Are The Sisters g*th or not

THE place for your Sisters-related comments, questions and snippets of Sisters information. For those who do not know, The Sisters of Mercy are a rock'n'roll band. And a pop band. And an industrial groove machine. Or so they say. They make records. Lots of records, apparently. But not in your galaxy. They play concerts. Lots of concerts, actually. But you still cannot see them. So what's it all about, Alfie? This is one of the few tightly-moderated forums on Heartland, so please keep on-topic. All off-topic posts will either be moved or deleted. Chairman Bux is the editor and the editor's decision is final. Danke.
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What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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Quiff Boy
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whatever you say gs :wink:


:grin: :P
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?

erm... your point being?????? :*
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Quiff Boy
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my point being: bloody goths :roll:
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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Quiff Boy
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On Aug 28, 2002 1:22pm, Quiff Boy wrote:

a little goth with shades on!

well i declare!

going "plink plinketty plonk" on the piano...


aww, come on. the guy dyed his hair black for years, wore shades 24 hours a day, and there are a good few photos of him with pointy boots on. he even wore a cloak at one point...

wayne and craig were both backcombed to buggary, as was patricia, a walking epitome of goth if ever there was one.

the music up until the split in 85 was swathed in delayed, phased, and flanged guitars, the bass was booming and usually flanged, the vocals stupendously deep and drenched in reverb.

after that the music became rather subdued, and the whole thing drenched in reverb and layered guitars.

then circa 1990 it went horribly wrong and they turned into a bad pastiche of zodiac mindwarp - badly produced cock-rock (albeit still better than most other cock-rock bands)

what next? who knows! i guarantee he'll still be wearing shades though :wink:

hmmm, not goth? i should cocoa!

Always winter, and never Christmas; think of that!

<font size=1>[ This Message was edited by: Quiff Boy on Aug 28, 2002 1:45pm ]</font>

not :von:

:P :* })

and don't argue with me - I'm having a bad day!!!! off to eat lots of choccie and drink lots of alcohol...... :cry:
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I am with the mighty omnipotent one that is the Quiff on this one.

Certainly were. Maybe not now. Might be tomorrow.

But to be honest; what does it matter?

*crimpy crimp crimp crimpy* oops.
🎵 Good times come to me now 🎶

nothing matters. everythings just a great big pile of poo :sad:
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The case for:

Black -

Coat (velvet frock :roll: )
Leather pants
Leather jacket
Ripped jeans
cuban heals
combat boots
Motor cycle
curtains (AE interview 85)
Mug : roll (AE interview 85)
record sleeves (you must remember them)
Planet :wink:

Shades, (lots of them)
Dry ice
"E" notes
sitting in the dark (AE interview 85)

White - the new goth


The case against:

Denial - "we're not goth"
One/two silver shirts
Died blonde hair

i now ask the jury to retire and carefully consider their verdict :von: })
Goths have feelings too

but why does wearing black make you goth? :???:
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i think its more to do with the sheer number of things on pib's list that they have done in the past.

no, just wearing black doesnt make you a goth (sorry kids, you got more to do yet!) but wear black clothes, pointy boots and dye your hair black, and you're already a good way there! :roll:

like sinny (i think?) already said, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and is brown with feathers, chances are its a duck. whether it claims to be a camel or not...

Always winter, and never Christmas; think of that!

<font size=1>[ This Message was edited by: Quiff Boy on Aug 28, 2002 3:49pm ]</font>

Sorry but I think thats complete bollocks. Clothes do not maketh the man etc etc..... I think there's something very wrong with labelling people based on how they choose to dress.

Anyway, I've got off track now. Supposed to be having a non-constructive are, not, are, not, arguement with PIB!!!!! :grin:

Not :von:

Anyway, who really gives a f**k whether they are or not? Does it alter the way they sound if they parade around under a certain label?
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On Aug 28, 2002 3:43pm, groupie smurph wrote:
Anyway, who really gives a f**k whether they are or not? Does it alter the way they sound if they parade around under a certain label?
no, but as i said in my post above, the first album does actually sound "Goth" :grin:

as does the second, in places... :smile:

so it wouldn't matter of they wore stripy jumpers and slacks, and had mullets and flicks (like the chameleons) they're still bloomin goths... their wardrobe merely reinforces the point.


are :P

What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?

On Aug 28, 2002 3:25pm, paint it black wrote:
The case for:

Motor cycle

What!!! Since when were black motorbikes goth!!!! My bike's black and its far too f**king hard to be goth!!!! :roll: :von: :von: :von: :von:
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Did you guys suddenly have an identity crisis? Interesting discussion. However, for all you people who say the Sisters aren't, what exactly is goth?

Certainly they're not the old victorian vampiric goth of the Whitby/Xymox type, but they do have a hard wired agression with the sensitivity and intellect which really is the trademark of goth culture. Moody As F*ck as well!! They always represented the direction gothdom has been going in (dunno about today); amphetamines over the occult, etc.

As to whether you call them goth, who cares? It's mostly "goths" who like their stuff- likely that most of you here don't mind been called goths, anyway.

Personally I think they (the Sisters) know full well they're goth, they just don't like the lable- which can be diminutive for a band- and maybe they don't like some of their more pretentious, superficial fanz. (Like me.)


On Aug 28, 2002 3:52pm, Quiff Boy wrote:
On Aug 28, 2002 3:43pm, groupie smurph wrote:
Anyway, who really gives a f**k whether they are or not? Does it alter the way they sound if they parade around under a certain label?
no, but as i said in my post above, the first album does actually sound "Goth" :grin:

as does the second, in places... :smile:

so it wouldn't matter of they wore stripy jumpers and slacks, and had mullets and flicks (like the chameleons) they're still bloomin goths... their wardrobe merely reinforces the point.


are :P


well, my point was really that whether you call them goth or not, the sound (as in the actual basic sound, not some style or whatever) is the same. so does it matter if one person thinks they are and one person thinks they're not? hee hee, this is actually the first time I've ever heard anyone try and put across an arguement to say they are goth.... quite bizarre really. :grin:

On Aug 28, 2002 3:53pm, MrEddy wrote:

Did you guys suddenly have an identity crisis?
I am not, and never have been a goth. Despite wearing fishnets, black chiffon, purple velvet and thinking its appropriate to go out dressed only in my underwear etc etc...... :smile:
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On Aug 28, 2002 4:28pm, groupie smurph wrote:

I am not, and never have been a goth. Despite wearing fishnets, black chiffon, purple velvet and thinking its appropriate to go out dressed only in my underwear etc etc...... :smile:

Hey me too, well apart from the fishnets! I'm not that kinky :wink:

are, are , are too :von:

big fat hairy NOT!!!!!! :von: :von:

hee hee }) you're right, this is fun!!!
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Y'know, the more i listen to Floodland, the more i hear bluegrass......

If you listen hard enough...

Still playing guitar - sometimes weird shaped ones.

there's just summat about drinking on your own in the middle of the day and having a panto style row with someone.... :roll:
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On Aug 28, 2002 4:43pm, Padstar wrote:
Y'know, the more i listen to Floodland, the more i hear bluegrass......

If you listen hard enough...


WTF is that Pads :roll:
Goths have feelings too
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