I was soo geeked to just be there - a lot of it was a blur. My very technically uninformed opinion made between many "OMG I'm here" moments follows:
Andrew was having a great time of it. What ever he was drinking was keeping him extremely happy. Though as stated above in other comments I was like "Uh...what are you saying?"
Ben looked extremely tired and didn't do his usual girl squealing antics. Kinda looked like he didn't want to be there. Last US tour date and he has a gig this week with his band in London, don't blame him.
I didn't know they were playing Alice until I heard the last word of a song and it was - "Alice". I was like what?? I felt as if I was a victim of a Hit and Run. (great Girls School song)
Andrew repeated the previous verse on a song (sorry I don't remember which one cause I was doing a "OMG I'm here" moment.) Ben turned around and stared at him.
I discovered how to get so many songs into 1 hour and 15 minutes. Up the tempo and cut out a verse. At least they left the German verse in for Marian.

And if I'm right.

The biggest heresy for me occurred. During Ribbons I did not hear any screaming of "Incoming!"
Now I could very well have been having a "OMG!" moment. Please somebody tell me that I just missed hearing it. Standing next to all those Marshall Stacks in the 80s with British Metal screaming out of them could have made me deaf.
Please somebody tell me I'm wrong.
Otherwise I really enjoyed myself.

"I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I am rooting for the machines".
- John McCarthy