Old school photographs

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Bleedin hell, there's time I really hate this here world wide web. There are 5th year photos that should remain private.....

anyway, see if your embarrasing teenage photo's are on here.
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Clicky, please ;)
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Just got cought out on this at the "Other Place", cheers Ness, bang goes your drink in July :lol: :lol:
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Motz wrote:Clicky, please ;)
Oh yeah...LMAO

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scotty wrote:Just got cought out on this at the "Other Place", cheers Ness, bang goes your drink in July :lol: :lol:
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Oh, were are the days :lol:
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Johnny M
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Phew! to have been schooled in Germany in my formative years. The database can find me/us :)

But we do have our school reunion site and everyone digs out their 'old' school photos (and more :eek: ) and posts them there. :urff:

Thank f**k that most of the recent photos are from the reunions and not from when I was 16. 8)
[size=9:7c190484cc]Johnny Boy - JB - Loki - Johnny M

Heartland 14 Jul 03 - 05 Aug 06.[/size:7c190484cc]
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Johnny M wrote:Thank f**k that most of the recent photos are from the reunions and not from when I was 16. 8)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:
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canon docre
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Burn wrote:
Johnny M wrote:Thank f**k that most of the recent photos are from the reunions and not from when I was 16. 8)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:
...and Johnny was very cute with 16.... believe it or not. :P
Put their heads on f*cking pikes in front of the venue for all I care.
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canon docre wrote:
Burn wrote:
Johnny M wrote:Thank f**k that most of the recent photos are from the reunions and not from when I was 16. 8)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:
...and Johnny was very cute with 16.... believe it or not. :P
I Do Not Believe It (in a Meldrew melodrama voice over stylee)
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
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damn i shud of waxed more
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Was fashion the reason why they were there?
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Johnny M
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canon docre wrote: ...and Johnny was very cute with 16.... believe it or not. :P
And sadly, with the passing of years, all 'cute' references to me are now in the past tense. :(

* Goes of to get his pipe and slippers. *

[size=9:7c190484cc]Johnny Boy - JB - Loki - Johnny M

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canon docre
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Johnny M wrote:
canon docre wrote: ...and Johnny is very cute with his 16 years.... believe it or not. :P
And sadly, with the passing of years, all 'cute' references to me are now in the past tense. :(

* Goes of to get his pipe and slippers. *

better? :wink:

please bear with me as a non-native speaker.
Put their heads on f*cking pikes in front of the venue for all I care.
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