Pics from Friday night

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timsinister wrote:Ah, but you see to Claire EVERYONE is a Southern ponce. Technically, she's standing at the North Pole.
nah, thats scotty ;)
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lazarus corporation wrote:
boudicca wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote: years of practice :von:
You can take your ale remarkably well for a Southern ponce... :innocent: :P ;D
That's because I'm not from the South, but from the Midlands...
The Midlands is the South! Fuckin 'ell, 5 hours on the train tells me that Leeds is the south! :lol:
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Planet Dave
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Nope Claire, there's the south, the midlands, the north, and the frozen wastes yonder. Simple.
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Planet Dave wrote:the frozen wastes yonder. Simple.
And pray tell, where do they begin?

(If you say the Solway Firth I will come back down there and "put the heid in you" as they say Up Here :P )...
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Planet Dave wrote:Nope Claire, there's the south, the midlands, the north, and the frozen wastes yonder. Simple.
The North starts at Dingwall,
The Midlands is between Inverness & Aviemore,
The South is anywhere below Aviemore,
Dae Yooz no' ken nothin' ? :innocent:
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nice phrasing, claire
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emilystrange wrote:nice phrasing, claire
Thank you Ems! ;D

I think Keith is closer to the mark... my take on it is, The Norff is anything above Glasgow and Edinburgh, the Midlands is everything from here down to - well, the "official" Midlands, and the South is the Midlands down to the very arse of England.

So there.

I've spent almost 22 years of my life being right 100% of the time, I don't think I'm going to stop now! :innocent: :P ;D
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wait till it's 37, then you get a badge
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Sister Midnight
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emilystrange wrote:wait till it's 37, then you get a badge
"Kiss me I'm Eldritch"? :innocent:

Here's hoping!
There's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets
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