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Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 00:04
by ormfdmrush
already started 8)

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 17:51
by robertzombie
ormfdmrush you can find a collection of the new songs in the Sharing section (Some Songs Wander By Mistake) and in the weeding section (New Songs)

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 18:08
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:CMYK is the altar I have to worship at, daywise

RGB is the altar of the evening ;D
I never trusted an environment where they think 'black' is written with a 'K' as first letter...

I'll stick with audio thank you verra much! ;D


Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 18:21
by James Blast
the 'K' stands for Key as any fule no ;D

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 18:25
by Izzy HaveMercy
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:I'll stick with audio thank you verra much! ;D


Point made... :von:


Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 18:40
by mh
Been away for a while cos my band was being made broader ( :D ) - quite a bit happened, I see. I'll sort through the updates and edit the list later on this eve.

There are many good mp3s of War On Drugs in the sharing section - may I recommend London 9th June 1997? It has the "laser-ey" sound that I personally prefer to the more crunchy/rocky recent-er takes.

24 bit should also be fine - it does have 256 times the resolution of 16 bit, so will be able to handle edits well enough.

I have a home-made C program for mixing WAVs down from 32 bit to 16 bit, and from 88200 Hz to 44100 Hz. It also does compression without clipping, as mild or as heavy as you want. If our Mastering Dudes are interested, I'll gladly share it. It's a bit fussy about file formats being absolutely correct, though, as the whole WAV format is horrible and I couldn't have been bothered coding it to cater for all possibilities.

Been thinking about the legalities of covering unreleased songs. The main thing that springs to mind is precedent. The Byrds did it, the Rolling Stones did it, the JAMC did it. Maybe canon docre would be able to provide advice (she sure seems to know more about this stuff than the average person)???

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 21:17
by mh

Status updated in the first post again ( Also added in TBND for Summer (which I missed at the last update :oops: ). We still have 3 songs just waiting for someone to love them: Top Nite Out, Romeo Down and Slept. I seem to remember Quiffy (I think) doing fantastic instrumentals of the last 2 a coupla years back. Anyone wanna biiiite? (whooorgh!)

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 21:45
by Izzy HaveMercy
mh wrote:Been thinking about the legalities of covering unreleased songs. The main thing that springs to mind is precedent. The Byrds did it, the Rolling Stones did it, the JAMC did it. Maybe canon docre would be able to provide advice (she sure seems to know more about this stuff than the average person)???
Normally speaking, a new song that has been 'published or broaddcasted' has copyright. It is so in Belgium.


Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 21:54
by aims
I have an instrumental of Slept which I can polish and add vocals to if no-one else comes forward in the near future.

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 13:46
by Mish
mh wrote:UPDATE

Status updated in the first post again ( Also added in TBND for Summer (which I missed at the last update :oops: ). We still have 3 songs just waiting for someone to love them: Top Nite Out, Romeo Down and Slept. I seem to remember Quiffy (I think) doing fantastic instrumentals of the last 2 a coupla years back. Anyone wanna biiiite? (whooorgh!)
Hi all, am I too late to join in? I'll have a go at Top Nite Out (bearing in mind I haven't done anything musical for a very long time, so it could all turn out rather poorly. But still).


Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 18:22
by Izzy HaveMercy
I have a home-made C program for mixing WAVs down from 32 bit to 16 bit, and from 88200 Hz to 44100 Hz. It also does compression without clipping, as mild or as heavy as you want. If our Mastering Dudes are interested, I'll gladly share it. It's a bit fussy about file formats being absolutely correct, though, as the whole WAV format is horrible and I couldn't have been bothered coding it to cater for all possibilities.
Thanks for the offer, but I am not a mastering wizard. Therefore, I'll stick to the soft I use a lot and know best ;)


Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 20:00
by mh
Mish wrote:
mh wrote:UPDATE

Status updated in the first post again ( Also added in TBND for Summer (which I missed at the last update :oops: ). We still have 3 songs just waiting for someone to love them: Top Nite Out, Romeo Down and Slept. I seem to remember Quiffy (I think) doing fantastic instrumentals of the last 2 a coupla years back. Anyone wanna biiiite? (whooorgh!)
Hi all, am I too late to join in? I'll have a go at Top Nite Out (bearing in mind I haven't done anything musical for a very long time, so it could all turn out rather poorly. But still).

