In the case of the US military, that shouldn't matter either. I'm sure there are supermarkets in the US. Homeland security merely goes and recquisitions the local WalMart. And hopes that Buttfuck, Idaho doesn't starve as a result.emilystrange wrote:well quite. it was just the thought of 500,000 bird's eye roast beef dinners.. i'm sorry, but it made me laugh.
depends on how much of a reserve of stores like that the military hold, i guess.
But my point about carbon emissions to get aid across the Atlantic raises a certain irony.
If this storm is a by-product of global warming, and that warming is a consequence of fossil fuel use (see earlier thread about weather), does flying in aid actually generate a longer-term problem?
Has Bush's helicopter ride ultimately ensured a further devastating hurricane elsewhere on the SE seaboard? Would the tactical sacrifice of New Orleans (think Moscow 1812, albeit in very different circumstances) on an altar on restricted transportation and fuel use serve the greater long-term good of humanity than attempting to rescue an already disastrous situation?
One for the moralists out there to ponder of an evening