Rob Halford and Tony Blair - a couple?

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Brideoffrankenstein wrote:My fave would be "Icon" or "Shades of God"
Not "Gothic", then? :innocent: ;D
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Mr. Wah
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pikkrong wrote:
Mr. Wah wrote:
pikkrong wrote:I'm obvisuosly not able to get into any heavy metal tune which has no nostalgic value from my teenage years :)
I have to agree. Metal died in 1987.
Well, Metallica's "...And Justice For All" was released in 1988, wasn't it? And since 1990s Die Krupps and Ministry has turned to metal - in a good way. And there's always Motörhead :)
And the new Sisters, aren't they the best metal band ever? :D 8) :von: :notworthy:
I think I agree with you here, more or less.

I gave up listening to old school metal in 1987, IIRC. That's what I meant by the reference to 1987. Not very clear... sorry. I'm keen on Die Krupps, Ministry and others too, but I can't really consider them metal in the traditional sense. There was that transitional phase starting around 1985 when Metallica released Master Of Puppets. That was the first so-called Thrash album to convince mainstream metal fans, wasn't it? I hope I'm not talking bollocks, and metal afficionados can tell me if I am, but IMO that was probably the major turning point, and the metal scene has never been the same since.
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I definitely retain a kind of nostalgic affection for the metal music I listened to in the 80s. But of these bands, the only one I listen to with any kind of regularity these days is Deep Purple (see current avatar).
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Mr. Wah wrote:I definitely retain a kind of nostalgic affection for the metal music I listened to in the 80s. But of these bands, the only one I listen to with any kind of regularity these days is Deep Purple (see current avatar).
And here was me thinking that was Nigel Tuffnel :innocent:
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boudicca wrote:Wot about Paradise Lost? :notworthy:
I love "One Second" very much and "Host" is a good thing as well. The latter isn't metal by any chance and not so sure about the first of them... Well, I said The Sisters is metal... Oh what a sophisticated discussion with myself ;D
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