For Fox Sake...

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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RicheyJames wrote: on the other hand, believing that there are far more important issues affecting the lives of actual people (rather than cute fluffy animals) that governments should be dealing with seems a perfectly valid and rational response to the whole brouhaha.

.......And I agree with that. But surely we have a moral duty to defend those who cannot defend themselves. We seem to do that (sometimes) quite adequately with children. Some cute fluffy and indeed great big horrible animals have been around a helluva lot longer than us and I for one would like to see ALL animals (apart from wasps, you are correct there) protected.
The only reason this 'sport' hasn't been banned sooner, is because it's an upper class thing and we wouldn't want to upset them now would we?? :roll:
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lazarus corporation wrote:If you can't be bothered to do anything, then don't criticise those who can be bothered and their choice of priorities.
i wondered how long it would be before somebody played the holier-than-thou card. well it just doesn't wash. whether or not i personally pursue any causes or causes is utterly irrelevant. it's called freedom of speech - just another facet of that irritating liberalism i'm afraid - i can (and will) comment on, praise or criticise the actions and beliefs of anyone i damn well like. you want to protest, demonstrate, badger saturday shoppers to sign your tedious petitions? fine but don't think it grants you some god-given right to tell me to shut-up just because i'd rather sit at home with a nice cup of tea and a chocolate hobnob.
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Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:only reason this 'sport' hasn't been banned sooner, is because it's an upper class thing and we wouldn't want to upset them now would we?? :roll:
cobblers! this whole "class war" argument is just a total red herring. i think it's already been mentioned that the bill also proposes a ban on hare-coursing which (as i understand) is about as working class as it gets. and why is nobody campaigning on behalf of the poor fish? it's not like angling is a preserve of the landed gentry is it? or is it because colin the cod's just not as photogenic as freddie the fox?
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Ah but I DO hate fishing!!
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And why are you naming the animals? :lol: :lol:
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RicheyJames wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:If you can't be bothered to do anything, then don't criticise those who can be bothered and their choice of priorities.
i wondered how long it would be before somebody played the holier-than-thou card. well it just doesn't wash. whether or not i personally pursue any causes or causes is utterly irrelevant. it's called freedom of speech - just another facet of that irritating liberalism i'm afraid - i can (and will) comment on, praise or criticise the actions and beliefs of anyone i damn well like. you want to protest, demonstrate, badger saturday shoppers to sign your tedious petitions? fine but don't think it grants you some god-given right to tell me to shut-up just because i'd rather sit at home with a nice cup of tea and a chocolate hobnob.
It's not a holier-than-thou attitude - that's a curiously defensive reaction.

Of course you can say what you like (and indeed badger people on online forums 7 days a week with "tedious" beliefs). And equally I can say what I like, and if that's "well, if you care so much about it then do something or stop whining" then irritating liberalism allows me to do that too.

You call yours "freedom of speech" yet denigrate mine as some arrogant "god-given right". They're both the same thing.

Now have a nice calming cup of tea and a chocy biscuit. ;)
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Did those biscuits choose to be eaten?
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Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:Did those biscuits choose to be eaten?
If they're free-range biscuits, I think you'll be on ethically safe ground. :lol:
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lazarus corporation wrote:You call yours "freedom of speech" yet denigrate mine as some arrogant "god-given right". They're both the same thing.
nope. i defend your right to free speech but your claim was that, essentially, i have no right to put forward my opinion unless my words are backed in some way by action. even if you accpet that everybody has a right to put forward their own opinion there is implicit in your earlier statement a belief that your opinions are somehow more valid because you have "campaigned".
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I would be very keen to start a toff hunt so they have something to do with their time...

We will give them a 10 second start on a concrete estate of their choice and then release the bull terriers...

Very picturesque & sporting.
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Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:Did those biscuits choose to be eaten?
nope. they screamed as i drowned them in my tea. and they tasted all the better for it!
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straylight wrote:I would be very keen to start a toff hunt so they have something to do with their time...

We will give them a 10 second start on a concrete estate of their choice and then release the bull terriers...

Very picturesque & sporting.
Just take away their 4x4 that they obtained by putting bleach in their cattles mouths then claimed sh*t loads of money as it was foot and mouth* and their wine. They'll soon cry like little bitches. Then we can all laugh and point.

* Obviously just the toff farmers. Not all toffs. Some of them don't live on a farm.
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RicheyJames wrote:some of them are cute, some of them taste good and some of just seem to be utterly pointless (wasps? what are they for?) but they just don't count.
They don't seem pointless at all when you swallow one with your beer. :twisted: Or, even better, when one gets under your pants on a sunny beach. :twisted: Especially if you're allergic to them. :D
Bloody hell. I never kill insects who get into my house, and just to think there's some people in this world who don't shed a tear upon a killed fox! :eek: Must be the question of sensitivity methinks.
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i see it as a matter of respect for other forms of life. i have some, pro-hunting people (for example) don't.

and just because its a tradition doesn't make it right.

it used to be a tradition to keep slaves FFS. some traditions and ways of life deserve to be abolished, especially if they involve ritualised cruelty, torture and killing of other living (& sentient) creatures, whatever the species.

and as for the aguement about it detrying a way of life, or jobs or whatever, sorry but i say tough shit. get a job that isnt based on the above mentioned ritualised cruelty, torture and killing of other living (& sentient) creatures.
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_emma_ wrote: Bloody hell. I never kill insects who get into my house, and just to think there's some people in this world who don't shed a tear upon a killed fox! :eek: Must be the question of sensitivity methinks.
Not really. I don't go out of my way to kill things, but I accept that they will die. Often in ways that they (and probably I) would prefer they didn't.

