>>It's a waste of time and money
>waste time & money ?
>Sisters highlight in collection are the bootlegs Dan
>what do a bigger than other is the bootleg collection
>tape & cd-r are value nothing
What are you guys taling about???
Sisters highlight in collection are OFFICIAL recordings!!!
If I decided to:
- Use an old picture of the band or use the Sisters logo for artwork
- Create a bad title
- Call my local production company to make 'cool' colored records or CD and ask to make a limited pressing of 200-300.
... do you think the record will be rare and worth anything???
In my opinion, ALL bootlegs or counterfeit records and CDs are a waste of money, anybody can create their own professional looking bootleg with some $. Gathering records and CDs from around the world and trying to get the Test Pressings are much more worth the money. I much prefer having my 400 official recordings than 400 bootlegs.
However, I agree with Dan, for bootlegs the important the recording, who cares about the format.