The best black metal(ish) pics ever

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Here are some pictures from when I went to Norway recently if anyone would like to see. I mainly went to Oslo for the Inferno festival but managed to get some sightseeing done in between times. I took way over 250 photos of the 30 bands I saw but have just included a few so you can see.

click for pics
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Is it me or does this link not work? :wink:

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streamline wrote:Is it me or does this link not work? :wink:
You sure? :oops:
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It asks me to log in (as you....)

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streamline wrote:It asks me to log in (as you....)
Oops :notworthy:
Right! Gimme some time people!
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Right hopefully it should work now
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mmm... Bolt Thrower :notworthy:
I love the pics!!
nice one.
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why isn't this burning? :lol:
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Can't you see the charring? They're going at it again when it gets dark ;)
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LIBS I ATE A RUDOLPH STEAK IN GOTHENBURG TOO! :lol: :twisted: :notworthy:

Great minds, eh? :wink:

(that 3-course meal ended up costing around £75.00 for me alone, though :eek: :eek: :eek: Hope yours was cheaper!)

PS- yer lookin' fab my dear.
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culprit wrote:mmm... Bolt Thrower :notworthy:
I love the pics!!
nice one.
thats one of the only band that played the festival that I actually know.... :roll: and i call myself a metalhead :lol:

nice pictures by the way :notworthy:
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Brideoffrankenstein wrote:Here are some pictures from when I went to Norway recently if anyone would like to see. I mainly went to Oslo for the Inferno festival but managed to get some sightseeing done in between times. I took way over 250 photos of the 30 bands I saw but have just included a few so you can see.

click for pics
Nice viking pics.

Where's the pics on the bands? :innocent:
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Wowee, lovely stuff there :D :notworthy:
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rian wrote:Where's the pics on the bands? :innocent:
I took way over 250 photos of the bands and considering that many people on here don't really have an interest in most of them then I thought I would spare you! :lol:

Cheers guys :notworthy:
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Great pic's Libby 8)
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Btw, the parks name is Vigelandsparken.

And the subway station "Forskningsparken", yup, lost in translation.....

Nice pictures, hope the weather was nice to you while you were here ;)
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Neat pics. 8)
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