Geeky-type help needed...

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On the BBC's website, you can listen to things again by downloading a .rm file and playing it through realplayer - that's fine...
But is there any way to convert this to an MP3 and/or burn it onto a CD?
I'm SURE I read about a way of doing this before and i'm fairly sure I read it on here... :roll:
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I can't help you but remember reading about it somewhere. I gave it a quick look in the FAQ section but could not find it.

You might be able to find it there though...

Good luck! :wink:
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Izzy HaveMercy
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It IS possible to do it the hard way without special software if you have some very basic knowledge of audiocable plugging AND if you have a full-duplex soundcard (one that can record and play at the same time) and a normal stereo equipment.

Then it is: soundcard output (preferably line OUT, but a headphone out will do, although you have to watch out for volume then) to stereo set IN (AUX, TV, VCR, CD input, whatever) and then another cable from stereo headphone OUT to soundcard line IN (try to avoid MICRO IN for same volume reasons).

SO: soundcard output --> stereo input and stereo headphone out to soundcard line in

Then play the RM file and open a sound recording proggie (soundforge, protools, cubase, whatever, even windows recorder will do I think). If all is right , you should be able to push record and record the file.

But ALWAYS start to turn your volume settings very quiet, and then slide them up until you have a decent volume. Otherwise you could damage your speakers AND your ears.

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Izzy HaveMercy
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