You're in, will be noted in the list shortly. Kudos for having a go!

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 21:16
by James Blast
I won't do the backside of the sleeve till things are confirmed... :innocent:

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 21:35
by Arrrgh!
Right, well stick with me on this one.

Myself and a trusty sidekick have started work on Still, but there's a glaring problem - there appears to be no consensus as to what the lyrics are. So we can either put a mumbling vocal track down with only slightly more audible chorus bits, or do something neat and . . . interpretive with the song.

I hope we are looking for genuine covers here, as opposed to note for note facsimiles?

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 22:13
by mh
Arrrgh! wrote:Right, well stick with me on this one.

Myself and a trusty sidekick have started work on Still, but there's a glaring problem - there appears to be no consensus as to what the lyrics are. So we can either put a mumbling vocal track down with only slightly more audible chorus bits, or do something neat and . . . interpretive with the song.

I hope we are looking for genuine covers here, as opposed to note for note facsimiles?

"interpretive" sounds perfect to me, given the circumstances.

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 22:32
by James Blast
I'd go for 'mumbling incoherence' everytime Image
but then I like Hawkwind and I am old and in the way... :oops:

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 22:52
by Arrrgh!
Glad to hear there is some sympathy for the problem - I can't say I'm surprised to meet these problems - Eldritch does have a reputation for being difficult to deal with in the studio, in this case even when he's not there.

Anyway, this is certainly fun and hopefully something good will come of it. I can say that the cover of still will have some electronic influences but will remain true to the original in that it will come with stomach churning quantities of bombast.


Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 23:12
by Syberberg
Arrrgh! wrote:I hope we are looking for genuine covers here, as opposed to note for note facsimiles?
To paraphrase Von: "We're bastardisers. You give us your songs and we bastardise them. With extreme predudice."

Welcome to the club.

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 23:26
by James Blast
just no 'Techno, Techno, Techno!'

Puh-leez! :evil:

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 13:32
by canon docre
Sorry for being late on this.... As for unreleased songs you have to ask the copyright owner for permission. That means you have to check which publisher represents the copyright owners and write them a friendly letter, saying why, for what purpose etc etc.
For Crash and Burn f.ex Wolffsongs (Adam) and Arabella Musikverlag (Andrew) are mentioned as Original Publishers. They may have sub-publisher in different countries.... Just call the UK publisher/songwriter association (I don't know the name, but it is the equivalent to the German GEMA) and get the information about the subpublisher in the UK.

They should sort you out. :D

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 14:12
by mh
canon docre wrote:Sorry for being late on this.... As for unreleased songs you have to ask the copyright owner for permission. That means you have to check which publisher represents the copyright owners and write them a friendly letter, saying why, for what purpose etc etc.
For Crash and Burn f.ex Wolffsongs (Adam) and Arabella Musikverlag (Andrew) are mentioned as Original Publishers. They may have sub-publisher in different countries.... Just call the UK publisher/songwriter association (I don't know the name, but it is the equivalent to the German GEMA) and get the information about the subpublisher in the UK.

They should sort you out. :D
One way or another, eh? :lol:

Ta v much, I'll drop 'em a line shortly and see what the story is.

Hope ya had a fabbo birthday!

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 15:55
by robertzombie
Surely we can cover them without any worries as long as we don't make any money out of the cd.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 16:19
by aims
Bzzzt. Wrong.

That's a waiver which, while sometimes made by more generous artists, by no means has to be granted under law.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 16:21
by Arrrgh!
Hmm, is this the sight of a hurtling spanner I see before me?

Oh look, some works!

I'll probably keep working on my cover, as it's fun to do, but it would be a shame if the project was derailed.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 16:23
by robertzombie
this project WILL go ahead as planned 8)