Help beat Bush

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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I strongly suspect this is an ill-judged idea, but it could be quite entertaining for a while. And, depending on one's politics, it can of course be used in support of Bush as well.

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There's apparently an email doing the rounds that suggests the following:

On next Monday (18th Oct) if you support Kerry, drive with your headlights on during the day. If you support Bush, drive with your headlights off during the night. :innocent:
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markfiend wrote:There's apparently an email doing the rounds that suggests the following:

On next Monday (18th Oct) if you support Kerry, drive with your headlights on during the day. If you support Bush, drive with your headlights off during the night. :innocent:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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markfiend wrote:There's apparently an email doing the rounds that suggests the following:

On next Monday (18th Oct) if you support Kerry, drive with your headlights on during the day. If you support Bush, drive with your headlights off during the night. :innocent:

Heeheeheeheehee ;D ;D ;D

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The whole world should be able to vote in this election.

Seriously, any Yanks reading this - GET HIM OUT FOR f**k'S SAKE!!!! :evil:
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Stop it people.
I don’t like Bush, it is clear he isn’t able to be president, surely not of the most powerful Nation of the world. It is clear he is a puppet for more powerful men behind him.
But I’m starting to get afraid of the whole Hate Bush attitude that’s rising.
You can’t read an article or listen to the radio or go and see a concert where they don’t tell you Not to vote for Bush.
Last weekend I saw this band ( I believe it was God Forbid ) suddenly they apologised they had so a stupid president, they started a song they wrote specially for him. (Something about hate and f*ck and so one… :? )
My point; first I don’t go to a concert to hear about this, second if they have a good reason to make there comments fine for me, But most of them out there only use this to be popular. Eventually it has come to the point no one cares anymore who they vote for, as long it isn’t Bush.

Stupid enough there is only one other to vote on, so it doesn’t mater a lot. :roll:
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christophe wrote:Stop it people.
I don’t like Bush, it is clear he isn’t able to be president, surely not of the most powerful Nation of the world. It is clear he is a puppet for more powerful men behind him.
But I’m starting to get afraid of the whole Hate Bush attitude that’s rising.
You can’t read an article or listen to the radio or go and see a concert where they don’t tell you Not to vote for Bush.
Last weekend I saw this band ( I believe it was God Forbid ) suddenly they apologised they had so a stupid president, they started a song they wrote specially for him. (Something about hate and f*ck and so one… :? )
My point; first I don’t go to a concert to hear about this, second if they have a good reason to make there comments fine for me, But most of them out there only use this to be popular. Eventually it has come to the point no one cares anymore who they vote for, as long it isn’t Bush.

Stupid enough there is only one other to vote on, so it doesn’t mater a lot. :roll:

Then don't go to the Ministry p*ss Army forum, you'll crap yourself.
90% of my best 'net buddies are Americans and I feel for them, I really do but then a nasty sarcastic part of me wants to shout out with glee ... "har har, you bloody self-important Americans, how's it feel to be on the other end of the stick hey? How does it feel to be embarrassed for a change about your political hash up - the rest of us have had to endure it for bloody years" ... then I get all serious again and feel sad for them.
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christophe wrote: Stupid enough there is only one other to vote on, so it doesn’t mater a lot. :roll:
Actually, there's two others aside from Bush - John Kerry and Ralph Nader.

Of course, Ralph Nader doesn't have a chance. Someone should tell him that.
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lucretia wrote: a nasty sarcastic part of me wants to shout out with glee ... "har har, you bloody self-important Americans, how's it feel to be on the other end of the stick hey?
I won't even get into how ignorant and narrow minded people make themselves look when they make blanket statements like that.

When I was younger I thought people outside of the US were so very intelligent. I thought they had a broader and more open-minded world view. In fact, I would go on and on (to the dismay and anooyance of everyone around me) about Europeans especially. They seemed a thousand times more intelligent and witty than Americans.

