What dreams mean

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Mr. Wah wrote: I've not dreamed this for a few months now
That's because you joined HL. You can write now so there's no need to force yourself to get those words out and now have the idea that you are listened to :wink: .
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I'd be locked up if I told anyone my dreams. :urff:
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nick the stripper wrote:I'd be locked up if I told anyone my dreams. :urff:
:lol: :notworthy: ...So no chance that you're gonna share those?
"as we walk on the floodland"
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Ozpat wrote::lol: :notworthy: ...So no chance that you're gonna share those?
:lol: Don't be daft.
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Ozpat wrote:
Mr. Wah wrote: I've not dreamed this for a few months now
That's because you joined HL. You can write now so there's no need to force yourself to get those words out and now have the idea that you are listened to :wink: .
That's a nice thought. :) But I'm not planning to trouble you with all that stuff.
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Mr. Wah wrote: But I'm not planning to trouble you with all that stuff.
Is it that bad? :lol:
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Ozpat wrote:
Mr. Wah wrote: But I'm not planning to trouble you with all that stuff.
Is it that bad? :lol:
If you substitute Was for Is then yes. Much better now, thanks. :D
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Mr. Wah wrote:
Ozpat wrote:
Mr. Wah wrote: But I'm not planning to trouble you with all that stuff.
Is it that bad? :lol:
If you substitute Was for Is then yes. Much better now, thanks. :D
Yes I know; the relationship troubles etc. I've been there too. Once decisions are made things will improve little by little.... :wink:
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Don't even remember dreaming over the last, err, ten years or so? :urff: :eek:

Hope that does not mean they're that bad I'd rather not think of them :lol:
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Andrew S wrote:OK, I know I'm asking for it but hear goes... I'm not prone to nightmares at all and I generally find dreams very enjoyable. Mine are often long, very intense and atmospheric and far more interesting than real life!
You're very gifted with your vivid dreams, Andrew. I don't seem to dream at all, at least I can't remember anything in the morning. :(
Andrew S wrote: My dreams often take place in what feels like a parallel universe - the locations are familiar (sometimes recurring) and feel like they're all part of the same city. It sometimes feels like Glasgow and though the locations don't exist in reality, aspects of Glasgow do spill into them (like Glasgow buses - the transport theme again!). I seem to know the way around this place and although it's not real, it seems very familiar and I feel at home during these dreams.
Thats quite normal and doesn't need to mean anything. In dreams you mix reality with fantasy. I experienced sometimes the opposite: I was familiar with a certain place in my dream and knew exactly where it is, but it looked just completely different than in reality. Everybody has some kind of special place where you often go back to in your dreams. This place seems to be loaded with meaning, mostly from childhood. My place is my backyard where I grew up. It looks every time different, but I just know that it's my backyard.

as for the transportation dreams: its' important what kind of emotion you associate with them. If you're frightened it could mean, that you're afraid of changes in your life. You like the things to stay pretty much as they are right now.

@Mr. Wah: your dream sounds very scary. :eek: I'm glad you solved things. And as your example shows, it's worth to take a closer look at your dreams.

... just my two pence. :wink:
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Lynchfanatic wrote:Anyone got knowledge on this?

I had a really weird dream, about lotsa stuff, but mainly an owl. It was looking at me kinda spooky. All white face and kinda brownish body. The dream just left me with a weird feeling. There was a man who owned the owl, he gave me the creeps.

(No, i had not just watched twin peaks :P )
A dream of an owl could be what they call a "screen memory" for an alien abduction experience. Big dark eyes in a pale face and all that. Any scars you didn't have when you went to bed?

In case that freaks you out, I should point out that in my (not so) humble opinion, the whole "alien abduction" scenario is bull; the phenomenon is a misinterpretation of sleep paralysis combined with hypnogogia / hypnopompia (so called "waking dreams").
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A long time ago I had a dream dictionary, at first it was great when dreaming of fluffy bunnies and sunny meadow's, I quickly got rid when the explanations started freaking me out. Maybe some things are best left in the subconscious, it said you made up more than a third of your dream anyway. :?
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Andrew S wrote:I'm not prone to nightmares at all and I generally find dreams very enjoyable. Mine are often long, very intense and atmospheric and far more interesting than real life! My dreams often take place in what feels like a parallel universe - the locations are familiar (sometimes recurring) and feel like they're all part of the same city. I seem to know the way around this place and although it's not real, it seems very familiar and I feel at home during these dreams.
I have that alot too. Lately its about a house, the look of it changes, but the feel is the same. And sometimes a feeling from a dream i had years back pops up in a new dream. Hard to explain.

Sometimes its so vivid i can go days trying to figure out if something happened or not, and how it could feel so real. I cant put words to it, but the feeling of a dream can be very confusing.
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markfiend wrote:
Lynchfanatic wrote:Anyone got knowledge on this?

