Should this man be our next political leader?

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.

Should this man be our next political leader?

Poll ended at 10 Oct 2006, 15:59

Why not, he makes some sense and my "tolerance" is strengthened by his words.
Uhhh, no, he's scary.... but I do like heroine...but No, I'll stick with whiskey
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Bollocks! I couldnae find any links tae pics o 'beard surfing' :(
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James Blast wrote:Bollocks! I couldnae find any links tae pics o 'beard surfing' :(
The Peoples' Hirsute Collective recommends Clickies

One beard surfing coming up, comrade...

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no even close, nae cigar ;D
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EvilBastard wrote:
9while9 wrote:Show me your papers?
"Wot's all this then? Unaccompanied country, governed by a US puppet regime, no constitutional rights for its citizens, presided over by a monarch that claims to be ordained by god? And you fink you're comin' in 'ere? Pull the other one, sunshine - it's got bells onnit. G'arn, pissoffahtofit!"
Oh EB, where did your mother and I go wrong? :lol:
"An artist is a creature driven by demons. He doesn't know why they choose him and he's usually too busy to wonder why." - William Faulkner

-Me, I'm inspired by my DarkAngel.
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9while9 wrote:Oh EB, where did your mother and I go wrong? :lol:
You let me play on the information superhighway unsupervised - it has warped my fragile little mind :lol:
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DarkAngel wrote: Denial = why history repeats itself.
Oh, now what am I apparently in denial over? I merely stated that one of our members did not hail from the British Isles! And pointed out (obviously too obliquely, although I really thought it was quite clear) that the kind of black and white view of these issues and people that you appear to hold is not so far removed from those held by many on the other side.
DarkAngel wrote:Let's take a look at the facts.
Generally the opening gambit of someone who has little concern for the real facts, which are inevitably much more complex than their simplistic views, but continue...
DarkAngel wrote:There is a group of people out there who are in the very lucrative heroin trade who also believe that any culture but theirs is sub-human.
:roll: Yep, I guessed right.
I'm not denying that the heroin trade, and those running it, is a factor in the problems we are seeing in some places (Afghanistan mainly), but how do you explain the much wider hatred of Western (particularly American) culture in the Islamic world? It extends far beyond the opium fields that particular country, further still beyond trade routes.

I find it utterly ridiculous to hear the source of this conflict pinned on any single matter in such a thoughtless way - even when other liberal Europeans who I generally share views on these matters with attempt to pin this entire so called "War On Terror" on oil (although it's a much more important factor). There are a million other factors screaming out, why people are drawn to these extremist views. Have you even noticed what your country's foreign policy (in fact, my own as well) has done across the middle east over the years? Don't you think that just might be playing a part in the situation we find ourselves in now?
DarkAngel wrote:They have infiltrated Europe and used their own politics against you as they condemn the "terrorism" of the U.K. They hate all of you - no amount of commiserating with them will make them see you as a "human." They have been taught since birth that you are no more than a dog.
OK, wait a minute - are we even clear on who "they" are?

I am getting really sick of hearing the constant repitition of "We do not negotiate with terrorists". I do not "comiserate with" or condone for one moment people of any nation who would kill innocent civilians. With very few exceptions I think they should spend their lives in prison, provided they've not "martyred" themselves. But you almost seem to suggest that we cease to view them as human - or if human, then just "evil", end of story. If we do that, then we are no better than them.

The principles we are supposed to be defending are those you and your government are casting aside. If we stop attempting to solve this through trying to understand and find explanation for what drives these people (this is NOT the same as condoning their actions)... if we do as you suggest, we become like them.
DarkAngel wrote:In order to protect youselves you have to see the danger you are in for what it is. Don't be foolish and turn this into a political issue - that is what they want.
What on earth do you base the statement on that it isn't? It is deeply political - I'm utterly baffled as to what exactly you base this comment on, that it isn't? Has your government and media really transported you that far from the rest of the planet?

As for protecting ourselves, yeah, you're damn right we have to. But while I'm not denying there are people (a very small minority), who would evidently be quite delighted to blow me and all my Independent-reading anti-war chums to holyfuck - that's not the primary threat facing our nation, or yours. I'm sad to say, the greatest threat to our way of life, the democracy and civil liberties that we don't realise we cherish until they are gone, is people just like you. People who are fooled again and again by their governments conjuring of the monster without. Keeping a hawkish eye on "them" - be "they" Muslims, Communists, immigrants...
Look at yourselves for once.
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My government didn't do this to me: ... ed&search=

These images are burned in my memory forever. I'll never forget the sound of the bodies hitting the pavement as people jumped out of windows. Don't fcking tell me why I speak for my safety or the safety of our world. It is a threat I take seriously.
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DarkAngel wrote:My government didn't do this to me: ... ed&search=
And all the people who did it are dead - who are you going to go after?
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DarkAngel wrote: In order to protect youselves you have to see the danger you are in for what it is. Don't be foolish and turn this into a political issue - that is what they want.
I think she does have a point here. As it was a mistake by Dubya & co. to treat 9/11 as a declaration of war rather than one of the biggest criminal acts ever. Just like some kidds will enjoy the attention they get after breaking something, a rich kid that had nothing better to do than go and play war with real guns now gets the attention of a statesmen. Him still being nothing but a crook.
Then there are others who want each of their farts being smelt everywhere around the world. They now have a nice example how to do it. A good buttler wil be swatting the fly swiftly and without a lot of noise so the dinner doesn´t get disturbed. This would have been the right thing to do. But the Dubcos couldn´t have presented themselves as the real Powerangers then.
Like Andrew said: Bush needs Ossama, Ossama needs Sharon, Sharon needs Bush. Sharon is out off the game now, let´s see who will follow and if this one will be able to solve this mallicious equation.
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DarkAngel wrote:Don't fcking tell me why I speak for my safety or the safety of our world. It is a threat I take seriously.
This is the way terror works like...
Your position is very understandable, but this attitude spreading is a victory for Al Qaeeda. Will you grant them that?
some 60 years ago, 20 miles from where I live. My family lived at Berlin, though. One day, running towards a bunker, my mother and grandmother were almost caught by a russian artillery rocket...
Perhaps the shock hit your country that deep as your mainland didn´t get hit by desasters of that size before, but it´s time to regain conciousness!
And I may assure you, despite being half a world away, I was shocked, too.
From all the wartime stories I heard from my family, I had enough inspiration to make up my mind about what it feels like experiencing such.
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DarkAngel wrote:My government didn't do this to me: ... ed&search=
I don't need to click the link to know what it is. We've all seen the images a million times. I remember very vividly the first time watching them, when it all happened. I have never been fond of either American culture in general nor your current administration... but on that day I thought to myself two things, in quick succession.

First - Oh s**t... dreading the backlash against Muslims that I expected to follow, fearing that America would grossly overreact.

Second - Nah, they couldn't overreact - this is an atrocity. They'd really have to go some to behave out of proportion to this...

Oh, little did I know. I didn't bank on the American ability to do everything bigger, louder and more overdone. You had an ocean of sympathy from all over the world on the day of those attacks. Normally anti-American people joined in the shock and sadness over what had happened. But the actions of your government, and the attitudes of those like yourself, have sqauandered that goodwill. Doesn't that alarm you at all?
DarkAngel wrote:These images are burned in my memory forever. I'll never forget the sound of the bodies hitting the pavement as people jumped out of windows.
Genuinely, I do have a great deal of sympathy for you if you were actually there in New York that day - shocking images they were on the telly, but to witness it first hand must have been extremely upsetting. But surely then you must ask yourself about all those people, all over the world, who have witnessed deaths and atrocities at the hands of your own army (and ours, sadly). Do you think they find it any easier to forget what they have seen?

The terrorists scored a massive own goal that day, in my opinion. What they gave America was a very American spectacle - the images of 9/11 are like a movie. And it's sad to say but I think what gave those events their power was their sheer visual impact, rather than the number of deaths that occurred. Which in world terms - if we look at deaths in bloody conflicts all over the place, and indeed the number of deaths American and her allies have now inflicted upon innocent civilians and army conscripts in Iraq - is virtually negigible. But that day there was an apocalyptic, biblical scene in the middle of one of the world's greatest cities, caught on camera.

You now have something that you can always hold up, whenever questioned about what your nation is now doing, and say "But look at THIS, remember THIS. We don't want THIS to happen again". And your government can get away with murder (literally), dometically and abroad... you just need to run those images another time.

And they are tragic, no doubt. But it is very hard to pity people when they already have more than enough pity for themselves. You seem to think you have suffered things that no-one else anywhere in the world has.

