Floodland ~ Not

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paint it black
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http://news.independent.co.uk/environme ... 336087.ece

should the southern softies be allowed to bathe, or should the plants flourish :roll:

kinda ironic, seeing as with luck, most of it is 'supposed' to become a floodland due to climate change :P
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paint it black
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too serious a topic eh! don't know why i bother

back to currently being a bun :?
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I haven't read the whole article, just skimmed it.

It does seem ironic that on a relatively small island surrounded by water (yes I know the sea's salty, but still) that we're increasingly faced with problems like these.

There are steps you can take to cut down water usage, such as re-using dirty water from the washing machine to flush your loo with, but as usual, inertia, public indifference, the "something ought to be done (as long as I don't have to do it and it doesn't cost me anything)" mentality all stand in the way.
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Like you say this shouldn't be a problem when we're surrounded by water - so why should we be told to cut down, if the system (as with all things) chooses not to cope.
As for areas becoming a Floodland I'd very much like to see the South-West have that fate, once I've left of course. :twisted:
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Mrs. Snowey
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Driven wrote:As for areas becoming a Floodland I'd very much like to see the South-West have that fate, once I've left of course. :twisted:
So long as a GM apple variety is bred that can survive prolonged immersion in water :lol:
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Ocean Moves
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water shortages in the uk still make me laugh,
abit like when its suddently "too hot" for the trains to run,
soon as it gets over 30 c!

you don't know what a Drought is!

anyway, more seriously, I wonder how long its going to take for
people to stop chuckling at environmental impact stories to do with "climate change"
(i.e. global warming) and start realising that its real :urff:
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Mrs. Snowey wrote:
Driven wrote:As for areas becoming a Floodland I'd very much like to see the South-West have that fate, once I've left of course. :twisted:
So long as a GM apple variety is bred that can survive prolonged immersion in water :lol:
For Cider :?: Yuck to that too. :wink:
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