Putting vinyl onto cd

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Today my boss asked me if I knew how he could record all his old vinyl onto cd - I know that you need some kind of cable but I don't know which kind. Is there a free downloadable programme that you can use to clean up any sound quality?

Any help appreciated! :notworthy:
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Would be highly interested as well... Also for mp3'ifising tips...

All I know for now is you need to use some pre-amp or something (which seems to be not too expensive)
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Take the line-out of the turntable, put it into the line-in of your soundcard and get recording. I think it's just a standard audio cable required.
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Motz wrote:Take the line-out of the turntable, put it into the line-in of your soundcard and get recording. I think it's just a standard audio cable required.
you usually need a pre-amp too.

You can also use the line-out on your amp (if it has one).

There's loads of software out there but I can't remember any free ones. I used Goldwave (now Adobe Audition) but that isn't free.
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Cool :notworthy:
But how do you get the vinyl turned into mp3(or whatever)? Which programme would you use? :oops:
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everything you ever wanted to know here

or here
Depending on the results your boss wants.

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ooooh thank you :notworthy:
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I use Goldwave.

I have the turntable hooked up directly into the amp on my Audigy 2 ZS Platinum, record in the whole side of the record, Normalise it to get the volume up a bit, maybe chuck an EQ filter on it to boost up the bass a little, then start cutting and pasting each track to save as a seperate wav file. Once I have all the wav files for each track of the album, then I use DbPowerAMP to convert them from Wav to 320kbps MP3s.

If you want to make a CD, then use the WAV files, not the MP3s especially if the album you are doing has tracks running into each other. With CDs made from MP3s there is a slight gap between tracks (even if you set it for no gap). Deceased
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