Oh, to have the images of every nondescript Iraqi soldier - conscript - having his head blown off by one of your "boys" - and the terror of his wife and children as they wait and wonder what has happened to him... No news cameras let them hold up pictures of their lost loved ones, whose corpses even now may very likely lie undiscovered and unburied in some dusty outpost. No f**king compensation wars there, no glorious burials. No respect and no remembrance - just nameless, vaguely estimated numbers. And what of the civilians, women and children, who have died, in terror, as a result of the "War On Terror". No film of that either.

But the minds of so many in the Middle East will be burned with images of their horrors. And if we talk in terms of loss of human life, the horrors there are far greater than America's. Unless you think American lives are worth more...
DarkAngel wrote:Don't fcking tell me why I speak for my safety or the safety of our world. It is a threat I take seriously.
I beg your pardon. In my last post I actually asked you several questions, none of which you've answered. I'm not telling you anything other than my opinion, which is that the greatest threat to us lies within us - allowing ourselves to be terrorized. It's not often I express any pride to be British, but we have experienced terrorism from various factions for decades, in fact centuries. And we have taken it seriously - we hardly f*cking giggled at Al Quaeda's own attack in London. Yet we haven't let it turn us into a paranoid, isolated, aggressor (or at least, not to the same extent :roll:).

I know irony is famously lost on your countrymen, but don't you see the folly of focusing on keeping your precious country "safe" to the point where you actually lose sight of the very principles that this very country was founded on?
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Credit goes to Sultan2075 for the following:

Just a little perspective (that no one will like, I suspect). Also note that military engagements are largely not present in this list. These are civilians, folks

Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 5 Months

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
9/18/06 Iraq Tal Afar 17 27 Muslim radicals bomb a marketplace, massacring seventeen innocent shoppers.
9/18/06 Iraq Baquba 4 5 Sunnis gun down four members of a Shia family.
9/18/06 Iraq Baghdad 27 13 Twenty-seven people are murdered by Jihadis in various attacks around the country.
9/18/06 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Islamic radicals kidnap and torture four women to death.
9/18/06 Somalia Mogadishu 5 4 At least five people are killed in a car bomb attack on the Somali president.
9/18/06 Iraq Ramadi 13 10 A suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking more than a dozen unwilling souls with him.
9/17/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 11 A suicide bomber kills an innocent civilian in a blast along a city street.
9/17/06 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 A 70-year-old nun working at a childrens' hospital is shot to death by radical Muslims, along with a guard.
9/17/06 Iraq Kirkuk 21 63 Two suicide bomb attacks by 'Holy Warriors' take the lives of at least twenty-one innocents.
9/17/06 Iraq Baghdad 24 0 Twenty-four more tortured and executed victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found.
9/17/06 Iraq Baqubah 2 3 Jihadis attack an electrical plant, killing two guards.
9/17/06 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 Two policemen are murdered by Taliban extremists in a roadside attack.
9/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 47 0 Forty-seven more tortured and executed victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found.
9/16/06 Thailand Hat Yai 5 79 At least five patrons of a shopping district are killed when Muslim militants set off six separate bombs.
9/16/06 Iraq Samarra 4 0 An al-Qaeda ambush leaves four tribesman dead.
9/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 22 Two bombs, including one strapped to a corpse, kill three people.
9/16/06 Iraq Ramadi 4 8 Jihadis send four civilians to Allah with a roadside incendiary bomb.
9/16/06 Afghanistan Kabul 3 1 Three humanitarian workers are blown apart by the Taliban.
9/15/06 Iraq Baghdad 22 0 The bodies of two-dozen more victims of sectarian hatred are found across the city.
9/15/06 Yemen Haradmut 1 0 One of two suicide attacks on oil facilities in Yemen nets the death of a guard.
9/15/06 Iraq Mussayab 1 0 Islamic radicals kidnap a man, cut off his legs and head, then dump his body in the river.
9/15/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is killed in his home by militant Muslims.
9/15/06 India Surankote 1 5 A young boy is killed when Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists lob a grenade into his family's home.
9/15/06 India Watergam 1 7 al-Mansoorian terrorists attack an Indian security patrol, killing one member.
9/15/06 Thailand Narathiwat 2 1 Two civilians are brutally shot to death by Islamic militants while traveling on a road.
9/14/06 Iraq Baghdad 2 25 A religious extremist targets a U.S. patrol in a suicide attack, killing two soldiers.
9/14/06 Iraq Baghdad 32 0 The tortured bodies of thirty-two victims of sectarian hatred are found.
9/14/06 India Hathiwara 1 0 A photographer is kidnapped and beheaded by the Religion of Peace.
9/14/06 Afghanistan Bakwa 2 2 Religious extremists attack a police station, killing two officers.
9/14/06 Iraq Baghdad 10 39 Islamic terrorists set off two bombs, one at a photography shop and the other in a city street, killing ten innocents.
9/13/06 Iraq Baghdad 14 57 Jihadis kill fourteen people on a city street with a car bomb packed with shrapnel.
9/13/06 Iraq Baghdad 69 0 Sixty-nine victims of sectarian violence are found bound, tortured and murdered over a 24-hour period.
9/13/06 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A UN humanitarian worker is murdered by Muslim militants on a road.
9/12/06 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 Six civilians are shredded by a Jihadi car bomb in a commercial district.
9/12/06 Syria Damascus 1 14 Terrorists shouting 'Allah Akbar' detonate a car bomb and attempt to storm the U.S. embassy. A Syrian guard is killed.
9/12/06 Turkey Amed 10 13 An ultra-nationalist group with Islamist ties bombs a bus stop, killing ten Kurds, including seven children.
9/12/06 Iraq Bani Saad 7 3 Seven Shia worshippers are murdered in their own mosque by Sunni bombers.
9/12/06 India Thandi Dhok 2 0 A husband and wife are murdered in their home by the Mujahideen.
9/11/06 Thailand Yala 1 4 A Buddhist woman is gunned down by militant Muslims in her grocery store.
9/11/06 India Kulgam 1 0 A security official succumbs to injuries from a terrorist ambush.
9/11/06 Afghanistan Khost 6 36 A 12-year-old boy is among six people murdered by a suicide bomber at a funeral for a previous victim of a suicide bombing.
9/11/06 Iraq Baghdad 4 3 Four civilians are killed in a Jihadi shrapnel bombing.
9/11/06 Iraq Baghdad 16 7 Sixteen people are blown to bits by a suicidal Sunni on a bus.
9/10/06 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A barber is murdered by religious fundamentalists.
9/10/06 Afghanistan Gardez 3 3 A suicide bomber kills a regional official and two others.
9/10/06 Iraq Baghdad 6 29 Two car bombs set by Islamic militants kill at least six people.
9/10/06 Pakistan Wana 1 0 A tribal leader is gunned down by Islamists as he is walking home.
9/10/06 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 4 1 Jihadi gunmen murder four oil workers.
9/9/06 India Doda 1 1 The Mujahideen gun down a man and seriously injure his wife.
9/9/06 Iraq Baghdad 21 51 Jihadis murder twenty-one innocents in a series of bombing and shooting attacks across the city.
9/9/06 Iraq Baiji 3 3 Three civilians are killed in separate bombings.
9/9/06 India Bandipore 1 1 Islamic terrorists open fire on a fruit vendor.
9/9/06 India Sonwar 1 1 A taxi driver is killed, and a young girl severely injured in a Mujahideen attack.
9/9/06 Pakistan Miramshah 1 0 The local Taliban pump a 70-year-old man full of bullets and leave him with a note attached to his body.
9/9/06 Pakistan Garjakh 2 0 A man murders his nephew and nephew's girlfriend for an 'illicit relationship.'
9/9/06 India Ahlan 1 0 A civilian is killed by Islamic militants.
9/9/06 India Doda 2 0 The Mujahideen raid a police station, killing two officers and stealing weapons.
9/9/06 Iraq Mosul 1 1 A 10-year-old boy is killed and his mother injured inside their home by Muslim terrorists.
9/9/06 Indonesia Poso 1 0 A young Christian woman is killed when Islamic radicals throw a bomb at her house.
9/8/06 India Malegaon 31 297 Pakistani-backed militants are thought to be responsible for multiple bomb blasts that leave thirty-one dead and three-hundred injured.
9/8/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 A woman and child are among three people killed by an incendiary bomb planted by Islamic terrorists.
9/8/06 Afghanistan Kabul 18 30 The lives of eighteen people are snuffed out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber in a downtown blast.
9/8/06 Pakistan Barkhan 5 21 Five people are killed in the bombing of a bus station.
9/8/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Seven victims of sectarian violence are found bound, tortured and executed.
9/8/06 India Doda 1 0 A man is kidnapped by the Mujahideen. He dies two days later from injuries suffered.
9/7/06 Afghanistan Kabul 3 11 Three British soldiers die in a single day from attacks by religious extremists.
9/7/06 India Srinagar 1 0 A high school student succumbs to injuries suffered from a terror attack the week before.
9/7/06 India Budbug 1 0 The Mujahideen invade a home and kill a resident.
9/7/06 Iraq Suwayra 3 0 A woman is among three people tortured and beheaded by Islamic radicals.
9/7/06 Iraq Baghdad 36 64 Islamic terrorists mow down nearly forty people in various attacks around the country.
9/7/06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A young college student is murdered after converting from Islam to Christianity.
9/6/06 Iraq Baghdad 27 38 A horrible car bombing kills eight Iraqis and injures dozens more. The bodies of nineteen victims of sectarian violence are found elsewhere.
9/6/06 Afghanistan Yaqubi 2 1 A sucide bomber kills a teacher and one other person.
9/6/06 Indonesia Tangkuran 1 0 A Christian is killed in a bombing attack by militant Muslims.
9/6/06 Pakistan Kaga 1 0 A 12-year-old girl is killed in her home by al-Qaeda backed militants.
9/5/06 Iraq Baghdad 4 3 Four Shia pilgrims are gunned down in two attacks by Sunni extremists (the other in Latifiya).
9/5/06 Sudan Khartoum 1 0 A newspaper editor is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic hard-liners after publishing an article questioning Muhammad's parentage.
9/5/06 Pakistan Phuldayun 1 0 A Muslim man guns down his wife, a young mother, in an 'honor' killing.
9/5/06 Thailand Yala 1 2 An older woman is killed in her home by Islamists.
9/5/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims gun down a man sitting in a tea shop.
9/5/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants set fire to a house, killing a 61-year-old man.
9/5/06 Iraq Baghdad 18 6 Eighteen innocents are murdered in at least four separate terror attacks around the country.
9/5/06 India Sopore 1 0 The Hizb-ul-Mujahideen murder a student returning home from classes.
9/5/06 Lebanon Rmeileh 4 4 Four members of a detail investigating a Christian's death are themselves killed in a bombing by Muslim radicals.
9/4/06 India Kashmir 7 11 Seven Indian troops are killed in three separate attacks by Islamic militants.
9/4/06 Philippines Jolo 5 20 Abu Sayyaf militants kill five troops trying to apprehend two Bali bombers.
9/4/06 Afghanistan Kabul 6 7 Six civilians are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. The casualties included children.
9/4/06 Afghanistan Parwan 3 1 Religious extremists attack a police vehicle, killing three occupants.
9/4/06 India Tangmarg 2 0 An off-duty soldier and his kid brother are brutally murdered by Islamic extremists.
9/4/06 Iraq Basra 2 2 Islamic terrorists attack a British patrol, killing two members.
9/4/06 Jordan Amman 1 5 A terrorist yells, 'Allah Akbar' while gunning down a British tourist and injuring five others.
9/4/06 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims are found tortured and executed by sectarian rivals.
9/3/06 Turkey Istanbul 1 0 An Imam is stabbed to death by a religious fanatic.
9/3/06 Iraq Khalis 4 19 Muslim terrorists bomb a market, killing at least four patrons.
