setlist: with thanks to @ruffers
Doctor Jeep/Detonation Boulevard
Don't Drive on Ice
I Will Call You
Giving Ground
Eyes of Caligula
But Genevieve
I Was Wrong
On The Beach
When I'm on Fire
Temple Of Love
Dominion / Mother Russia*
Lucretia, My Reflection*
This Corrosion
I have seen The Sisters at The Paradiso. I will die happy
With massive thanks to Ruffers for his company and help.
A girl is never too old to wear a Sisters tshirt!
Looks like it’s sold out….anyone got any suggestions of a pre gig pub? I’ve only lived in Newcastle for a couple of years and I’ve only got a few fave pubs which are nowhere near the venue so any suggestions would be welcome so I can put names to faces….
I’ve also managed to persuade the missus to come along to see what all the fuss is about the band…
NightbreedNCL @ The Globe
11pm-3am | Entry: £5 On The Door
The Sister of Mercy Afterparty.
So, you went to see Mr. Eldritch.
I think that's enough reason to come to this after-party.
It's only 10 minute walk from NX.
Nonesuch wrote: ↑18 Nov 2023, 17:18
Getting ready now, should a good night hopefully!
This must be the first time The Sisters have played in Newcastle since the 1985 tour. (Not that I was there, but I know a couple of people who were)
I'm guessing they'll be on about 8pm? Don't know if anyone's heard the stage times?
If curfew is ten I'm guessing quarter past to half past eight ish.
Actually quite looking forward to seeing the Virgin Mary's again, slightly to my surprise.
ruffers wrote: ↑18 Nov 2023, 18:23
Thanks for that! I nearly panicked then when I saw the time on your post! And mine for that matter
Mate, half past five is too late to be travelling up to Newcastle to a gig I mean, I guess technically it's not, but blimey talk about living by the seat of your pants