Goth ! goth ! goth !

Post your reviews of Sisters-related material or interviews with Sisters-related musicians here. And don't believe the hype: 1985 most definitely is a fashion statement.
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Slight Overbomber
Posts: 1206
Joined: 09 Apr 2003, 20:53
Location: over the rainbow

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Slight Overbomber
Posts: 1408
Joined: 21 May 2003, 11:34
Location: A Forest

Oh my goodness me! You can buy that in the shops now for £5.99, and the goon has the cheek to sell copies on immediately for £9.99! Plus p&p! Am I cross, or just jealous that someone hit on the idea first? I can just imagine him/her lugging armfuls of them to the Post Office...That's enterprise for you!

Again and again and again...
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