing here just in case any Heartlanders know this fan:

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hellboy69 wrote: 10 Jun 2023, 19:16 Spotted on the twitters & sharing here just in case any Heartlanders know this fan:

That's been shared from the HL twitters & TheCureCommunity too.
Just like the old days

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The support band was ok - kind of reminded me of mid-career Life of Agony. Ben came out and sang lead vocals for a single song towards the beginning of the set - I'm curious if he did this for any of the other dates. Anyway, he brought more energy than the rest of the band combined, and afterwards my friend was like "wait, why is that guy not singing all of the songs?"

The Sister's set was good as you'd expect, although Von's voice was more growl than usual. I haven't seen the band since 2006 in Phoenix, and so the differences that jumped out were that there was a lot less fog, the light show was perfection, backing vocals on This Corrosion made it a more complete song, and I finally get the full guitar part of Temple of Love played. The whole performance was excellent and there was all sorts of excellent mime-posing by Von and rock n roll posing by the two guitar players.

A day later and it's Eyes of Caligula that's stuck in my head. Crazy to hear a set that is at least 50% new songs, and the crowd was into it all. The Fillmore is a deep venue, and while I'm not sure it was filled to capacity, it was pretty well full.
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Fortunately, the missed person was found ... :) ...

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Now that you mention it, the fog was a lot less thick than in previous shows, so that was good (Since it gives my wife a nasty cough). The other times I've seen the Sisters the fog was thick enough to eat.

We were also unimpressed by the opening band - my wife compared them to a "medium level college bar band". Not bad, but not... memorable.

The Eyes of Caligula was well played (perhaps the first time I've actually liked it) but "Here" really grabbed hold of us that night. We played it on repeat on the drive home in the car.
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Glad the missing person was found! And great to hear Here (hear hear!) hit the spot…
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Holofernes wrote: 11 Jun 2023, 13:53
We were also unimpressed by the opening band - my wife compared them to a "medium level college bar band". Not bad, but not... memorable.
I've kind of thought that about most (not all) of the bands that have opened for them, actually.
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I was soo geeked to just be there - a lot of it was a blur. My very technically uninformed opinion made between many "OMG I'm here" moments follows:

Andrew was having a great time of it. What ever he was drinking was keeping him extremely happy. Though as stated above in other comments I was like "Uh...what are you saying?"
Ben looked extremely tired and didn't do his usual girl squealing antics. Kinda looked like he didn't want to be there. Last US tour date and he has a gig this week with his band in London, don't blame him.
I didn't know they were playing Alice until I heard the last word of a song and it was - "Alice". I was like what?? I felt as if I was a victim of a Hit and Run. (great Girls School song)
Andrew repeated the previous verse on a song (sorry I don't remember which one cause I was doing a "OMG I'm here" moment.) Ben turned around and stared at him.
I discovered how to get so many songs into 1 hour and 15 minutes. Up the tempo and cut out a verse. At least they left the German verse in for Marian.

:cry: And if I'm right. :cry: The biggest heresy for me occurred. During Ribbons I did not hear any screaming of "Incoming!" :cry:

Now I could very well have been having a "OMG!" moment. Please somebody tell me that I just missed hearing it. Standing next to all those Marshall Stacks in the 80s with British Metal screaming out of them could have made me deaf.

Please somebody tell me I'm wrong.

Otherwise I really enjoyed myself. :von:
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Incoming! wrote: 13 Jun 2023, 16:54

:cry: And if I'm right. :cry: The biggest heresy for me occurred. During Ribbons I did not hear any screaming of "Incoming!" :cry:

Now I could very well have been having a "OMG!" moment. Please somebody tell me that I just missed hearing it. Standing next to all those Marshall Stacks in the 80s with British Metal screaming out of them could have made me deaf.

Please somebody tell me I'm wrong.

Otherwise I really enjoyed myself. :von:
Glad you had a great time, and many OMG moments
Andrew doesn't usually scream "incoming" these days. Although he definitley did in LA on 23rd May!
I have seen The Sisters at The Paradiso. I will die happy
With massive thanks to Ruffers for his company and help.
A girl is never too old to wear a Sisters tshirt!
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Gothicbiff wrote: 13 Jun 2023, 20:28
Incoming! wrote: 13 Jun 2023, 16:54

:cry: And if I'm right. :cry: The biggest heresy for me occurred. During Ribbons I did not hear any screaming of "Incoming!" :cry:

Now I could very well have been having a "OMG!" moment. Please somebody tell me that I just missed hearing it. Standing next to all those Marshall Stacks in the 80s with British Metal screaming out of them could have made me deaf.

Please somebody tell me I'm wrong.

Otherwise I really enjoyed myself. :von:
Glad you had a great time, and many OMG moments
Andrew doesn't usually scream "incoming" these days. Although he definitley did in LA on 23rd May!
:cry: Incoming! defines the song.(IMHO) Puts the and I quote one of the "oblique" story lines back into the front. I had a ticket to the 23rd date. bought it before I realized there were going to be other dates. Ah well.

Thanks for letting me know. :) No regrets. Met up with a dear old friend, and visited family as well. I may have to travel to Europe to see them at some point. If I wait 15 more years for another US tour, I'd have to pay a niece or nephew to help me climb the stairs. :lol:
"I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I am rooting for the machines".
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