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Outside the Simian Flock
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Well, I'm trying to get a short movie from a webpage, but they seem to have locked it away behind some fancy flash stuff... Does anyone know how to get it out :?: I need it for school :?

Here's the code, have fun :wink: And thanks :notworthy:

Code: Select all

			<div id="article">

              <div class="stippel">++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</div>
              <a name="f8" id="f8"></a>
              <div class="date">11 oktober 2005</div>
              <span class="arttit" id="film2"> Bewijsfilm 7&#58; Jongeren & Werk </span>
              <div class="artbody">
                <p>  Gaten in hun lijf maken en dan verschieten dat ze geen werk krijgen! </p>

                <div class="swfwrapper">
                  <object classid="clsid&#58;D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http&#58;//,0,0,0" width="480" height="295">
                    <param name=movie value="http&#58;//">
                    <param name=FlashVars value="nDX1=3&nDX2=6">
                    <param name=quality value=high>
                    <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff">
                    <embed src="http&#58;//" quality=high pluginspage="http&#58;//" 
				type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="295" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashvars="nDX1=3&nDX2=6"></embed>

                <span id="snd2frnd7_link"><a href="javascript&#58;open_snd2frnd&#40;7&#41;" >Stuur deze bewijsfilm naar andere bezorgde ouders!</a></span>
                <div id="snd2frnd7" style="display&#58;none;">
                  <object classid="clsid&#58;D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
 width="490" height="200" id="home" align="middle">
                    <param name="FlashVars" value="film=7" />
                    <param name="movie" value="img/form.swf" />
                    <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
                    <param name="loop" value="false" />
                    <param name="menu" value="false" />

                    <param name="quality" value="high" />
                    <embed src="img/form.swf" FlashVars="film=7" loop=false menu="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff"  width="490" height="200" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http&#58;//" />            
Oh, in case I made a mistake getting the code out of there: This is the site: clicky, under "Bewijsfilm 7: Jongeren & Werk" (anyone that understands Dutch, it's quite funny, feel free to watch :lol: )
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I'm yer man, I'll just go and have a wee look and get right back to you :innocent:
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lazarus corporation
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the videos could be anywhere on the net (or even on a private network) - they're being dynamically loaded into the flash object which is acting as an embedded player.

Your only chance would be to find someone who could de-compile the flash object ( ) and then read through the resulting code to find out the actual URI that resolves when you feed it a parameter called 'FlashVars' with a value of 'film=7'.

I hear that Markfiend is a dab hand at Macromedia Flash stuff...
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Outside the Simian Flock
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Sounds rather complicated :eek:

Thanks still :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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lazarus corporation wrote:the videos could be anywhere on the net (or even on a private network) - they're being dynamically loaded into the flash object which is acting as an embedded player.

Your only chance would be to find someone who could de-compile the flash object ( ) and then read through the resulting code to find out the actual URI that resolves when you feed it a parameter called 'FlashVars' with a value of 'film=7'.

I hear that Markfiend is a dab hand at Macromedia Flash stuff...
Ocht, you beat me to it Laz' Corp', I was just about to say that!.
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:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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I'll get my coat.
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James Blast
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I think this cloakroom is empty
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That's what happens if you start to ask questions too hard to be responded :lol:

Sorry :oops:

Think I'll better get mine :wink:
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lazarus corporation wrote:the videos could be anywhere on the net (or even on a private network) - they're being dynamically loaded into the flash object which is acting as an embedded player.

Your only chance would be to find someone who could de-compile the flash object ( ) and then read through the resulting code to find out the actual URI that resolves when you feed it a parameter called 'FlashVars' with a value of 'film=7'.

I hear that Markfiend is a dab hand at Macromedia Flash stuff...
Maybe, but I can't decompile it. :urff:

It's not exactly undecompileable (I have invented a new word and I claim my £5) but it's geekery on another level I'm afraid. Flash objects are almost always encrypted to prevent this sort of jiggery-pokery.
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Outside the Simian Flock
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Well, thanks again :notworthy:

You don't have to do the effort anymore, the school thingy I needed it for was the other day, so :wink:

But thanks still, I've learned another thing :D :notworthy:

(Oh, and a friend of mine says he has a program to do it, but don't really know what it is I'm affraid, I'll keep you posted if you want)
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