I had a really weird dream, about lotsa stuff, but mainly an owl. It was looking at me kinda spooky. All white face and kinda brownish body. The dream just left me with a weird feeling. There was a man who owned the owl, he gave me the creeps.

(No, i had not just watched twin peaks :P )
A dream of an owl could be what they call a "screen memory" for an alien abduction experience. Big dark eyes in a pale face and all that. Any scars you didn't have when you went to bed?

In case that freaks you out, I should point out that in my (not so) humble opinion, the whole "alien abduction" scenario is bull; the phenomenon is a misinterpretation of sleep paralysis combined with hypnogogia / hypnopompia (so called "waking dreams").
Actually that could sound right, considering the creepiness of it. But I dont really believe it either.

No scars though, but I did have a tiny little bruise on my leg. Maybe it was the "Wee Free Men"? ** Or a really tiny entity trying to have its way with me :lol:

**Tiny blue men, going around kicking people when they are pissed off at someone, leaving tiny bruises, from a Terry Pratchett book.
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boudicca wrote:Maybe it's trying to tell you something.

Like "twit-twoo".... ;D
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Thats it!!

Btw, right now Simpsons is on. The eppisode where he meets the fox. Did your fox tell you to find your soulmate? :wink:
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Lynchfanatic wrote:Btw, right now Simpsons is on. The eppisode where he meets the fox. Did your fox tell you to find your soulmate? :wink:
One of my favourite episodes, made before The Simpsons stopped being daring and became mindless drivel.
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I was enjoying some wack tobbacky and Mulholland Drive yesterday, starting to get tired, and we decided to put on LOTR. Ofcourse I fell alseep, and some way into my sleep I kinda opened my eyes and said loud and clearly "animation!". Then went back to sleep, think i dreamt I got some sort of question, not sure. I do that sometimes, wake up, say some weird word and then sleep on. One time my mom came to wake me when I was still living at home, the answer she got was "salad with dressing"....
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Lynchfanatic wrote:I was enjoying some wack tobbacky and Mulholland Drive yesterday, starting to get tired, and we decided to put on LOTR. Ofcourse I fell alseep, and some way into my sleep I kinda opened my eyes and said loud and clearly "animation!". Then went back to sleep, think i dreamt I got some sort of question, not sure. I do that sometimes, wake up, say some weird word and then sleep on. One time my mom came to wake me when I was still living at home, the answer she got was "salad with dressing"....
Oh, that reminds me, as I sleep alone in my own room normally nobody 'hears' me dreaming, but when I was on holiday in September I shared a room with someone. Apparently one night I was sitting right up and doing strange ritual-kinda things, saying odd words :lol:

Perhaps something from the instinct? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Lynchfanatic wrote:Btw, right now Simpsons is on. The eppisode where he meets the fox. Did your fox tell you to find your soulmate? :wink:
No, it was a little baby ball of fluff and I don't think it liked me very much. :cry:

@Obviousman... I'm a terrible one for talking in my sleep. A friend who I was sharing a hotel room with years ago said that I was using a London Cockney accent! :lol:
Woke myself up a few mornings ago because I'd said something out loud. That happens to me all the time. :oops:
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canon docre wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I used to have repetitive dreams when I was due to be travelling somewhere the next day, mainly of seeing the train at the station and no matter how fast I ran I could never make it before it pulled away, or of the driver on National Express not letting me on because I had forgotten my ticket despite me pointing out that we would be driving past my house and I could nip in and pick it up :(
Do you have the feeling that you're not archieving what you want/deserve in your life? You stand still, no progression at your work
Yes, yes and yes :(
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Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
canon docre wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I used to have repetitive dreams when I was due to be travelling somewhere the next day, mainly of seeing the train at the station and no matter how fast I ran I could never make it before it pulled away, or of the driver on National Express not letting me on because I had forgotten my ticket despite me pointing out that we would be driving past my house and I could nip in and pick it up :(
Do you have the feeling that you're not archieving what you want/deserve in your life? You stand still, no progression at your work
Yes, yes and yes :(
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Lynchfanatic wrote:Anyone got knowledge on this?

I had a really weird dream, about lotsa stuff, but mainly an owl. It was looking at me kinda spooky. All white face and kinda brownish body. The dream just left me with a weird feeling. There was a man who owned the owl, he gave me the creeps.

(No, i had not just watched twin peaks :P )
i don't dream so.... :wink:

i have some books by Jung, but this is a great place for grounding stuff

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paint it black wrote: i have some books by Jung, but this is a great place for grounding stuff

Pffft. You wanna destroy my business, PiB? :evil:
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paint it black wrote:i have some books by Jung, but this is a great place for grounding stuff

Doesn't really shed much light on the whole Bananarama fiasco, tho'...
There's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets
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