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Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 17:52
by stufarq
Petseri wrote:
Motz wrote:Hence "similar" ;)

However, it seems about as legal as "The Singer's Turn" (which Quiffy was fine with) so I don't envisage it bringing more legal bugbears with it than that, provided that it's not distributed on hard media / for profit.
In case anyone needs a link to this reference, just go to this thread. Too bad it never got completed. :(

As for legality, recording should not be a problem. You do not need permission to record a cover, although asking does not hurt. Selling it could be touchy because of the matter of royalties.
Just had a proper look at this thread for the first time as it seems to have been resurrected and didn't wade through it all, so apologies if someone has already covered this.

Not trying to dissuade anyone, as I've done covers myself and as long as no money's being made I think it's a nice idea. Might even have a bash at one myself if it gathers momentum again and I ever get organised. BUT, purely as a point of information, it's worth pointing out that actually you do need permission to record a cover - or any version - of a song, as the writer owns all rights to it. There are specific copyright clauses dealing with recording rights and if anyone did decide to get legal (which doesn't seem to have happened so far), you'd be in breach of them. I suppose it's roughly on a par with bootlegging, so if everyone's fine with it and no money's changing hands then things should be okay, but everyone should know where they stand.

Hope that clarifies things a little.

Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 18:43
by Prescott
That's why this should be done to promote The Sisters and we should distribute these songs for FREE. Hopefully my recordings I uploaded will not be sold, unless it's Adam Pearson or Andrew Eldritch themselves who want to sell them. Which is very unlikely. Has anyone listened to them? I'd like some feedback.

Posted: 23 Mar 2008, 14:44
by mh
Just listening now. I like the funky bassline through Crash & Burn - that was unexpected, and it works quite well with it.

I don't like the song Will I Dream, so I'm better off keeping stumm on that one.


Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 00:18
which songs are left to be recorded right now?

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 14:06
by eotunun
@ Prescott: Wow! Sir, that's good work!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 17:23
by Brad
Glad everyone has generally enjoyed my labour on Crash & Burn and Will I Dream (Yes, those are my instrumentals that seem to be making the rounds on the karoake scene:)

Certainly appreciate anyone adding vocals to them since that is certainly not my forte.

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 22:30
by Prescott
@Methedrome:Thank you for the files of the instrumentals, I did mention if you read that I used someone else's music and merely added vocals, but the only name I saw attached to the files was that of jcrapture. Hopefully no offense taken.

@eotunun: if you mean the vocals I added thank you!

Still waiting for the War On Drugs music to come my way.

Posted: 27 Mar 2008, 11:49
by Brad
No offense taken.

Glad people are still working on this project.

And I know the irony is not lost on everyone that we have all become "Eldritch" in our work ethic on getting this thing done!

Posted: 27 Mar 2008, 21:32
by James Blast
or just lazy bastards

Posted: 27 Mar 2008, 23:38
by Prescott
speaking of, how about war on drugs?

Posted: 28 Mar 2008, 19:52
by Brad
On behalf of myself, I would vote lazy bastard :)

Posted: 29 Apr 2008, 06:54
by Hapcibeno
Can anybody reshare Suzanne and Come Together please?
I had a hard drive crash and lost them... :evil:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 17:25
by million voices
Has this curled up and died?

Let's Get This Done, at Least a "Version 1"

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 20:54
by mcalldp
I hope this hasn't died. It seems we have enough done to at least make a "Version I" of this if someone can just get the artwork done and let's host it somewhere that we can order the CD from. I'm a little worried that my version of Summer has been well outdone by others and would like to have my voice on lend to anyone that's making a strong musical section and needs a bit of singing, just message me.

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 00:20
by Prescott
Well it seems that it has, once again thanks to Methedrome for recording the music I used to sing the vocals over for Crash and Burn and Will I Dream? Go ahead and use that too if you are going to compile it into something.

Obviously it's the only copy of studio produced 'new' Sisters material that will ever see the light of day. Coz he just don't give a s**t, does he?

Posted: 07 Jun 2008, 00:25
by robertzombie
If anyone needs a Von impersonator I'm happy to mumble over any instrumentals :lol:

Wrap it Up!

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 19:13
by mcalldp
Same, happy to help on vocals. Can't we take what we've got, call it volume one- get the artwork done and throw this first version up for download?? I'm worried that Von may get one out before us at this rate!

Then we can start workin on volume 2 with additional and improved recordings etc...

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 09:50
by Quiff Boy
hmmm, where are we up to with all this?

is there a decent collection of stuff compiled yet?

i've stumbled across a piece of kit called opentape, not unlike the rather groovy (rip!) that allows you to put all your mp3s in one place and then listen to them streamed over the web dead easily :)

if we've got something approaching a decent set of songs i would be happy to collate them and make them available via a heartland url in combination with the opentape software.

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 16:07
by James Blast
I'll check the Blast Archiveâ„¢, I know I had them all stashed in one place at one time but, I had a bit of a 'binge and purge' of recent so it may take some time to round them all up.

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 16:14
by Ahráyeph
IIRC, Sir IZbert of FGGonia mastered the available songs, just don't remember if he did all of them. In order to keep myself occupied, I could supply a newly mixed and mastered version of my cover choon, either with or without the 'Neverland' prelude...

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 16:22
by James Blast
with Never Land (ARF!ragment) enhancement, pls :D

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 16:35
by robertzombie

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 17:57
by Izzy HaveMercy
Thes still reside in the IZ archive:

Heartland By TheGoodSon.mp3
Slept - Lefty Drake and The Mellow Side Winos.wav
Slept - NoneSuch.mp3
Still_rough_demo.mp3 (by??)
Still_rough_demo.wma (by??)
The Mumbles - Come Together (mp3).mp3
The Mumbles - Come Together (wav).wav
Crash And Burn (Mumbles do).mp3
Crash And Burn (Syberberg do).wav
Snubnose (Mish do).wav
Summer (Ahrayeph do).wav

Similarly named files with different extension (MP3 and WAV) are just files I used for mastering versus web outing ;)


Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 18:00
by robertzombie
I didn't realise you'd mastered our Come Together! Can I hear it? :lol:

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 18:43
by James Blast
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:These still reside in the IZ archive...
I shall leave it in the capable hands of our man 'Marooned with Sam Devos'

see what I did there? :lol: