US Election

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Well, by the time I'm back here again tomorrow, the most powerful nation on earth will have chosen it's President :eek: . I'm keeping my fingers and everything else crossed for Kerry, and that it's a fair fight, decided by the voters, not the lawyers :wink: .

Tomorrow, we'll see. :!:

Again and again and again...
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Well, the Washington Redskins lost on Sunday so that means Kerry will win. ;)

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if only i had some of the money they spent on dirty tricks campaigns
I just can't keep living on dreams no more
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What's all this Bush vs Kerry nonsence anyway?

Everyone knows it should be between Martin Sheen & Morgan Freeman or am I mixing up hollywood and real life again - so easy to do that with US elections ;-)
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anyone else notice the lack of political messages on ? I guess it would've been too much to ask for.

Here's hoping for Kerry, but I fear it'll be Bush.
Last edited by hallucienate on 02 Nov 2004, 17:55, edited 1 time in total.
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markfiend wrote:Well, the Washington Redskins lost on Sunday so that means Kerry will win. ;)

:lol: :lol: I was going to post the same story ...
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The Football Test.
As mentioned by MF. Verdict: Kerry.

The Halloween Test.
Since 1988, the number of Halloween masks that are sold of the candidates has mirrored the winner. Mr Bush is ahead this time. Verdict: Bush.

The Height Test.
Most elections have been won by the taller man, such as 6ft 4in Abraham Lincoln. Since TV was first a factor in American elections in 1960, the taller man has always won the popular vote, though Al Gore lost the presidency. At 6ft 4in Kerry towers over the 5ft 11in Bush. Verdict: Kerry.

The Big Hair Test
In all 54 elections, the man with more hair, head and facial, has won. As Clinton beat Dole, so the Kerry quiff should win this time. Verdict: Kerry.

First Lady Test.
Since 1992 Family Circle's Cookie Cook-off has picked a winner. Laura Bush's oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies beat Teresa Heinz Kerry's pumpkin spice cookies in a readers' poll. Verdict: Bush.

JB's verdict.
The first results based on exit polls are expected at around 1am tomorrow. But my alternative indicators could prove better than the professionals - who got it wrong in 2000. With Kerry ahead by three to two, I confidently expect the next president will be John Kerry.

Or George Bush.
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JB wrote:The Football Test.
As mentioned by MF. Verdict: Kerry.

The Halloween Test.
Since 1988, the number of Halloween masks that are sold of the candidates has mirrored the winner. Mr Bush is ahead this time. Verdict: Bush.

The Height Test.
Most elections have been won by the taller man, such as 6ft 4in Abraham Lincoln. Since TV was first a factor in American elections in 1960, the taller man has always won the popular vote, though Al Gore lost the presidency. At 6ft 4in Kerry towers over the 5ft 11in Bush. Verdict: Kerry.

The Big Hair Test

In all 54 elections, the man with more hair, head and facial, has won. As Clinton beat Dole, so the Kerry quiff should win this time. Verdict: Kerry.

First Lady Test.
Since 1992 Family Circle's Cookie Cook-off has picked a winner. Laura Bush's oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies beat Teresa Heinz Kerry's pumpkin spice cookies in a readers' poll. Verdict: Bush.

JB's verdict.
The first results based on exit polls are expected at around 1am tomorrow. But my alternative indicators could prove better than the professionals - who got it wrong in 2000. With Kerry ahead by three to two, I confidently expect the next president will be John Kerry.

Or George Bush.
or a verdict depending on the outcome of post-election litigations :( let's hope not!
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I refuse to think that this election can affect the whole world, including Sweden.

I don't care at all....... I really don't
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I expected an announcement of Bin Laden's capture to come last night just in time for America's newspaper front pages this morning. It didn't happen so it looks like Bush will have to find some other way of rigging the election.
It really doesn't matter who wins anyway, the President is a pawn and it's the CIA and FBI who really run things.
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well i fear that it will be a victory by Bush... and then... i have the feeling that US will have another attack, just to remember to the americans (not all of course) how stupids they can be sometimes, specially when they fall in the same story... twice.
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I forgot to say....

.... sorry if sometimes i have this radical opinions. Probably i can hurt people with my way of saying the things.
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hallucienate wrote:anyone else notice the lack of political messages on ? I guess it would've been too much to ask for.
Is there any need? I think Von's made his views on the Bush presidency abundantly clear over recent years... :wink:

And he's right. Vote for the Jay Leno lookalike, not the cretin! ;D
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I am so's obvious Bush is going to win and I can't stand how stupid the people of my country are...


