sexual ethics

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.

Which of these do you have a problem with?

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Road Kill
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After reading this ... 007023.htm I thought I would do a little poll. Also- can you say why you have a problem if you do? Out of interest....
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paedophilia is sick, do i really have to explain that ? :S
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I hate it when sick people try to take some young kid and rape them.

Those people shoud die slowly in a prison cel !!!
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Legally speaking, a 16 year, 1 month old boy having sex with a 15 year, 11 month old girl is still paedophilia.

Obviously I'm not condoning things like a 42 year old guy having sex with a 6 year old girl, but people could do with remembering that there are grey areas.
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Personally I think the keyword here is consent... in most of the things listed there is a lack of consent or lack of informed consent...

Personally I have no objection to anything that two consenting adults get up to.. I mean if you get your rocks of stapling your nuts to the floor, then fair enough..

but when you move into kiddy fiddling or rogering the sheep then you do cross that line..

Though necrophilia could be permitted if the person said before they died that they'd let you sleep with their dead body.. now what's wrong with that (beside the smells..)

Incest is more problomatic as it is considered morally wrong, yet this moral code prevents us from f**king up our genetic code... (even if the OT is filled with fathers shagging daughters..)

I also know that with regards to the English laws on bestiality its not legal to shag the dog, but its legal for the dog to shag you..

Anyway I'm off to the dungeon to see how the greased dwarves are getting on....

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Shadow_Smile wrote:I hate it when sick people try to take some young kid and rape them.

Those people shoud die slowly in a prison cel !!!
This is true, but not all paedophilia is rape of kiddies. Its totally acceptable in some places/times.
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indeed. samuel pepys was at it.
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And as things change again we could see it becoming a hell of a lot trickier...

Consider, Romeo and Juliet, 12 year olds (supposedly).. .thing being that kids were married off so young in those days since the life expectancy was a hell of a lot shorter than it is today..

Conversley, better diet etc.. is lead to the onset of maturity arriving earlier and earlier... resulting in kids that are physically mature a lot earlier..

Make what you will of that...
You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye

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I don't like how people say stuff like "people that molest little children should die a slow and painful death"

You can't just say they are evil people simple as that, everyone has their good and bad points.

I think pedophilia is a mental ilness that most of these people can't help.

We should be searching for a way to cure these people not condoning the right to let them die slow and painfull death.
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Very true... I mean lets face it people would consider murder worse than sex abuse.. in general.. so murdering a sex abuser makes you worse than them...
You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye

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[quote="nick the stripper"]

I think pedophilia is a mental ilness that most of these people can't help.


TBh, is it even a mental problem? Is being gay/straight a mental problem? Imagine you start to realise you have feelings towards kiddies you cant supress, completely untintentionally. That would cause mental probs I reckon. I dont think theres anyhting wrong with paedophilia. Its when they DO something other than fantasize that it becomes dubious.
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Very true.
I think most people experience some strange desire at least a couple of times in there life.
But this thus not means you have to give in to them.
Just the same as committing a murder, you may feel like killing someone annoying but reasonable men won’t give into the desire.
Maybe they are ‘sic’ because they can’t control there actions but I’m under the impression we have to live with our mistakes and pay for our faults.
If everything can be cured with the right medicine we are definitely going the wrong way.
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OK I'm beginning to feel like the Pope here. :eek:

The new one! :lol:
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I wish to "vote" more than one option - mainly those concerning Animals/Children
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Andy TG wrote:I wish to "vote" more than one option - mainly those concerning Animals/Children
That would be a Yes vote for sheep and a No vote for children right? :lol:

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I vote for bestiality, although my cat is really p****d off having to wear that damn Dildo.

Or, did I get something wrong here? :innocent:
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i have an issue with paedophilia...
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No to paedophilia and bestiality because they're non-consenting or there's a lack of informed consent as Gottdammerung put it (although I accept there are grey areas with paedophilia, as Markfiend pointed out, where there's less than 1 year or so between the 2 parties).