9/3/06 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 Jihadis mortar a residential neighborhood, killing six people, including two children.
9/2/06 Iraq Karbala 17 0 Fourteen South Asian pilgrims are massacred by Sunni terrorists, along with three other locals.
9/2/06 Afghanistan Nimroz 4 10 The Taliban kill four Afghan police officers and abduct ten others.
9/2/06 Algeria Ouled Hamza 2 0 Two community guards are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
9/2/06 Afghanistan Helmand 3 1 The Taliban muder three police at a checkpoint.
9/2/06 Iraq Baghdad 9 36 A series of bombings and sectarian shootings leave at least nine civilians dead.
9/2/06 Algeria Adekar 4 5 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a security patrol and kill four members.
9/2/06 India Gani Hamam 1 0 A vegetable vendor is murdered by the Mujahideen.
9/1/06 India Darwashbagh 1 0 Islamic militants abduct and murder a civilian.
9/1/06 Iraq Mahmudiya 1 3 A child is killed inside a home that Jihadis try to level with a rocket.
9/1/06 India Pulwama 1 2 A man is murdered by the Mujahideen in an attack that also injures two family members.
8/31/06 India Dangiwacha 1 0 Islamic terrorists invade a home and kill the daughter of a policeman.
8/31/06 Iraq Jbela 1 8 A wedding party is the target of a terrorist bombing.
8/31/06 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Jihadis target a police patrol, killing four officers.
8/31/06 Thailand Yala 1 27 Islamists set off two dozen bombs in garbage cans, killing at least one person.
8/31/06 Iraq Baghdad 63 282 Sunni radicals send rockets into a Shia neighborhood, slaughtering over sixty people, including twenty-four women and nineteen young children.
8/31/06 India Dawoocha 1 0 The Mujahideen murder a woman in her home.
8/31/06 India Saroti 2 0 Islamic terrorists brutally murder two police officers.
8/30/06 India Devar Lolab 1 1 Islamic terrorists kill a policeman and injure a civilian.
8/30/06 Iraq Baghdad 24 35 Sunnis bomb a crowded market, slaughtering two dozen and leaving many more in physical agony.
8/30/06 Iraq Hilla 14 38 Fourteen people outside a recruiting center are blown to bits by Islamic terrorists.
8/30/06 Iraq Kirkuk 4 10 A suicidal Sunni on a bus kills four other humans.
8/30/06 Iraq Buhriz 5 2 A child and three women are among five members of a family murdered in the car by militant Muslims.
8/30/06 Iraq Numaniya 3 0 Three Shia brothers are shot to death by radical Sunnis.
8/30/06 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two men are beheaded in separate attacks by the local Taliban.
8/30/06 Pakistan Wana 1 0 A 14-year-old boy is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
8/30/06 Iraq Diwaniya 13 0 Thirteen Iraqi soldiers are captured and brutally executed by Islamic militants.
8/29/06 India Budgam 1 0 Terrorists slit the throat of a 17-year-old boy.
8/29/06 Iraq Baiji 1 1 Religious fundamentalists gun down a bakery worker.
8/29/06 Iraq Baghdad 20 14 Twenty civilians are kidnapped and killed in at least two separate attacks.
8/29/06 Iraq Baqubah 21 5 Twenty-one victims of sectarian violence are found in and around the city.
8/29/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 1 A suicide bomber kills two civilians.
8/29/06 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 A police officer is gunned down by Muslim militants.
8/28/06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A second Turkish engineer is murdered in a garage by the Taliban.
8/28/06 Afghanistan Leskergah 19 41 Nineteen innocents at a marketplace are blown to bits by a Taliban suicide bomber. The casualties included fifteen children.
8/28/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants attack a man delivering donuts, killing him and then cutting off his ears.
8/28/06 Iraq Baghdad 20 62 A Fedayeen suicide bomber ends the lives of sixteen others near the entrance to a government building. Four others are shot to death.
8/28/06 Afghanistan Heart 1 0 A Turkish engineer is murdered by religious extremists while traveling on a highway.
8/28/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is murdered by Islamic terrorists at a petrol station.
8/28/06 Pakistan Naushki 1 0 A mob enters the home of a barber and shoots him to death.
8/28/06 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 Islamists kidnap a man, pump him full of bullets, then attach a note to his body.
8/27/06 Iraq Abara 3 0 Two brothers and their cousin are brutally slain by Religion of Peace rivals.
8/27/06 Iraq Khalis 9 15 Jihadis bomb a food market, killing at least nine patrons.
8/27/06 Iraq Khalis 16 25 Terrorists storm a house and a café, killing sixteen people, including those rushing in to help the victims.
8/27/06 Iraq Baghdad 12 45 Two bombs, one hidden on a minibus and the other outside a newspaper office, leave a dozen Iraqis dead and forty others in agony.
8/27/06 Iraq Basra 7 0 Seven people are killed by a bomb hidden on a motorcycle.
8/26/06 Ingushetia Ossetian Border 3 1 Terrorists attack a vehicle, killing three Russians inside.
8/26/06 Iraq Tikrit 3 2 Sunni extremists storm a bakery and murder three Shia workers.
8/26/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim militants ambush two pick-up trucks carrying soldiers, killing at least one.
8/26/06 Kosovo Kosovska Mitrovica 0 9 Nine people are injured when a Muslim hurls a bomb into a bar.
8/26/06 Iraq Iskandaria 3 17 Three people are blown apart in a Jihad car bombing.
8/26/06 Iraq Baqubah 4 11 Sunnis attack a Shia family, killing two women and two children.
8/26/06 Iraq Basra 4 0 Four civilians are killed in two separate attacks, including a woman.
8/26/06 Thailand Yala 2 5 Two Thai soldiers are killed by a remote-controlled roadside bomb.
8/25/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 25-year-old man is murdered by terrorists as he sat in his truck.
8/25/06 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 2 The Taliban kill two local officials in an attack on a community.
8/25/06 Iraq Balad Ruz 3 3 Three teenage boys playing soccer are blown apart in a Jihadi bombing.
8/25/06 Iraq Baqubah 9 0 Nine people are killed by Jihadis in various attacks.
8/25/06 India Doda 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
8/24/06 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 A suicide car bomber kill two civilians.
8/24/06 Iraq Balad 3 0 Jihadis kill three policemen.
8/24/06 Iraq Mosul 7 0 Seven civilians, including five members of the same family, are murdered by sectarian rivals.
8/23/06 Iraq Mosul 1 11 A suicidal Sunni kills a woman with explosives.
8/23/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A schoolteacher is gunned down by Muslim militants as he is on his way to teach.
8/23/06 Iraq Baqubah 14 0 Fourteen victims of sectarian violence are found here and in Latifiya.
8/23/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims murder a community guard.
8/23/06 Pakistan Sindh 5 11 Five members of a family, including a 3-year-old girl, are murdered in their home in an honor killing.
8/22/06 Iraq Baqubah 7 0 Islamic militants bomb a market, killing seven people.
8/22/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 1 Seven civilians in a house are mowed down by Muslim gunmen.
8/22/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 3 A young girl and a Canadian soldier are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
8/22/06 Afghanistan Gayan 5 0 Religious extremists ambush a police vehicle, killing all five officers inside.
8/21/06 India Baramulla 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a man near his house.
8/21/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslim terrorists in his living room.
8/21/06 Thailand Yala 3 0 Three Buddhist civilians are gunned down in an orchard by Islamic radicals.
8/20/06 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 2 0 Two civilians are brutally killed by Islamic terrorists.
8/20/06 Afghanistan Panjwai 5 11 The Taliban attack a police post, killing at least five Afghans.
8/20/06 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three policemen are killed by a Taliban remote-controlled bomb.
8/20/06 Ingushetia Alkhasty 2 0 Islamic militants are suspected in two nighttime attacks on police officers in their homes. One was set on fire in front of his family.
8/20/06 Iraq Baghdad 20 302 Sunni snipers take down sixteen Shia pilgrims taking part in a religious festival.
8/20/06 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim gunmen fire into a truck loaded with laborers, killing one.
8/20/06 Iraq Baqubah 6 0 Six Iraqis, including two brothers, are gunned down by Islamic militants.
8/19/06 Algeria Telagh 2 1 Fundamentalists slit the throats of two victims, then place a bomb under the bodies to kill civil workers.
8/19/06 Israel Bekaot 1 0 An Israeli is killed by a Fatah gunman in the West Bank.
8/19/06 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A Christian cobbler is stabbed to death by an angry Muslim.
8/19/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Radical Islamists shoot a plantation worker as he is riding a motorcycle to his job.
8/19/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a man to death on a city street.
8/19/06 Iraq Baqubah 12 0 A dozen farmers, university professors and students are gunned down by sectarian radicals.
8/19/06 Afghanistan Paktika 1 0 A man is murdered by the Taliban.
8/18/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 58-year-old man is murdered in front of his house by militant Muslims.
8/18/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Seven Shiite pilgrims are gunned down by Sunni terrorists while en route to a religious ceremony.
8/17/06 India Budgam 1 0 In a gruesome attack, militant Muslims kidnap a craftsman and then cut off his head.
8/17/06 Iraq Baqubah 9 0 Three brothers are among nine people assassinated by Islamic radicals.
8/17/06 Iraq Suwayra 6 0 Six victims of sectarian violence are fished out of a river, blindfolded and showing signs of torture..
8/17/06 Iraq Daquq 2 1 A bomb blast ends the lives of two civilians.
8/17/06 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two men are shot off their motorbikes by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
8/17/06 India Wutligam 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
8/17/06 India Srinagar 3 2 Three policemen are killed in separate attacks.
8/17/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 28 Sunnis use a car bomb to kill three Shia civilians.
8/16/06 Ingushetia Nazran 1 1 A Russian is killed when Islamic separatists attack his vehicle with automatic weapons.