But I'll save my tears for something I actually care about.

In respect of RJ's callously slaughtered biscuit, when the wheat was being harvested to produce the flour to produce the biccie, are we sure that the field had been cleared of all animal life first? Or must we now add fieldmouse armageddon to the list of crimes? Maybe crop-rearing is responsible for more animal deaths per meal than livestock farming?
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RicheyJames wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:You call yours "freedom of speech" yet denigrate mine as some arrogant "god-given right". They're both the same thing.
nope. i defend your right to free speech but your claim was that, essentially, i have no right to put forward my opinion unless my words are backed in some way by action. even if you accpet that everybody has a right to put forward their own opinion there is implicit in your earlier statement a belief that your opinions are somehow more valid because you have "campaigned".
yes, my opinions are far more valid than yours :lol: - and my right to free speech allows me to claim that.

I never claimed you had no right to state your opinions, but I did imply that your opinions had less validity (a completely different thing), because I could never be accused of being "all words and no action" (or "all mouth and no trousers" if you prefer the colloquialism). Nothing there undermines freedom of speech, yours or mine.
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andymackem wrote:I don't go out of my way to kill things, but I accept that they will die. Often in ways that they (and probably I) would prefer they didn't.
I think about it a lot, but still find it difficult to accept. Die, well okay, we're all bound to die, but being killed just for fun will never seem acceptable to me.
There's another difficult issue: I love all animals, but I love cats above all. And cats do tend to kill for fun, and pretty cruel they can be too. That is the only thing I cannot accept about cats. However, I try to justify it by the fact that they are not equipped with certain things that we, humans, are. Actually, we're the only species on Earth that's supposed to be able to make use of these things. I'm talking about conscience, compassion, and mercy.
andymackem wrote:In respect of RJ's callously slaughtered biscuit, when the wheat was being harvested to produce the flour to produce the biccie, are we sure that the field had been cleared of all animal life first? Or must we now add fieldmouse armageddon to the list of crimes? Maybe crop-rearing is responsible for more animal deaths per meal than livestock farming?
That's a good point. And let us not forget that plants have a kind of "nervous system" too. Believe it or not, I often hesitate before picking carrots from my garden, as if I were some kind of executioner. Hate receiving cut flowers too.
When we look close enough, we'll see that death is ubiquitous, it's all around us, all the time. Some of us tend to think about it often, and feel sorry about it. Some don't give a f**k.
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Can we kill f*cking hippies??

(No I don't mean me. I am NOT one)
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Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:Can we kill f*cking hippies??
Of course. I'm only concerned about sentient life.
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Goodo. That'll do me.
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Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:Can we kill f*cking hippies??

(No I don't mean me. I am NOT one)
Do we have to wait until they're copulating? It's a sight I'd rather not see, even if it may mean saving a bullet.

You are one too!!
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lazarus corporation wrote: I never claimed you had no right to state your opinions, but I did imply that your opinions had less validity
thing is, comments like
If you can't be bothered to do anything, then don't criticise those who can
if you care so much about it then do something or stop whining
do give the impression that you believe that nobody has a right to criticise your opinions unless they too have "walked the walk". and it's that sort of sanctimonious bulls**t that really disengages people from debate.
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_emma_ wrote:
andymackem wrote:I don't go out of my way to kill things, but I accept that they will die. Often in ways that they (and probably I) would prefer they didn't.
I think about it a lot, but still find it difficult to accept. Die, well okay, we're all bound to die, but being killed just for fun will never seem acceptable to me.
There's another difficult issue: I love all animals, but I love cats above all. And cats do tend to kill for fun, and pretty cruel they can be too. That is the only thing I cannot accept about cats. However, I try to justify it by the fact that they are not equipped with certain things that we, humans, are. Actually, we're the only species on Earth that's supposed to be able to make use of these things. I'm talking about conscience, compassion, and mercy.
andymackem wrote:In respect of RJ's callously slaughtered biscuit, when the wheat was being harvested to produce the flour to produce the biccie, are we sure that the field had been cleared of all animal life first? Or must we now add fieldmouse armageddon to the list of crimes? Maybe crop-rearing is responsible for more animal deaths per meal than livestock farming?
That's a good point. And let us not forget that plants have a kind of "nervous system" too. Believe it or not, I often hesitate before picking carrots from my garden, as if I were some kind of executioner. Hate receiving cut flowers too.
When we look close enough, we'll see that death is ubiquitous, it's all around us, all the time. Some of us tend to think about it often, and feel sorry about it. Some don't give a ****.
There is a world of difference between hunting animals for fun and picking carrots from your garden. Please tell me you understand this?

I personally am surrounded by death all of the time and I do think about it often. probably far too often than what is healthy. I have to deal with greiving families day in day out atm. It's not a great place to be mentally. But that doesn't mean i've got to mourn a f*cking flower. Get a grip :roll:
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