Leeds Royal Park

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Smurphs gig cancelled according to their site 18th May
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Utterly Bastard Smurph
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Location: Purplerainsville, UK


Yep, sadly this gig is not going ahead. Nothing i can do about it im afraid.

Sorry to those who were going to make the effort.

Still playing guitar - sometimes weird shaped ones.
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Lars Svensson
Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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Booooo :???: :???: :???:
(Tho' not to at you Padstar, obviously...just to whoever/whatever caused the cancellation)
Wuz looking forward to that. Honest..!

A silly question, perhaps...But any other plans 4 Leeds in the near future?? :P :P :P

Ho hum.
Amused to death...
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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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Can´t he arsed to cross the small pond to see the smurphs, but it would be nice to see them live.
Andrew Eldritch Dour Festival 1997: Yeah, We take any request... As much as we ever do.

On 2002-04-27 17:07, Drsisters wrote:
Can´t he arsed to cross the small pond to see the smurphs,
Then you're missing out my friend
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