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culprit wrote:I used to go to the TUBE recordings at Tyne Tees studios.

Whatever happened to the Tube? And have they released any DVDs yet?
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eastmidswhizzkid wrote:Showaddywaddy singer,dave bartam
Saw him on a 'where are they now' TV show a few years ago and he looked like a pickled walnut. I could never understand how they manged to sell so many records in the early 70s. I thought rock 'n' roll had died in the 60s until I came to Leeds in the early 80s and ventured into a few Tetley's pubs in the city centre. :eek:
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Francis wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:Showaddywaddy singer,dave bartam
Saw him on a 'where are they now' TV show a few years ago and he looked like a pickled walnut. I could never understand how they manged to sell so many records in the early 70s. I thought rock 'n' roll had died in the 60s until I came to Leeds in the early 80s and ventured into a few Tetley's pubs in the city centre. :eek:

i reckon it was a weird ol'world in the early 70's.the hinterland between the psychedelic sixties,and the hippy "movement" :roll: : and punk.the sort of world where bands like showaddywaddy and mudd could be popular for cheesy "family party" rock'n'roll;whilst wearing teddy-boy clothes;yet still have a proper 70's salon -cut,shoulder-length hair-do!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
ibet the teds f ucking hated them!
Well I was handsome and I was strong
And I knew the words to every song.
"Did my singing please you?"
"No! The words you sang were wrong!"

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Mine's is an odd one and I've hesitated posting, but here goes:
I think I got a lift from Fred West, in the early 80s, in Dundee.
I went with a mate to a party in a barn up near Camperdown Park one Friday night, I got wrecked pretty early on and decided to walk home. I didn't reckon on just how far I was from civilisation and after a couple of cars passed me by in the pitch black, I decided to hitch. There wasn't much traffic on the road but eventually this car (a Morris Minor IIRC) stopped and a bloke with an accent I couldn't identify, never mind understand gave me a lift. In my stupor I bundled into the car and mumbled something about "Lochee will do mate". I used to live in Lochee which is about 2 miles up a hill from where my latest flat was, I was sure I could stumble down from there to the comfort of my bed, just as long as I got away from the black country road. I attempted conversation with the driver, who didn't have much to say, I really couldn't understand his utterances anyway. As the drive continued I became increasingly uncomfortable and was glad to see the street lights, shops and houses at the end of Camperdown.
OK, it could have been any bloke, but when the case was subjected to the usual media frenzy, it turned out Fred West had worked up in Dundee at that time and forensics had an interest in Camperdown. My minds eye also recalls the chap looking remarkably like him.

I still can't be sure one way or another
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James Blast wrote: I still can't be sure one way or another
a lot of people wouldnt be so honest -the afternoon pubs nationwide are full of these sad gits trying to embroider their sad little lives with a little colour (and then try and ponce a beer off of you)
Well I was handsome and I was strong
And I knew the words to every song.
"Did my singing please you?"
"No! The words you sang were wrong!"

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I really can't be sure emwk, which was the reason for my reticence in posting it in the first place. It was an odd bloke, in a car, in that area, at that time. That is all I am sure of.
"And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere".
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A few ......

Got invited & went to Prince's party (the purple midget)
Recently tattooed ex Tottenham goalkeeper (now England's goalkeeping coach)
Also Les from Pheonix nights :D

Others include
Lennox Lewis
Chris Eubank
Nigel Benn
Steve Collins
lots of other boxers
A couple of models

And ... once hitched a lift from Southern Death Cult/ Getting the fear's drummer back in the 80s. Top bloke.

Oh yeah & I stayed at Eldritch's house a few times when Danny & Claire lived there if that counts.
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James Blast wrote:I really can't be sure emwk, which was the reason for my reticence in posting it in the first place. It was an odd bloke, in a car, in that area, at that time. That is all I am sure of.
still,makes you think doesnt it?especially the fact that you were blind drunk,hitching ,qnd still felt uneasy.thats a very basic primal instinct,that is,

i've hitched thousands of miles throughout my life and as a single bloke thats usually a pretty safe thing.(plus you've usually got "hobson's" anyway).only once did i start getting a bit spooked,when this white-van delivery driver started off by saying "i dont usually pick-up hitch-hikers.but when i saw you i went round the roundabout twice to make sure you were hitching and thought -he'll be alright company"

now its not uncommon for old people (who dont know me) to cross the road when they see me coming;nearly everybody stares or double-takes (bunch of f uckin ill-mannered,ignorant twats round here);so i was a bit weirded by a non-hitch-hiker-picker-upper picking me up on my appearance!!

then he says."got any dope?make a spliff".when i reply that i havent he says "do you mind if i nip home and get mine?"
we were in grantham and i was going to corby,about thirty miles,and he was up for taking me all the way;so assuming he lived in grantham and was doing a delivery where corby was en-route i said yes.

we havent stopped five minutes later and we're well past grantham.suddenly he stops going south and takes this windy road heading east.iasked him wher we were going and he said home to get my dope".it turns out he lived in spalding,or some such slope-head,numpty village;miles out of the way in the wrong unease grew when i asked if he'ld be late for his deliveryand he said he'ld finished work hours why was he going corby?to take me home.except we were no longer going to corby.

by the time we got to his my brain was screaming "dennis nielson" at me."you may as well come in for a cuppa,then we'll get off". warily i entered his house where the walll to wall catholic iconography and statuary,added to his increasingly bitter,twisted,mysogonistic outlook on life,and the fact that he lived alone did it for me.while he was in the kitchen i slipped this massive pair of scissors that were on the side up my sleeve.just in case.

after all that it was an anti-climax.he rolled a spliff,smoked it,drank his tea and took me all the way home.what he got out of it os beyond me.probably just lonely.
Last edited by eastmidswhizzkid on 10 Jul 2005, 20:45, edited 1 time in total.
Well I was handsome and I was strong
And I knew the words to every song.
"Did my singing please you?"
"No! The words you sang were wrong!"

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James Blast
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my case m'lud, weirdo or alternative bloke?

I still don't know
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Cool story, SpeedKid. ;)

Did you keep the scissors?
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Dark wrote:Cool story, SpeedKid. ;)

Did you keep the scissors?
yeah,they were still in my sleeve all the way home! :lol:
Well I was handsome and I was strong
And I knew the words to every song.
"Did my singing please you?"
"No! The words you sang were wrong!"

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