Aww, bless y'all for bringing this up!
Our awful cover version has brought at least one person to tears at a gig in the past (for ruining their favourite song of all time).
I personally rate "Temple of Love" as a personal fave of mine too. And that's why we did it. Playing our shoddy interpretation is still a highlight for us all, some 11 years since it's nigh accidental conception. All royalties went to Andrew Eldrich. And we've since (spookily) stayed, coincidentally, at his old flat in Leeds. Patricia Morrison thought it a hoot when we played it, supporting The Damned yonks back.
Cover versions are tributes, usually (and, especially, in our case) proving how blinkin' good the original versions were. Not trying to make a point, but appreciating music and havin' a darn good laugh on the way!
The goths in Plymouth always, bizarrely, I felt, enjoyed our travesty. c Though clearing dancefloors is always a bonus (aids to a more swuft exit for the band).
Chris Wheelie (a Bus Station Loony)