8/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 13 43 Jihadis massacre thirteen innocents with a twin bomb attack in a commercial district.
8/16/06 Iraq Muqdadiya 7 20 A female suicide bomber kills seven innocents at a bus station.
8/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 8 28 Religious radicals set off a bomb at a flea market, killing eight shoppers.
8/16/06 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 1 The Taliban murder a police officer.
8/15/06 Philippines Basilan 1 0 Abu Sayyaf is suspected in the assassination of a high school principal.
8/15/06 Iraq Mosul 9 36 A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters nine other people outside a political office.
8/15/06 Iraq Muqdadiya 3 0 Islamic radicals gun down three bakers.
8/14/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists murder a pork seller.
8/14/06 Iraq Mosul 6 1 Muslim gunmen kill six civilians in three separate attacks, including three blacksmiths.
8/14/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 56-year-old man is shot seven times in the head by Islamic separatists.
8/14/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A rubber plantation worker is murderd by Islamic terrorists.
8/14/06 India Sopore 1 0 A grenade attack on a bus stop fatally injures a civilian.
8/13/06 Pakistan Baltistan 1 1 A bomb hidden in a toy kills a 14-year-old girl.
8/13/06 Israel Shlomi 1 21 Hezbollah fires rockets into an Israeli neighborhood, killing a 70-year-old man in his home.
8/13/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A man is killed by Muslim gunmen in a drive-by shooting while he is having tea. Two elderly patrons are wounded.
8/13/06 India Shopian 1 1 Harkat-ul-Mujahideen kill a 20-year-old woman and leave her sister-in-law critically injured.
8/13/06 Afghanistan Bermel 5 6 Five Afghan soliders are killed when the Taliban stage a terror attack on their post.
8/13/06 Philippines Jolo 3 0 Abu Sayyaf kidnappers stab a businesswoman to death and behead her son after taking them captive. A policeman trying to rescue them is killed as well.
8/13/06 Iraq Baghdad 62 148 Sunni bombers massacre Shiites in a series of neighborhood bombings, racking up over sixty dead and one-hundred and fifty injured.
8/13/06 Thailand Narathiwat 4 12 Islamic radicals kill a shopowner to draw police, then detonate a bomb, killing three additional civilians and injuring twelve.
8/13/06 Pal. Auth. Jenin 1 0 Islamic Jihad executes a man in front of a crowd of people.
8/12/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Three civilians are killed when Jihadis place a shrapnel bomb in a residential neighborhood.
8/12/06 India Drogian 2 0 Two elderly people are shot to death in their homes by Islamic terrorists.
8/12/06 Iraq Mosul 12 4 Jihadis murder a dozen Iraqi civilians in a series of bombing and shooting attacks.
8/12/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A policeman is gunned down by Muslim militants while on patrol.
8/12/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A circus owner is killed by two Muslim terrorists posing as customers.
8/12/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot a policeman in the back as he is leaving his house.
8/12/06 Italy Brescia 1 0 A 20-year-old girl is killed by her family for having a relationship with a non-Muslim.
8/11/06 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Religious radicals kidnap, torture and murder six members of a rival sect.
8/11/06 India Arra 3 0 A Hindu mother and her two young children are brutally slain in their home by Muslim fanatics.
8/11/06 Philippines Pikit 2 0 Two policemen are ambushed and executed by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.
8/11/06 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 0 A suicide bomber kills a Canadian soldier in a transport convoy.
8/11/06 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 Religious extremists kill a man outside his home.
8/11/06 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 1 Two civilians are killed by a roadside bombing.
8/11/06 Afghanistan Nuristan 3 4 Three U.S. soldiers are killed when Taliban militants bombard their patrol with rockets.
8/10/06 Philippines North Cotabato 1 5 A bombing attack by Islamic militants leaves one dead and five injured.
8/10/06 Iraq Najaf 35 122 At least 35 innocent people at a market are blown to bits by an Islamic fanatic wrapped in explosives.
8/10/06 Israel Dir el-Asad 2 11 A young mother and her 4-year-old son are blown apart in their home by a Katyusha rocket.
8/10/06 Israel Karmiel 1 0 A baby girl is killed by Hezbollah rockets fired on her family's home.
8/10/06 India Pattan 1 2 The Mujahideen gun down a civilian and injure his wife and neighbor.
8/10/06 Israel Jerusalem 1 0 An Italian tourist is stabbed to death by a Palestinian youth.
8/9/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 An elderly gas station owner is shot to death in a Muslim terror attack.
8/9/06 Iraq Baghdad 18 2 Terrorists open fire on a street vendor grilling fish, killing five civilians. Thirteen other bodies are found elsewhere.
8/9/06 Ingushetia Nazran 1 13 Radicals bomb a prosecutor's house, killing his brother.
8/9/06 Pakistan Angoor Adda 1 0 An elderly man is shot to death by Islamic militants.
8/8/06 Iraq Baghdad 15 0 Fifteen bodies are found by police from sectarian violence.
8/8/06 Iraq Baghdad 10 69 Muslim terrorists set off two bombs at a bustling market, killing at least ten people.
8/8/06 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 0 Islamic separatists bomb a government official's convoy, killing three people.
8/8/06 Iraq Muqdadiya 3 0 Three people are shot to death by Jihad militants, including a teacher.
8/8/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A rubber tapper is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
8/8/06 Iraq Baqubah 5 20 At least five people were killed when Muslim radicals blow up an apartment building in the middle of the night.
8/7/06 Iraq Khalis 4 7 Terrorists blow up a minibus, killing four civilians..
8/7/06 Pakistan Garhiyoum 1 0 A tribal leader is abducted and beheaded by Muslim extremists.
8/7/06 India Donipawa 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
8/7/06 Russia Karachaevsk 1 0 A local Imam is gunned down by Islamists for performing healing.
8/7/06 Iraq Fallujah 6 2 Six civilians are killed when Sunni terrorists set off a bomb by the side of a road.
8/7/06 Iraq Baqubah 6 15 A senseless attack on a checkpoint by Sunni terrorists leaves at least six Iraqi soldiers dead.
8/7/06 Afghanistan Daigh 2 0 A 70-year-old woman and her 13-year-old grandson are pulled from their home and hanged by the Taliban.
8/6/06 Israel Kfar Giladi 12 14 Hezbollah successfully hits a gathering of people in a community, killing twelve Israelis.
8/6/06 India Sopore 1 17 A woman is killed when Islamic terrorists lob a grenade into the street.
8/6/06 Iraq Baghdad 16 0 Police discover sixteen victims of sectarian violence in two location in the country. Women were among the dead.
8/6/06 Israel Haifa 3 189 A crowded residential area is the target of Hezbollah rockets. An Israeli woman is among three dead.
8/6/06 Iraq Tikrit 15 22 Fifteen mourners at a funeral are slaughtered by a suicide bomber.
8/6/06 Thailand Tala 1 0 A rubber plantation worker is machine-gunned to death by Islamic radicals.
8/6/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 52-year-old Buddhist civilian is gunned down by Muslims.
8/5/06 India Poonch 1 0 The Mujahideen capture a village head, beat him up and then shoot him in the head.
8/5/06 Israel al-Aramshe 3 4 A 60-year-old Arab-Israeli woman and her two daughters are killed when a Hezbollah rocket lands in their home.
8/5/06 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 Radicals kidnap and torture to death nine members of a rival Muslim sect.
8/4/06 Israel Karmiel 2 82 Two people are killed and dozens injured by more 'Party of Allah' rockets.
8/4/06 Iraq Hadhar 10 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber plows his car into a crowd of specators at a soccer game, killing at least ten.
8/4/06 Iraq Kut 7 0 Seven people are kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic radicals.
8/4/06 Iraq Dujail 4 8 Muslim terrorists barge into a home and kill four family members.
8/4/06 Iraq Ubaydi 3 9 Three civilians are killed when Jihadis lob mortars into their neighborhood.
8/4/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 2 Two children are killed when religious extremists lob an explosive into a house.
8/4/06 Israel Mughar 1 2 The mother of two young children is killed in her living room by a Hezbollah rocket.
8/3/06 Israel Acre 5 92 Five Israeli civilians, including a father and daughter, are killed during a 90-minute rocket barrage on their town from Hezbollah.
8/3/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 21 13 A Shaheed martyr murders twenty-one innocents at a market by detonating explosives strapped to his body.
8/3/06 Iraq Mussayab 3 22 Jihad gunmen attack a wedding party, killing three members.
8/3/06 Iraq Bahgdad 10 32 Allah's butchers detonate a bomb in a rubbish pile, killing at least ten bystanders.
8/3/06 Israel Ma'a lot 3 0 Three Arab Israelis are killed by a Hezbollah rocket attack.
8/3/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamic militants shoot a mechanic to death and seriously injure a 5-year-old girl.
8/3/06 Tajikistan Dushanbe 1 0 An Islamist kills himself and a police officer with a grenade.
8/3/06 Iraq Wajihiya 4 0 Muslim radicals invade a home, killing three women and a man.
8/2/06 Thailand Songkhla 3 1 Thai Islamists kill three policeman with a bomb planted along a railroad track.
8/2/06 Iraq Suwayra 11 0 Eleven bound and tortured bodies, victims of sectarian violence, are pulled from a river.
8/2/06 Iraq Diwaniya 1 0 Radical Muslims murder an employee of a human rights group outside his home.
8/2/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists kill a guard at a construction site with a bomb.
8/2/06 Iraq Baghdad 14 37 Islamic terrorists target a bank with bombs, killing more than a dozen innocents.
8/2/06 Iraq Beiji 24 0 Two-dozen people aboard a bus are slaughtered by a remote-controlled bomb operated by radical Sunnis.
8/2/06 Iraq Baghdad 12 14 Children as young as 11 are blown apart when Sunnis deliberately target a soccer match with a bomb hidden in a gym bag.
8/2/06 Israel Nahariya 1 0 An Israeli man is killed by a Hezbollah rocket while riding his bike.
8/2/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Three day laborers looking for work are blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