WHY???? I can't even understand how the hell people can be this dumb...what is wrong with them?

Don't judge me based on the voters of my country...please.

I have a feeling Bush might win legitimately, too. :(
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The Pope wrote: Don't judge me based on the voters of my country...please.
that will never happen.
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The Pope wrote:I am so's obvious Bush is going to win and I can't stand how stupid the people of my country are...


WHY???? I can't even understand how the hell people can be this dumb...what is wrong with them?

Don't judge me based on the voters of my country...please.

I have a feeling Bush might win legitimately, too. :(
It's reassuring to know you're not all blind to what an idiot the man is. I don't want to dislike Americans en masse, I really don't - but it gets harder and harder when every one you hear on the television just spouts utter brainless, unquestioning crap. When you hear the way so many people over there have fallen for the oldest trick in the book - creation (or at least inflation) of a vague and shadowy threat to distract a population from a government's own failings. When you see crowds standing and cheering the most nauseating platitudes - assertion after assertion with a smug look on the face and not a word of evidence or explanation. It is scary. :urff:
Over recent months the conversation in our house has run along the lines of "How can they stand for this? Why are they not laughing at him?" then "It's Americans, isn't it - they're living in another world", and finally to "But they can't all be like that, can they. There are some who can see through it"... And you prove the point, thank god.

I take it you don't watch Fox very often. :wink:
There's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets
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Heh, used watch Fox just for the I don't watch much of anything...

I think it has come to the point where the American public thinks emulating the spouting morons on TV makes them better somehow. So unfortunate.

Honestly, I dislike Americans en masse too and I understand completely how you feel. It is VERY scary and it sucks even more on a personal level that I can't debate this stuff with most adults and attempt to sway the misguided souls I meet because I'm sixteen. It's ironic how they look down on me while they're the real scum :(

Canada is looking mighty good right about now. On the other hand, Mexico is closer.
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The Pope wrote:...Canada is looking mighty good right about now. On the other hand, Mexico is closer.
You may as well forget the whole continent, and move over to Europe with us lot. :lol:
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Being an american unable to vote, I have got to say anyone voting for bush needs a reality check, Of course its a coincedence a new Osama tape appears what three days before election? Last week they "lost" 58000 votes in florida. In all honesty if I was 18 I'd have left this country a while back, and headed to Germany or the UK. It's just the kick in the ribs that bush is going to get re-elected, and that the american public doesnt realize bush has the mind of a 2 year old with an only slightly larger vocabulary.

Anyhow, Like the saying that seems to be going around here,
How long does it take to ruin America
4 more years.
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lazarus corporation wrote:
The Pope wrote:...Canada is looking mighty good right about now. On the other hand, Mexico is closer.
You may as well forget the whole continent, and move over to Europe with us lot. :lol:
Oh, that'll come in due time. It's so expensive though! (at least in England and I'd need to learn the language of the land if I want to go somewhere on the mainland.)
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The Pope wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:
The Pope wrote:...Canada is looking mighty good right about now. On the other hand, Mexico is closer.
You may as well forget the whole continent, and move over to Europe with us lot. :lol:
Oh, that'll come in due time. It's so expensive though! (at least in England and I'd need to learn the language of the land if I want to go somewhere on the mainland.)
Go to Canada. It's better there. Deceased
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But at this point I think I'll run for governor and lead California in seceding from the Union ;) Honestly, the other 49...or 52...or whatever it's at now states are just dead weight. The Popish Dictatorship of California needs independence so it can reach its full potential.
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The Pope wrote:True.

But at this point I think I'll run for governor and lead California in seceding from the Union ;) Honestly, the other 49...or 52...or whatever it's at now states are just dead weight. The Popish Dictatorship of California needs independence so it can reach its full potential.
:D Perhaps form an independent alliance with Hawaii...
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Disputed vote count in Ohio, this is all starting to sound depressingly familiar...

I would lambaste the American voters if I did not fear that next year we are going to be stupid enough to put Blair back into No. 10, even though he's been exposed as a lying sack of sh*t, far more aligned to the right than the left.

Worse, I fear my fellow Scots may be the most stupid of all - let's write a blank cheque for an unnecessary parliament building, because having somewhere nice for our chamber of powerless muppets to sit is clearly more important than education, the health service, public transport et al.
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Ian - Rhythm Smurph
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Erudite wrote:
I would lambaste the American voters if I did not fear that next year we are going to be stupid enough to put Blair back into No. 10
Aye, I tend to agree. Us Brits really do look to be living in a glass house on this one!
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