It's posts like that which remind me of what a misguided jackass I was.
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CtrlAltDelete wrote:
lucretia wrote: a nasty sarcastic part of me wants to shout out with glee ... "har har, you bloody self-important Americans, how's it feel to be on the other end of the stick hey?
I won't even get into how ignorant and narrow minded people make themselves look when they make blanket statements like that.

When I was younger I thought people outside of the US were so very intelligent. I thought they had a broader and more open-minded world view. In fact, I would go on and on (to the dismay and anooyance of everyone around me) about Europeans especially. They seemed a thousand times more intelligent and witty than Americans.

It's posts like that which remind me of what a misguided jackass I was.
And so we all learn not to make generalisations. I get frustrated by the instinctive anti-Americanism that impacts upon political discourse in Europe at the moment (can't speak for the rest of the world, obviously). I understand where it comes from, and I have serious issues with much of what the US government is doing at the moment. I have also have some dispute with some of the USA's social trends, but that's a personal opinion. I can (and do) make similar objections to my own country's government (and most others, especially the Russians).

None of this (I hope) affects my opinion of the "ordinary American" or anyone else. I've little time for a superiority complex based on nationality. My sense of superiority is based on personality instead, and we can argue about that forever. I like myself, irrespective of what you may think :D

Glad you've moved on from "anywhere but America". What do you make of Bush, out of interest (and with no intention of pursuing a political argument, honest).
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Forgot to add ... this system could also be used to mobilise a pro-Bush vote, for those who wish it.

I'd just rather it was used as an anti-Bush mechanism because that appeals to my sense of natural justice.
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andymackem wrote:And so we all learn not to make generalisations. I get frustrated by the instinctive anti-Americanism that impacts upon political discourse in Europe at the moment (can't speak for the rest of the world, obviously). I understand where it comes from, and I have serious issues with much of what the US government is doing at the moment. I have also have some dispute with some of the USA's social trends, but that's a personal opinion. I can (and do) make similar objections to my own country's government (and most others, especially the Russians).

None of this (I hope) affects my opinion of the "ordinary American" or anyone else. I've little time for a superiority complex based on nationality. My sense of superiority is based on personality instead, and we can argue about that forever. I like myself, irrespective of what you may think :D

Glad you've moved on from "anywhere but America". What do you make of Bush, out of interest (and with no intention of pursuing a political argument, honest).

I'm in agreement with you in that my sense of superiority comes from my personality and not from nationality. I find it amusing that so many people who make generalized anti-American comments don't consider themselves bigots. It's really no different than making hate based comments about any other country, and in the end all it does is spread hate and intolerance.

As far as my political views, I hate Bush. With a passion. I could go on forever about everything he's done wrong. When he first arrived in office his first order of business was to snub the ABM treaty, which I think was a huge mistake and his first step toward mucking up foreign relations. I do think that Saddam needed to be dealt with but Bush went about it the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. I don't like the way he has handled foreign or domestic affairs. His ban on partial-birth abortions angers me and scares the hell out of me (for those who don't know, this ban means that an abortion after the fourth month can not be performed even if the mothers life is in jeopardy. The ban also fails to take into consideration the fetuses that develope with no brain or internal organs, the woman will just have to live with a dead baby inside of her). I hate his efforts against stem cell research. He wants people to think that scientists are creating embryos just to destroy for the reasearch, and that's just not true. The blastocysts being used are from fertility clinics and will just be thrown away if not used for this research. The use of stem cells could save the lives of billions suffering from diseases like cancer, Parkinsons, heart disease, diabetes, congenital defects, transplants, and so on. But he lets his religious views get in the way of what is right.

There's a million other things, but those are the big ones. So no, I don't like Bush.

But you have to understand that when selecting a president, you can't choose based on what good you think the president wil do. The sad fact is that a president will never improve the country. It's just not possible. What you have to decide is which candidate will do the least harm.

Think about it. Most Americans and even non Americans loved Clinton. Why? Did he really do anything for the country? No, definately not. But he didn't screw anything up. And that's the most you can hope for. Bush has screwed everything up.