8/1/06 India Srinagar 4 2 Four Indian soldiers are shot to death by Islamic militants in two separate attacks. One was outside a hospital, and the other a shopping area.
8/1/06 Afghanistan Helmand 3 1 A Taliban ambush on a NATO patrol leaves three British soldiers dead.
8/1/06 Iraq Baghdad 56 91 At least fifty-six people are killed in five Jihad attacks by sectarian militants. Most are burned or blasted to death in bombings.
7/31/06 India Kangan 1 0 A man is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
7/31/06 Afghanistan Farmay Adha 8 16 The Taliban bomb a memorial service at a mosque, killing eight.
7/30/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is abducted and shot in the head by Islamic radicals.
7/30/06 Thailand Yala 1 1 A Muslim terrorist poses as a fruit seller in order to gain the confidence of two other fruit sellers, who he then guns down.
7/30/06 Iraq Iskandariya 4 11 Jihadis bomb a group of civilians traveling along a road, killing four.
7/30/06 Iraq al-Rasheed 23 0 In a horrible massacre, a dozen armed Sunnis force three minibuses of Shia pilgrams off the road, forcibly disembark the passengers, then machine-gun them to death.
7/30/06 Iraq Baghdad 15 0 Fifteen victims of Religion of Peace sectarian violence are found in various parts of the city bearing signs of torture.
7/29/06 Iraq Kirkuk 3 15 Jihadis kill three people with a car bomb.
7/29/06 Iraq Suwayra 2 0 Two Iraqi soldiers are kidnapped and beheaded.
7/28/06 Iraq Baghdad 4 6 A bomb planted between a mosque and a youth center kills four people.
7/28/06 Ingushetia Nazran 2 0 Two Russians are killed when Muslim sniper target their car.
7/28/06 Jordan Amman 1 0 A woman is hacked to death by relatives after delivering a baby out-of-wedlock.
7/28/06 Afghanistan Tagab 1 11 Religious extremists attack a police post, killing at least one officer.
7/28/06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected Islamic terrorist assassinates a government minister.
7/28/06 USA Seattle, WA 1 5 An 'angry' Muslim-American barges into a local Jewish center and shoots six women, one of whom dies.
7/27/06 Iraq Baghdad 32 101 A car bombing and mortar attacks by Jihadis on a shopping district rack up more than thirty dead bodies.
7/27/06 India Doda 1 6 A 14-year-old girl is killed when a militant Muslim tosses a grenade at her family.
7/27/06 Iraq Baghdad 19 0 The bodies of nineteen abductees showing signs of torture are found in various parts of the capital.
7/27/06 Israel Abus 1 0 al-Fatah terrorists kidnap a 60-year-old Israeli man and then murder him, leaving his body in the truck of a burning car.
7/26/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four security guards are killed by the Taliban while in route to help another victim.
7/26/06 India Renipora 3 0 Three Indian troops are killled in a Mujahideen ambush.
7/26/06 India Sajan 1 0 Muslim terrorists slit a young girl's throat.
7/26/06 Afghanistan Zabul 1 8 Religious extremists fire on a truck carrying road workers, killing one of them.
7/25/06 Iraq Karbala 3 0 Three members of a wedding party are gunned down in a drive-by shooting.
7/25/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 The employee of a wood-processing plant is killed by Islamic gunmen.
7/25/06 Afghanistan Kabul 2 4 The Taliban kill two civilians with a roadside bomb. Four others are injured.
7/25/06 Israel Kfar Mrar 1 48 A 15-year-old girl is killed by a Hezbollah rocket.
7/25/06 Iraq Baqubah 5 0 Five farmers are kidnapped, tortured and executed by Religion of Peace radicals.
7/25/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a man off of his motorcycle as he is riding to work.
7/25/06 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 The bodies of twenty-five abductees are found in four separate locations across the country.
7/24/06 Iraq Mosul 10 4 Five Iraqis are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber and two separate shootings leave five others dead.
7/24/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist teacher is gunned down by Muslim militants in the classroom in front of his 10-year-old students.
7/23/06 Israel Haifa 2 14 Two Israelis are killed by Hezbollah rockets.
7/23/06 Afghanistan Yaqubi 3 2 Three little girls are murdered by the Taliban in a grenade attack on their home.
7/23/06 Iraq Baghdad 42 94 Thirty-three of Baghdad's poorest people are blown apart by a Sunni car bomb place just outside an open-air market. A second bombing nets another nine.
7/23/06 Afghanistan Khost 1 3 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
7/23/06 Thailand Pattani 1 3 Islamic radicals murder a 60-year-old janitor as he is buying vegetables for his wife.
7/23/06 India Larkipora 1 0 A political activist is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
7/23/06 India Mawar Handwara 2 1 Two civilians are killed in a bombing by Islamic militants.
7/23/06 Afghanistan Charsada 2 0 Two 'World Vision' humanitarian workers are murdered as they are returning from a charity m*****n.
7/23/06 India Chatroo 1 1 Islamic militants murder a civilian and abduct another.
7/23/06 Iraq Kirkuk 22 159 At least twenty-two souls are lost to a suicide bomber bent on achieving Islamic paradise.
7/22/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 1 Jihadis open fire on workers in a house, killing seven.
7/22/06 Iraq Baqubah 7 0 A suicidal Sunni bomber sends seven innocents to Allah.
7/22/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 20 A religious extremist approaches a crowd of civilians and then detonates himself, killing at least six innocents.
7/22/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 8 Two Canadian troops are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber rams his car into their vehicle.
7/21/06 Iraq Baghdad 38 0 Police find 38 corpses of those killed in sectarian violence.
7/20/06 Iraq Basra 4 5 The throats of a mother and her three children are slit by Muslim terrorists in their home.
7/20/06 Iraq Baghdad 8 31 Three separate terror bombings leave at least eight people dead.
7/20/06 Iraq Baiju 3 0 Islamic gunmen murder three oil refinery engineers.
7/20/06 Iraq Kirkuk 4 20 Four people are killed in a Jihad bombing.
7/20/06 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Militant Muslims spray a police booth with automatic weapons, killing three officers.
7/20/06 Iraq Beiji 12 0 A dozen people examining a corpse in a car are killed when Jihadis detonate the vehicle remotely.
7/20/06 India Vehil Nowgam 1 0 A youth is executed in public view by the Mujahideen.
7/20/06 Iraq Muqdadiya 7 0 Seven people are killed in two separate Muslim terror attacks.
7/20/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 60-year-old fruit grower is gunned down by Islamic militants.
7/20/06 Iraq Fallujah 9 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber ends the lives of six other people. Three others are kidnapped an tortured to death.
7/19/06 Iraq Kirkuk 4 16 Four people at a café are killed by a bomb.
7/19/06 Iraq Baghdad 12 29 A marketplace shooting and two bombings by Sunni radicals leaves at least a dozen innocents dead.
7/19/06 Iraq Mahmudiya 24 0 Eighteen people are kidnapped, tortured and shot to death. Another six in Suwayra.
7/19/06 India Palhalan Pattan 1 0 A civilian is murdered by the Mujahideen.
7/19/06 Iraq Rasheed 3 11 Muslim gunmen storm a market, shooting three people to death and injuring eleven.
7/19/06 Israel Nazareth 2 9 Two brothers, ages 9 and 3, are blown apart by Hezbollah rockets in their front yard.
7/18/06 Iraq Haditha 3 0 Three translators are brutally murdered by Islamic terrorists.
7/18/06 Iraq Mosul 4 2 A suicide bomber punches his ticket to Allah, taking four other souls with him.
7/18/06 Israel Nahariya 1 60 An Israeli civilian is killed by a Hezbollah missile as the terror group fires multiple rockets into civilian areas.
7/18/06 India Kulgam 1 0 A boy is kidnapped from a cricket match by Islamic terrorists, tied up and killed in front of a crowd.
7/18/06 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 Radical Muslims cut off a girl's head, then place it on a bomb, which kills another civilian when it detonates.
7/18/06 Iraq Kufa 59 132 A suicidal Sunni drives an explosives-packed minivan into a crowd of Shia laborers looking for work. Over fifty lay dead in the ensuing horror.
7/18/06 Philippines Maimbung 1 2 At least one policeman is killed in an attack by Muslim terrorists.
7/18/06 Iraq Mahmudiya 14 0 Police find fourteen more victims of sectarian violence, blindfolded and shot at close range.
7/18/06 Algeria Ain Defla 4 0 Four munincipal guards are shot to death in an ambush by Islamic fundamentalists.
7/18/06 India Mahore 1 0 A 6-year-old child dies from gunshot wounds after Muslim radicals fire into a family home.
7/17/06 Chechnya Grozny 2 1 Jihadis spray two policemen with machine-gun fire in broad daylight.
7/17/06 Israel Nablus 1 6 Palestinians throw a bomb at a group of Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, killing one.
7/17/06 India Poonch 1 0 Fedayeen attack a police station, killing a constable.
7/17/06 Afghanistan Gardez 5 22 A suicide bomber kills five people, including four civilians.
7/17/06 Pakistan Torghundai 1 0 Islamists attack a police post and kill one officer.
7/17/06 Iraq Mahmoudiya 12 0 The bodies of a dozen victims of sectarian violence are found around the city.
7/17/06 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 A cleric and his brother are assasinated by gunmen at point-blank range.
7/17/06 Iraq Mahmoudiya 41 90 Sunni gunmen attack unarmed civilians in a market. Dozens of innocents are massacred.
7/16/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists on a motorcycle pump four rounds into a civilian.
7/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 6 40 Separate terror attacks leave ten civilians dead about forty injured.
7/16/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is stabbed to death by Muslim militants and dumped into a river.
7/16/06 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two barbers are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
7/16/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 40-year-old retired policeman is killed by Islamic militants as he entered his home.
7/16/06 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Three woman are among six people executed by Muslim radicals and dumped.
7/16/06 Israel Haifa 8 17 Hezbollah fires Iranian missiles at an Israeli city, killing eight residents.
