There was a awful lot of smoke but I expected that because I've read all the posts here, and Leeds Blank Canvas was 'worse' on the Satruday 2003. And just as full. I saw Von for less than five minutes last night out of an eighty minute set. But does that concern me or mrs glosgoth? Hell No. We had fun and we were ten rows back in front of Ben Christo.
Dominion got the crowd going, then Alice and Anaconda, Lucretia did the same in the encores. Shame though they have to rely on the oldies to get the toes tapping. I enjoyed Summer but I always will. Fantastic light show and no one can argue that. Looked awesome against the smoke.
Yes it was packed to the gills, never seen the Asotria SO full! The audience was the usual Sisters London crowd with a mix of Europeans and Goths. Speaking of which there was a lass with such a giant birds nest on her head no one for miles around could see. A couple of lads I was standing with decided there was so much peroxide in her barnet that it was fire risk.
Crowd were up for a bit of aggro, folk were getting arsey about pushing past to get to the pit. I wondered just how many you could get IN that pit last night?
The new guitarist Ben did a fine job but it was really weird seeing him do Adam's Top Nite Out at the end, didn't seem right. Robochrist fits in just fine.
As for Von, his voice sounded a bit off, whether that was due to the previously mentioned sound mix I don't know. Loved his long fur trimmed white coat, girl next to me thought he was Pete Burns!! Others mistook the over zealous security lurking in the ice for band members

Not bad, but not brilliant either 5/10. High points the oldies, low points - an over filled venue bursting at the seems at not being able to see the smoke

I got my t shirt before the band came on and it has to be said that was THE quietest merch stall ever. Did the prices put folk off?
Afterwards we scanned the bootleg merch too, the badly printed italic font and strippey shirts didn't really look that groovy, how many will appear on the next tour?
After all that is said and done I'm still looking forward to Notts and Bristol.