That's why I'll be voting for Kerry. He hasn't made any wild promises. Mending foreign relations is a top priority for him, and I think that's important right now. He also wants to change the partial-birth abortion ban to include an exception for mothers whose lives are at risk, and will allow minors who want an abortion to not seek parental permission to have one (after all, a young girl who is raped by a family member shouldn't have to ask that persons permission to have an abortion). He will also allow Americans to bypass the insanely expensive drug companies here and allow them to buy much cheaper Canadian pharmaceuticals. These are all small but very doable things.

That's just my self important American view.
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And you know, at the end of the day, we Europeans are as selfish and as arrogant as 'those Americans'.

Another American export product, mebbe ;D

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Apparently it's obligatory to vote in Australia. Now that might prove interesting...
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Francis wrote:Apparently it's obligatory to vote in Australia. Now that might prove interesting...
But no-one has ever forced me to vote in Australia .... does this mean I'm in trouble?
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Haha, Apparently you get fined if you don't vote. As far as I can tell, Howard won the previous election there by manufacturing a refugee scandal he knew was false. He then, like a lot of other leaders, misled the Ozzies about Saddam's WMDs. All of this came out, and they just re-elected him again. So my conclusion on compulsory voting is, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

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CtrlAltDelete wrote:
lucretia wrote: a nasty sarcastic part of me wants to shout out with glee ... "har har, you bloody self-important Americans, how's it feel to be on the other end of the stick hey?
I won't even get into how ignorant and narrow minded people make themselves look when they make blanket statements like that.

When I was younger I thought people outside of the US were so very intelligent. I thought they had a broader and more open-minded world view. In fact, I would go on and on (to the dismay and anooyance of everyone around me) about Europeans especially. They seemed a thousand times more intelligent and witty than Americans.

It's posts like that which remind me of what a misguided jackass I was.

You missed the point actually... I said a nasty party of me WANTS to dwell on this thought but then I DON'T

Then don't go to the Ministry p*ss Army forum, you'll **** yourself.
90% of my best 'net buddies are Americans and I feel for them, I really do but then a nasty sarcastic part of me wants to shout out with glee ... "har har, you bloody self-important Americans, how's it feel to be on the other end of the stick hey? How does it feel to be embarrassed for a change about your political hash up - the rest of us have had to endure it for bloody years" ... then I get all serious again and feel sad for them.
Bush is an idiot's idiot (in the words of someone I know) and Kerry is a moron - God Help America

I know a lot of people outside of the US who have had these feelings - it's not an unreasonable or twee thought to have either, when you are coming, as I am, from another place outside the great US of A, which has been on the sorry end of harsh political comment for many decades (South Africa, not Europa by the way). I'm sorry if this comment hurt your sensibilities. All I can say is you took it out of context.
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Is it any our business who the Americans vote for in their own country? Let em get on with it ffs.
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Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:Is it any our business who the Americans vote for in their own country? Let em get on with it ffs.
you wouldn't be saying that if you lived in Iraq.
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The agressively hegemonistic foreign policy of the Bush administration means that when America sneezes the rest of the world gets a cold. So, yes, it is our business.
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it's not just about foreign policy though is it? i can't help feeling that it's somewhat arrogant and condescending of those of us in the rest of the world to presume we know what's best for america.
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Fair point, maybe we outside the US should not stick our noses in.

But what's best for America doesn't equate to what's best for the rest of the world. Which is pretty much everyone's beef with the Bush administration.

Also, Bush's domestic policies seem to be mainly best for directors of large American-based multinational conglomerates, which also doesn't equate to best for America :|
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
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Quite frankly, I'm sick to death of everyone making condescending remarks about Americans because of a president we did not elect. If it makes you feel better about yourself, if it makes you feel so high and mighty, go ahead and critisize Americans for the actions of a president they didn't elect. But quit trying to hide behind the guise of thinking you know exactly what it going on here. Unless you live in America you haven't got a christ damning clue what's what. Unless you live around Americans you know precisely nil what we're like or what we think. When you make sweeping generalizations and assumptions that have no basis in reality you're proving who the real arrogant bastards are.
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No. We just like making condesending remarks about Americans full stop (period)!!!!!
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