7/16/06 Iraq Muqdadiyah 3 0 Three people, including a boy and woman are gunned down by Shia radicals.
7/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 26 22 A suicidal Sunni bomber slaughters twenty-six Shiite patrons in a café.
7/16/06 India Darhal 2 0 Two civilians are abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
7/16/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Thai Jihadis murder a 71-year-old man standing in front of his house.
7/15/06 India Hilltak 2 0 Two adults are killed inside their home by the Mujahideen.
7/15/06 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 A bomb placed inside a computer explodes at an Internet café, killing one.
7/15/06 Iraq Baghdad 5 4 A suicide bomber kills two policemen. Elsewhere, Jihadis gun down three brothers.
7/15/06 India Ganderbal 2 3 The Mujahideen kill a civilian with a grenade. An injured man succumbs to injuries a day later.
7/14/06 Pakistan Karachi 3 1 A suicide bomber kills a Shiite cleric, his nephew and a guard.
7/14/06 Israel Meron 2 3 Hezbollah rockets kill an elderly woman and her 5-year-old grandson. The boy's mother and father are seriously injured.
7/14/06 Philippines Zamboanga 2 1 An Abu Sayyaf member carrying a Qur'an guns down two policemen.
7/14/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 5 Muslim radicals bomb a rival mosque, killing seven.
7/14/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 52-year-old man is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
7/13/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 6 Islamists set off a bomb in a market, killing one person.
7/13/06 Israel Nahariya 1 29 A woman is killed in her home by Hezbollah rockets.
7/13/06 India Magnar 4 2 Two children are among four people killed by Lashkar-e-Toiba radicals, who gun down villagers in a heinous attack.
7/13/06 Israel Safed 1 21 A 70-year-old Israeli woman is killed by a Hezbollah rocket.
7/13/06 Iraq Kirkuk 3 5 Jihadis use a car bomb to kill three people.
7/13/06 Iraq Mosul 5 5 A suicide car bomber sends five others to Allah.
7/12/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber walks into a restaurant and sends seven patrons to Allah.
7/12/06 Iraq Muqdadiya 20 0 Twenty bus drivers are kidnapped and brutally executed by Sunni radicals.
7/12/06 Somalia Jowhar 1 0 Islamists shoot a man to death for complaining about new religious taxes.
7/12/06 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 Two carpenters are murdered by Muslim militants.
7/12/06 Afghanistan Khost 1 5 A child is killed by a suicide bomber.
7/12/06 Israel Lebanese Border 7 2 Hezbollah stages a cross-border raid into Israel, killing seven Israelis and capturing two.
7/12/06 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 8 The Taliban place a bomb in a fruit cart, killing two innocents.
7/12/06 Afghanistan Zabul 3 0 Three Afghan border guards are killed by Islamic extremists.
7/11/06 Somalia Mogadishu 140 150 Islamic militias stage a Jihad attack a compound. At least one-hundred and forty are killed in the following two days.
7/11/06 India Mumbai 200 714 Lashkar-e-Toiba and local Students Islamic Movement of India set off coordinated bombs that kill nearly two hundred train commuters during the busy rush hour.
7/11/06 Iraq Baghdad 23 15 In three horrible attacks, Islamic radicals kill twenty-three innocent people, including ten Shias on their way to a funeral.
7/11/06 Iraq Baqubah 19 0 Nineteen people are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
7/11/06 India Srinagar 9 43 The Mujahideen hurl grenades at tourists, killing nine, including four women.
7/11/06 Iraq Baghdad 15 13 A double suicide bombing by determined Muslims ends the lives of fifteen innocent people.
7/10/06 Pakistan Babara 2 0 Local Islamists kill a tribal leader and a community guard in a pre-dawn attack.
7/10/06 Pakistan Malir 1 0 A prominent Sunni is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
7/10/06 Algeria Tipaza 6 4 Algerian fundamentalists kill six people in an attack on a community.
7/10/06 Iraq Suwayra 5 0 Five civilians are kidnapped and executed by the Mujahideen.
7/10/06 Iraq Kirkuk 3 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three others.
7/10/06 Iraq Baghdad 6 28 Jihadis kill six with a car bomb located outside a restaurant.
7/9/06 Somalia Mogadishu 19 20 At least nineteen people are killed when Islamic militias attack a compound.
7/9/06 Kyrgyztan Jalal-Abad 1 3 Islamic militants gun down a policeman.
7/9/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim radicals gun down a young man at a rubber plantation.
7/9/06 Iraq Baghdad 19 59 Radical Sunnis bomb a Shiite mosque, killing nineteen innocents.
7/9/06 Iraq Baghdad 41 0 Radical Shiites set up a phony roadblock and shoot 41 Sunni civilians to death in retaliation for a mosque bombing.
7/8/06 India Kulgam 5 32 Five people are killed when Islamic militants lob grenades at a female political figure.
7/8/06 Chechnya Shelkovskaya 4 2 Four civilians are murdered by the Mujahideen in an ambush on their vehicle.
7/8/06 Iraq Baghdad 13 14 Five horrible attacks on civilians by Muslim terrorists leave thirteen dead, including six people who were merely collecting rags.
7/8/06 Ingushetia Sunzhensky 2 1 Militants ambush a car with automatic weapons, killing two occupants.
7/7/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 30 Sunnis mortar a Shia mosque, killing at least three innocents.
7/7/06 Iraq Tal Banat 6 46 Six Shia worshippers at a mosque are blown apart by Sunni radicals in a bombing.
7/7/06 Iraq Baghdad 5 9 Shia terrorists bomb two Sunni mosques, killing five people.
7/7/06 Iraq Khadimiyah 4 38 Islamic terrorists massacre four children in a mortar attack on a field where they are playing.
7/6/06 Iraq Kufa 13 41 Sunni 'freedom fighters' blast two buses full of Shiite pilgrims with a car bomb, killing at least thirteen.
7/5/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is shot to death by Islamic gunmen while riding a motorcycle.
7/5/06 Iraq Baghdad 2 10 Jihadis bomb a restaurant, killing two people.
7/5/06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 47 Three Taliban bombs against commuter buses leave at least one person dead.
7/5/06 Nigeria Kumutu 3 30 Nigerian 'Taliban' attacks Christian villagers, killing at least three.
7/4/06 Iraq Karbala 6 0 Six civilians are killed execution style by Muslim terrorists.
7/4/06 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Hard-line Islamists open fire on a group of teenagers watching a World Cup match, killing two, including a girl.
7/4/06 Turkey Gaziantep 1 0 A pregnant 16-year-old girl is brutally slain in her bed by her brother in an 'honor killing.'
7/4/06 Philippines Patikul 2 0 Abu Sayyaf terrorists ambush and kill two government soldiers.
7/4/06 Chechnya Avtury 6 14 The Mujahideen fire rockets at a truck convoy, killing at least six Russians.
7/4/06 India Sarharda 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba kidnap a man, take him to a field and then slit his throat.
7/3/06 Iraq Mosul 5 28 Jihadis bomb a crowded market, killing five innocents.
7/3/06 Afghanistan Herat 1 6 A female university student is murdered by religious extremists.
7/3/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 6 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
7/3/06 Afghanistan Kunar 5 1 Five laborers are shot to death by Taliban extremists.
7/3/06 India Poonch 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen kidnap a police officer then cut out his eyes, ears and penis before slitting his throat.
7/3/06 Iraq Diwaniya 3 0 Religious fundamentalists kill two alcohol traders. A third person is beheaded elsewhere.
7/3/06 Iraq Hawija 1 0 Islamic terrorists kidnap and behead a civilian.
7/2/06 Pakistan Lower Dir 6 7 Six members of a security patrol are killed by a Taliban landmine at an Afghan refugee camp.
7/2/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 29 Three separate bombings kill three people and injure over two dozen others.
7/2/06 Iraq Baqubah 2 3 Two members of a family are killed when Islamic terrorists set off a bomb outside their home.
7/1/06 Iraq Mosul 2 6 Two people are killed by a suicide bomber.
7/1/06 Iraq Baghdad 62 114 Sixty-two Shiite shoppers are blown to bits in a horrific marketplace bombing by Sunni terrorists that leaves over a hundred others in various stages of suffering.
7/1/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Radical Muslims shoot a 22-year-old man to death as he is sleeping in the back of his pick-up truck.
7/1/06 Iraq Haditha 5 12 Jihadis mortar a residential neighborhood, killing five residents.
7/1/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a civilian off of his motorcycle.
7/1/06 Afghanistan Sangin 3 4 Two Brits and an Afghan interpretered are killed in an attack on their compound by the Taliban.
6/30/06 Pakistan Spinkai Raghzai 1 3 Local Taliban shoot a rival religious leader to death.
6/30/06 Pakistan Ipi 1 0 Shouting "Allah akbar," executioners shoot a man to death in a public square.
6/30/06 Pakistan Gadi Wind 1 0 A group of Muslim bulldoze a Christian family's house, killing an infant.
6/30/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Six bodies are found dumped in a house and Jihadi terrorists elsewhere gun down an Imam.
6/29/06 Iraq Kirkuk 4 27 A suicide bomber kills four Iraqis at a funeral.
6/29/06 Iraq Baghdad 8 4 In separate attacks, Jihadis kill eight civilians including a baker, and electrical worker, a garbage collector and a university professor.
6/29/06 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 A 15-year-old girl is among two people kidnapped and murdered by radical Muslims.
6/29/06 Algeria Albalouta 2 11 Islamic fundamentalists attack a communal guard post with rockets, killing two people, whose bodies they later burned.
6/29/06 Iraq Hilla 14 0 Fourteen bodies are found in Hilla, Kut and Karbala. The victims included women and children who were killed in brutal fashion.
6/29/06 India Kashmir 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by radical Muslims in separate attacks (Kangan and Bandipore).
6/28/06 Iraq Baqubah 3 12 Jihadis use a car bomb in a crowd of laborers looking for work. Children are among the casualties.
6/28/06 Nigeria Izom 1 0 A 20-year-old woman is stoned to death by a Muslim mob after she criticized Islam.
6/28/06 Philippines Maguindanao 1 2 A government official is gunned down and two 9-year-old girls are wounded by suspected Muslims .
6/28/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 5 Islamic gunmen storm into a karaoke bar, killing one and injuring five others.