Everything else, so long as it's between consenting adults, is a private matter between those consenting adults.
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I only have an issue with beastiality and promiscuity. If someone is of sound enough mind to consent to sexual acts then they should be allowed to do it from the age when they feel ready. What I object to most is the insulting legal position that if I were to have consenting sex with someone a few months younger than me (having personally been "legal" for a little while) it would be considered rape. I frankly detest the idea that I could be lumped into the same category as those who committed deplorable acts which got them banged up for life, merely for an expression of love - it's an insult to my own emotional state and to the intelligence of the one who gave their honest consent.

To be honest, it should be illegal for homophobes and the like to have consenting sexual relations. They show a far lower level of maturity and emotional understanding than a couple of 12 year olds getting it on without thinking first - if the latter is illegal, why not the first?
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Well, half of my year has had sex, and we're all 14-15, and they've had sex with people from 14-21 (seriously) and are happy about it afterwards.
So really, if that means they're all "victims of paedophilia" and the elder one is "sick and deserves a long drawn-out death", then that really is a harsh blow.

Just because they're under 18 it doesn't mean they are incapable of saying "Yes, I consent" and actually MEANING it, knowing about it and having sex safely.

And I -definitely- have no problem with bisexuality. Shame a lot of other people in my school seemed to have a problem with it, and feel the urge to cause some unnecessary suffering from it.
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Are there any queers in the theatre tonight?
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There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me - put him up against the wall! ;D

Incidentally, I cringe every time I here that particular rendition of In The Flesh. Perfectly good song ruined by a bit too much zealous faux-facism. Cuts quite nastily deep.
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Pleased to meet you.
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@ nick....

grow the f**k up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i recall the halycon days of teendom when my friends were vegan/non smoking/left wing/liberal/humanitarians....

and then they grew up.

Mental ilness? cure them? are you f**king insane man???

3 weeks ago, some 5 miles from where i live, a house was broken into by a "man" aged 47, he raped a six year old girl.

I'm sorry mate, there is no cure for this.

There is no punishment severe enough that you can imagine.

But ask a parent, any parent, they will describe to you ways of making a sick f**k suffer that would make your hair curl.

Trust me, anyone, but anyone so much as even looks at my kids in the wrong way, I along with every parent i know would willingly serve prison time for what we would do.

These evil fucks think society will protect them as ill, mentally deluded, etc etc...who the f**k protects the children eh? consent?? f**k off.

The most vile creature on this planet is the sick f**k who thinks sex with a minor is acceptable. WRONG. There are no grey areas. Children depend on a parent for EVERYTHING. do you think my 5 year old daughter knows what the word consent even means? do you think my 4 year old son understands what these people have in mind? no, and NO!

This dross of society should be eradicated. I as a parent cannot be there 24/7, though i wish this was possible, I have to rely on Teachers, Childminders, friends and family to ensure the well being of my children.

If i thought for one minute that any of the people i rely on had the attitude of "oh, they are ill, they need help..." they would not be within 100 miles of miy children.

A childs life is the most precious thing n the world.
A sick f**k and his/hers sympathisers jeapordise that....

And please understand, no offence intended here, this is a a very, very sore subject!

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I'm sure everyone here agrees with you - judge by the votes, if nothing else

written as a vegan/chain-smoking/left wing/liberal/humanitarian

but would I give the state in the guise of Tony Blair (or Michael Howard or Charles Kennedy) the right to kill a citizen of the UK - no, absolutely not.

I understand (as best I can, not being a parent) your anger at these repulsive people, but I can't stand the idea of the state having the right of life or death over it's citizens, regardless of the initial excuse (and you can be sure the target audience for the death penalty would grow and grow, starting at paedophiles and then encompassing terrorists, suspected terrorists, people suspected of terrorism and imprisoned without trial because there's really no evidence, people who the state doesn't like...).

NB - I believe that life imprisonment should mean just that.
Last edited by lazarus corporation on 23 Apr 2005, 01:23, edited 2 times in total.
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