2023-06-05. The Fillmore, Detroit, MI

Gig news, reviews, set lists, thoughts, comments and observations on The Sisters 2023 tour.
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Tickets on sale Feb 8th

Roll Call

Setlist: according to setlist fm

Don't Drive on Ice
I Will Call You
But Genevieve
Dominion/ Mother Russia
Show Me
Instrumental 86
Doctor Jeep / Detonation Boulevard
Eyes of Caligula
Something Fast
On The Beach
When I'm on Fire


Lucretia My Reflection
Temple of Love
This Corrosion
Just like the old days

Road Kill
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I'll be there. Haven't seen the Sisters since Electric Factory in Philly in 1997. Even my 16-year old is coming. He's not sure who TSOM are, really, but he knows that I love them.
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eigenstr wrote: 20 Feb 2023, 19:12 I'll be there. Haven't seen the Sisters since Electric Factory in Philly in 1997. Even my 16-year old is coming. He's not sure who TSOM are, really, but he knows that I love them.
That was the first time I saw them - they took my head clear off. I think I was the only person wearing a white shirt.
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eigenstr wrote: 20 Feb 2023, 19:12 I'll be there. Haven't seen the Sisters since Electric Factory in Philly in 1997. Even my 16-year old is coming. He's not sure who TSOM are, really, but he knows that I love them.
Hello & welcome to :hl: :wake:
Just like the old days

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Enjoy the show everybody going ... :D :D :D ... wishing you loads of fun, and pleasure and utmost joy ... :D :D :D ...
Road Kill
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Just a quick update on the show. I would say it was pretty typical for recent shows on the tour from what I've read. Not sure why they went to the shorter setlist after the first few shows of the tour but I was really hoping to hear giving ground. Glad we at least got Dominion though. Eldritch's vocals actually weren't as bad as I expected but were still incredibly inconsistent veering from near perfect at some points to I literally don't think his mic was turned on during temple of love. Other than ToL though they were decent and his voice still sounds great. Other than that it was a typical sisters show. This was I believe my 4th time seeing them and I wouldn't really consider them a great live band but still always good to see them in person. I liked nearly all the new songs but I haven't listened to many of the more recent recordings so I wasn't as familiar with them and the lyrics were far too muffled to make out for the most part so I might have enjoyed it a bit more if I was more familiar with them. This probably comes across a bit negative but I don't mean it that way as I knew what to expect and I'm still glad I made the 6 hour drive to see them.
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Cheers, I didn't pick up on a single beat of negativity from your review, most people here have likely seen a typical Sisters show or two. Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed 8)
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I think it's the roaming mic problem again. To avoid feeding back they keep him low in the mix and his insistence on wandering around the stage means that is even lower in the mix than if he stayed nearer to base camp. TOL was different that was clearly a mic problem hence it sounds like an instrumental. You can clearly see von articulating that there was a problem.
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oh yes, just like in Philadelphia ... :innocent: ... all in all, though both shows were very much appreciated by the audience ... :D ...
Here's a compilation from Detroit ... definitely some effort behind this video ... :D ... so many thanks to the producers ... :D ...
