welcome to timsinister

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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James Blast wrote:Damn you JB I was about to dig out that Genesis ref. :twisted:
Fastest finger. :wink:
Loki was never worshiped as the other Gods,
Which is quite understandable.
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Sister Midnight
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JB wrote:The Lamia
Genesis (The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway)

Lyrics interspersed with the storyline ...

Rael touches his face to confirm that he is still alive. He writes Death off as an illusion, but notices a thick musky scent hanging in the air. He moves to the corner where the scent is stronger, discovering a crack in the rubble through which it is entering. He tries to shift the stones and eventually clears a hole large enough to crawl out of. The perfume is even stronger on the other side and he sets off to find its source, with a new-found energy.

The scent grows richer, he knows he must be near,
He finds a long passageway lit by chandelier.
Each step he takes, the perfumes change
From familiar fragrance to flavours strange.
A magnificent chamber meets his eye.

He finally reaches a very ornate pink-water pool. It is lavishly decorated with gold fittings. The walls around the pool are covered with a maroon velvet up which honeysuckle is growing. From out of the mist on the water comes a series of ripples.

Inside, a long rose-water pool is shrouded by fine mist.
Stepping in the moist silence, with a warm breeze he's gently kissed.

Thinking he is quite alone,
He enters the room, as if it were his own
But ripples on the sweet pink water
Reveal some company unthought of -

Three snakelike creatures are swimming towards Rael. Each reptilian creature has the diminutive head and breasts of a beautiful woman. His horror gives way to infatuation as their soft green eyes show their welcome. The Lamia invite him to taste the sweet water and he is quick to enter the pool. As soon as he swallows some liquid, a pale blue luminescence drips off from his skin. The Lamia lick the liquid; very gently as they begin, with each new touch, he feels the need to give more and more.

Rael stands astonished doubting his sight,
Struck by beauty, gripped in fright;
Three vermilion snakes of female face
The smallest motion, filled with grace.
Muted melodies fill the echoing hall,
But there is no sign of warning in the siren's call:
"Rael welcome, we are the Lamia of the pool.
We have been waiting for our waters to bring you cool."

Putting fear beside him, he trusts in beauty blind,
He slips into the nectar, leaving his shredded clothes behind.
"With their tongues, they test, taste and judge all that is mine.
They move in a series of caresses
That glide up and down my spine.

They knead his flesh until his bones appear to melt, and at a point at which he feels he cannot go beyond, they nibble at his body. Taking in the first drops of his blood, their eyes blacken and their bodies are shaken. Distraught with helpless passion he watches as his lovers die. In a desperate attempt to bring what is left of them into his being, he takes and eats their bodies, and struggles to leave his lovers' nest.

As they nibble the fruit of my flesh, I feel no pain,
Only a magic that a name would stain.
With the first drop of my blood in their veins
Their faces are convulsed in mortal pains.
The fairest cries, 'We all have loved you Rael'."

Each empty snakelike body floats,
Silent sorrow in empty boats.
A sickly sourness fills the room,
The bitter harvest of a dying bloom.
Looking for motion I know I will not find,
I stroke the curls now turning pale, in which I'd lain entwined
"O Lamia, your flesh that remains I will take as my food"
It is the scent of garlic that lingers on my chocolate fingers.

Looking behind me, the water turns icy blue,
The lights are dimmed and once again the stage is set for you.

8) :von:
dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang
dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang...
NOW -ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ah, well, men in Wizard hats couldn't last forever. :wink: :innocent:

Apologies, Mr. Sinister, for not welcoming you into the very bosom of our family sooner. If anyone irritates you for whatever reason, don't cry, just start a lengthy feud with them, write a couple of songs full of thinly vieled insults - that's a tried and tested way to make yourself feel better.
:von: ;D
There's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets
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Oh God, the hippies are off again. :lol: :roll:

Welcome Mr Sinister, 'diverse' bunch round here, as you'll have gathered. 8)
There is increasing evidence to suggest that Chris may have been being sarcastic.
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hmmm. very diplomatically put ;)
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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Amphetamine Filth
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Quiff Boy wrote:'diverse'

hmmm. very diplomatically put ;)
Yup, just plain 'weirdo's' would have sufficed! ;D
Intimations of mortality are all about me.....
Underneath the Rock
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Lamia wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:'diverse'

hmmm. very diplomatically put ;)
Yup, just plain 'weirdo's' would have sufficed! ;D
*raises hand*
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