Favourite David Lynch Movie

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Which do you like best?

The Elephant Man
Blue Velvet
Wild at Heart
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
Lost Highway
The Straight Story
Mulholland Drive
Total votes: 23
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what a tight call...

Blue Velvet by a nose over Wild At Heart

all very good movies...although i've still to finish watching Dune :wink:
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markfiend wrote:...and of course, if one feels like "splashing out", there's always Stolichnaya. ;D
Unfortunately put myself right off drinking vodka because of buying the cheap stuff when a student (that was when I saw Eraserhead). But, bought some Stoli a couple of weeks ago for a friend and that didn't seem too bad (expensive tastes huh!) but I think I'll stick to me wine :)
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Eva wrote:I liked Dune a lot, too! Got me into reading the book actually.

On a side note: I'm sure you know that H.R. Giger (Alien) did a table and chairs for Dune that have never been used for the film.
IIRC Giger did a lot of designs/drawings for Dune that were never used. They're in ARH+ I think?
Eva wrote: Gruyere
Is that where the cheese is from? ;D
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markfiend wrote:
Eva wrote:I liked Dune a lot, too! Got me into reading the book actually.

On a side note: I'm sure you know that H.R. Giger (Alien) did a table and chairs for Dune that have never been used for the film.
IIRC Giger did a lot of designs/drawings for Dune that were never used. They're in ARH+ I think?
Eva wrote: Gruyere
Is that where the cheese is from? ;D
a) I don't know that, but it might well be. I only know it was made for the "Harkonnen" IIRC.

b) Yes, that's where the cheese comes from. It's a nice little old village on top of a hill, and it's about the only one I know in this country which still looks like 500 years ago. Don't buy anything in that village, cause it's a typical tourist rip off, but the village is cute and Gigers museum is just stunning. Of course I wouldn't have known of it were it not for nice tourists who one day asked me to drive them there.... Later other tourists came with similar requests and so I've been there a few times.

And I particularly like the fact, that such sinister stuff as Giger does it is shown in such a "cute"/harmless/innocent little village, it somehow adds to to the fun. especially if you arrive there with a bunch of black-clad sinister looking people. But I guess the people there must be used to that sight by now...:-)
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You'll probably find all the Giger stuff you want here :


and here's the Dune stuff :

http://www.fred-katrin.de/giger/dune/dune.htm Deceased
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i nearly died watching eraserhead once...a skinfull plus aload of bucket-bongs then oblivion.woke up to find myself covered in cold sick and my mouth full of said substance;good job i passed out sitting upright or i'ld have probably choked(just thought i'ld share that with you!)cant blame lynch for that i suppose.

why no "the grandmother" on your list?far and away the trippiest of the lot and all filmed in sepia-vision.
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Didn't even know the first three had anything to do with him and not heard of the rest except Twin Peaks. But the film had nothing on the TV series. Not that I understood that, but then I'd have been more concerned if I had. So Elephant Man got my vote. I understood that.
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From those I have seen Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive.
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