Wanted to write a review, but it's getting long. So let's start with the first parts ... the location and the Virginmarys ... and ...
The location, the Carlswerk Victoria Halle, is the larger piece of a relatively new double hall in the Carlswerk Quarter located on the former work grounds of cable manufacturers Felten & Guilleaume Carlswerk AG, who had produced in 1904 the first transatlantic telephone cable connecting Europe with North America. The E-Werk and the Palladium a few hundred metres round the corner, where The Sisters played several times before are, btw, also located on this old former industrial compound.
So first time to this new hall and I liked it. It has a capacity of around 1,800 and a good basic atmosphere. The staff were all very kind and friendly - my greetings to them - and in summer, there's a chance to sit and eat and drink outside between the two halls. The entire area was developed over the past decade into a very modern and exciting quarter with lots of different business, education, sports and cultural facilities including cafés, restaurants, hotels and car parks, really a gain for that part of the city on the otherwise often disparaged right bank of the river Rhine (historically well due to the fact that the realms of the Romans and later on of the Catholic archbishops as well as of the French invading Cologne always ended on the other riverbank...

... But on to more important things...
Like in October, The Virginmarys went full power. Only this time I was well enough to enjoy all their set...

... It's so astonishing how they manage to unload such energy and what they make from the various inspirations they obviously gpt, melting sounds and rhythms and lyrics into such a rocking and danceable and exciting mixture. And that as a two-piece ...

... my full kudos to them...

... And surely not only mine. All the people around looked happy and pleased and applauded when they said Good Bye and left the stage. Unfortunate for me, they didn't bring some more CDs with them which had sold out in October already shortly before I could grab one. But hell, I'll check on the webs.
The sound between the shows was not so varied as in October, rather like the mainly instrumental background track to some computer game, dark sounds indicating mysteries, sick and strange worlds and dangers. That's why I don't like computer games. Their sound is often either terribly plastic or designed to create some sort of dark excitement, impressions of walls and rooms and spaces without enough air to breathe ... not really my cuppa ... Fortunately, the lights would soon go down and The Sisters intro started ...

More later ... I first need a meal now ...
