Can't think of a clever subject title. So here you are...

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Amphetamine Filth
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Sooo. Kofi Annan just released a statement saying the US led invasion of Iraq was, indeed, illegal. I'm certainly not going to argue with him. But what is the point of releasing that statement? It's not like Bush is going to incur any penalities. He probably won't lose any sleep over it. And it's being said that Mr. Annan is downplaying the accusation.

This makes me very angry. How the hell can someone violate UN charter so blatantly and get away with it? Why is it being downplayed? There's a ton of hoopla surrounding the Milosovic trial, why aren't Bushs crimes getting the same attention?

What really frustrates me is that there's not a thing I can do about it. My hands are tied. I can't even kick Bush in the kneecap** (see below).

And in other related news, it looks like Bush will be cheating the elections again (someone said in another post of mine that they hope the American people will choose not to re-elect him. Well, it seems we have no choice. Again). Most states in the US are keeping Ralph Nader off the ballots. Florida decided to go against an imposed ban and keep Nader on the ballots. Which means fewer votes for Kerry. Which means more votes for Bush. For those who don't know, Jeb Bush is the governor of Florida. Convenient, no?

Um, well, this post really has no point, except to illustrate my anger. In case you were interested.

**In accordance with the new Patriot act, I can be arrested for that comment. So if no one hears from me again, please send beer and tissues to my grieving family. Spaseeba.
I would have done something, but I was overwhelmed by a lack of concern.
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The Pope
Amphetamine Filth
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I'm just as angry about it all as you. I can't even vote, though, but I suppose it wouldn't make the difference. I feel like I'm talking to deaf ears whenever I bring up the topic with people (not online)--no one seems to get just how wrong it all is and how much it matters. No body cares or understands that they're being f**ked over too.
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Road Kill
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The Pope wrote:I'm just as angry about it all as you. I can't even vote, though, but I suppose it wouldn't make the difference. I feel like I'm talking to deaf ears whenever I bring up the topic with people (not online)--no one seems to get just how wrong it all is and how much it matters. No body cares or understands that they're being **** over too.
I have quite the same feeling. I somewhat pride myself on being very open to other people's opinions as well, but its difficult for me to genuinely respect bush supporters or voters who don't go out and do just that: vote. The whole situation is very depressing, and being a resident in the US, i'm planning on getting drunk into a stupor before the results are announced so i can live through it all.

alright, perhaps it isn't the end of the world, but still a damn shame in my mind.
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Road Kill
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CtrlAltDelete wrote: **In accordance with the new Patriot act, I can be arrested for that comment. So if no one hears from me again, please send beer and tissues to my grieving family. Spaseeba.
According to the second patriot act which has yet to pass (Patriot act 2: The patriots Strike Back, because we all know you couldn't get enough of it the first time around) anyone who breaks the law in a way that places lives in danger and is planned to influence the government is considered a terrorist. Basically, this means that the environmentalists who bomb SUVs, or suspects to be said bombers, can be held for an indefinite amount of time without due process, their miranda rights, etc. It's a *bit* eery.
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Amphetamine Filth
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The Pope wrote:no one seems to get just how wrong it all is and how much it matters. No body cares or understands that they're being **** over too.
Yeah, it's a prime example of ignorance being bliss.

What's strange to me is that some of the people I know, who used to be vehemently anti-Bush, are now burying their head in the sand or shrugging their shoulders at the whole mess. I guess I can understand the inclination to do that. When there's absolutely nothing you can do about the situation, what else can you do? I know that my only option is to sit here and rant to no one in particular about the stupidity of it all. And I really hate being backed into a corner like that. Voting would be completely futile as Bush is rigging yet another election as we speak.

I can't believe how blind or stupid people here are that they can't (or won't) see that their rights and freedom are being stripped from them. And these same people refuse to acknowledge how many innocent people are being killed because of Bushs hunger for power and money. It's horrible and reprehensible, but no one will see it. If the leader of any other country did these things, they would stand trial for war crimes. But let's not forget that America can do no wrong. America is better than everyone else, and above trivial things like accountability (yes, that's sarcasm).

What I understand even less is the people who support Bush. I literally do not understand why anyone would like him. I can't think of one he's done to benefit anyone but himself.

I'm afraid to live here now. Not just because of things like the Patriot act, but because of the mess Bush has made of foreign relations. Every week he pi**es off someone else and our list of enemies grows. The entirety of the Middle East wants to stick its foot up our proverbial ass. China hates us. If/when North Korea has nukes we're at the top of their To Do list. Most recently Russia has made it very clear they're less than pleased with us. Then there's groups like Al Queda that would love to have another go at us. The list goes on and on. It's not a matter of if we'll be attacked again, but a matter of when.

The whole thing is scary.
I would have done something, but I was overwhelmed by a lack of concern.
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