6/27/06 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two villagers are murdered by Islamic radicals.
6/27/06 Iraq Kirkuk 3 21 Jihadis blow up a gas station, killing three patrons.
6/27/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 3 Three policemen are killed in a roadside terror bombing.
6/27/06 Somalia Lafole 6 0 Islamic militias break a truce and attack two checkpoints.
6/27/06 Thailand Yala 5 1 Islamists target a convoy of teachers with a bomb. Five security guards are killed in the explosion.
6/27/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 A nail-packed bomb at a market kills three.
6/27/06 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 8 Fedayeen bombers target German peacekeepers, but kill two civilians.
6/27/06 India Rajpora 2 0 Two people are kidnapped by Islamic militants, and then exectuted with their bodies thrown into a stream.
6/27/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is killed in his home by Islamists.
6/26/06 Iraq Hilla 6 56 Six shoppers at a market are murdered in a Jihad bombing.
6/26/06 Pakistan North Waziristan 6 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into a checkpoint, taking the lives of six Pakistanis.
6/26/06 Iraq Baqubah 18 25 Islamic terrorists bomb a crowded market, slaughtering at least eighteen innocents.
6/26/06 India Bandipore 3 0 Islamic radicals gun down three civilians.
6/26/06 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Muslim man slits his pregnant wife's throat in an honor killing.
6/26/06 India Baramulla 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by the Mujahideen in separate attacks.
6/26/06 Pakistan Guldar 5 0 Local Talibanis attack a civilian and kill him along with four family members.
6/25/06 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Muslims gun down two civilians in a suspected sectarian attack.
6/25/06 Israel Kerem Shalom 2 3 Hamas takes credit for an attack on Israel that leaves two IDF soldiers dead and a third kidnapped.
6/25/06 Iraq Baghdad 5 22 Two Jihad bombings, one in a shopping center and the other on a minibus, leave at least five Iraqi civilians dead.
6/25/06 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three Shiites are killed in a drive-by shooting.
6/25/06 India Tral 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap a policeman and then torture and execute him.
6/25/06 Israel Ramallah 1 0 An 18-year-old Israeli hitchhiker is picked up by Palestinian terrorists and murdered.
6/25/06 USA Denver, CO 1 5 Saying that it was 'Allah's choice', a Muslim shoots four of his co-workers and a police officer.
6/25/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Islamists read from the Qur'an as they execute three Russian hostages in cold blood. The last two are forced to stand over the blood and decapitated body of the first.
6/24/06 India Srinigar 1 9 An Islamic militant tosses a grenade into a crowded street crossing.
6/24/06 India Palhalan 1 1 A 12-year-old boy is killed in a Mujahideen ambush.
6/24/06 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 Religious extremists kill a policeman as he is driving to work.
6/24/06 Iraq Baqubah 14 5 Three civilians at a car dealership are among fourteen who loose their lives to Islam in four terror attacks.
6/24/06 Iraq Suwayra 1 0 A young woman is tortured and beheaded by angry Muslims.
6/23/06 Iraq Hibhib 10 15 Shia terrorists bomb a Sunni mosque, killing at least ten.
6/23/06 Afghanistan Zabul 4 0 The Taliban kidnap four civilians and then cut off their heads.
6/23/06 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 The bodies of five factory workers, kidnapped the day before, are found in a river.
6/23/06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A Swedish journalist attending an Islamic rally is shot fatally in the chest.
6/23/06 Philippines Shariff Aguak 6 9 Six shoppers are blown to bits when Filipino Muslims set off a bomb at a crowded market.
6/23/06 India Lal Chowk 1 0 Islamists murder a police officer on a city street in the capital.
6/23/06 Iraq Basra 5 15 At least five people are killed when Islamic militants bomb a gas station.
6/22/06 India Sopore 2 20 Muslim militants hurl a grenade at the house of a religious rival, killing a woman and a child, and injuring twenty others.
6/22/06 India Rajpura 1 0 A civilian is killed in his home by the Mujahideen.
6/22/06 Iraq Hawija 1 0 A carpenter is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
6/21/06 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2 0 Two policemen sitting in a car are slaughtered in a brutal shooting attack at a traffic stop.
6/21/06 Pakistan Bannu 3 1 Three Pakistan policemen on patrol are murdered by al-Qaeda backed terrorists.
6/21/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills a civilian and injures seven others.
6/21/06 Algeria Bouira 6 3 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a security patrol, killing six individuals.
6/21/06 Iraq Baghdad 4 6 Jihadis murder two people with a car bomb at a crowded market. Elsewhere, a Sunni imam and a high school teacher are gunned down.
6/20/06 India Aaora Missipora 1 0 A political activist is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
6/20/06 Iraq Suwayra 7 0 The bodies of seven victims of Islamic radicals are found handcuffed and tortured.
6/20/06 Iraq Baghdad 2 18 Islamic terrorists kill two civilians in a bomb attack on a commercial area.
6/20/06 Algeria Blida 5 0 Five farmers are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists in a gruesome knife attack.
6/20/06 Iraq Basra 2 3 Elderly patients at an old age home are targeted by a Sunni suicide bomber. Two are killed.
6/19/06 Pakistan Wana 1 0 Militant Muslims assassinate a tribal chief.
6/19/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 13 Seven civilians are murdered by Islamic terrorists in two car bombings.
6/19/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four members of a construction company are killed when religious extremists attack their vehicle.
6/19/06 India Tangmarg 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
6/18/06 Iraq Mosul 1 19 Jihadis murder a high-school girl and injure nineteen others with a car bomb.
6/18/06 Thailand Pattani 1 2 An 88-year-old woman is murdered when Islamists open up on a crowd with automatic weapons.
6/18/06 Afghanistan Helmand 32 14 Some thirty members of the same family are massacred by the Taliban.
6/18/06 Iraq Baqubah 13 0 Radical Muslims gun down three people in cold blood, as ten other bodies are found elsewhere.
6/18/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 48-year-old man out for a Sunday drive is shot to death by Islamists.
6/17/06 Thailand Yala 1 2 Islamists bomb a karaoke bar, killing one patron.
6/17/06 Iraq Baghdad 23 52 Two suicidal Sunnis slaughter dozens in separate attacks at traffic checkpoints.
6/17/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 Muslim extremists bomb a minibus, killing at least four passengers.
6/17/06 Iraq Baghdad 8 37 Jihadis target two markets with explosives, killing at least eight shoppers and leaving another 25 in various stages of injury.
6/16/06 Iraq Fallujah 5 0 Jihad gunmen massacre five truck drivers trying to make a living.
6/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 11 25 A Sunni suicide bomber hits a Shiite mosque, blasting eleven worshippers to Allah and leaving dozens more in agony.
6/16/06 Pakistan Orakzai 4 0 Two girls under the age of 5 are slaughtered along with two women working for an NGO by Muslim gunmen who broke into their home in the middle of the night.
6/16/06 Pakistan Muzzafargarh 1 0 A man accussed of blasphemy is knifed to death by two religious men outside a courtroom.
6/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 16 Muslim terrorists fire mortar rounds into a residential neighborhood, killing at least three Iraqis.
6/16/06 India Bandipore 2 3 The Mujahideen stages a grenade attack along a city street, killing two civilians.
6/16/06 India Kashmir 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by militant Muslims in separate attacks.
6/16/06 Iraq Yusifiyah 3 0 Islamic terrorists attack a checkpoint and kidnap two U.S. soldiers, who are later tortured to death.
6/15/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 10 16 Religious extremists bomb a minibus carrying laborers, killing at least ten people.
6/15/06 Iraq Baqubah 10 2 Muslim gunmen slaughter ten laborers as they are headed to work. All are shot to death.
6/15/06 India Dunga 1 13 Two brothers are brutally tortured by Islamists, who cut off their tongues, noses and ears. A 65-year-old man is also shot to death.
6/15/06 Thailand Pattani 1 10 Islamists bomb a tea shop, killing a Buddhist patron. Just one of 41 bombs set that morning.
6/15/06 Pakistan Hasilpur 1 1 An elderly man is killed by a Muslim mob as he tries to protect another man from torture over suspicion of blasphemy.
6/15/06 Thailand Pattani 1 6 A man is killed by Muslim bombers targeting a city hall.
6/15/06 Algeria Gouraya 10 0 Two people are beheaded by Islamic fundamentalists, who also kill seven other persons in separate attacks.
6/15/06 India Srundoo 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a civilian.
6/15/06 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A journalist who was abducted six months earlier is executed by Islamists while in handcuffs.
6/15/06 Pakistan Karachi 5 6 Militants ambush a car carrying policemen on a city street, killing five people.
6/15/06 Iraq Tikrit 4 15 Radicals storm a mosque and shoot a cleric and three others to death.
6/14/06 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Jihadis detonate a car bomb near a market, killing two civilians.
6/14/06 Pakistan Thabi 1 0 A man is kidnapped and beheaded by local Taliban.
6/14/06 India Sopore 1 0 A man is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
6/14/06 India Bandipore 2 0 Two civilians are gunned down by the Mujahideen.
6/13/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Islamists shoot a university professor to death as six bodies showing signs of torture are found elsewhere.
6/13/06 Algeria Skikda 1 3 A bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists kills an Algerian soldier.
6/13/06 India Anantnag 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian, murder him and then toss his body in a stream.
6/13/06 Iraq Kirkuk 22 43 A series of Jihad car bombings leave at least twenty people dead, mostly civilians.
6/12/06 Iraq Suwayra 9 0 A 10-year-old boy is among nine people killed by radical Shiites and dumped into a river.
6/12/06 Iraq Baghdad 5 19 A suicidal Sunni blows up five Shiites at a market.
6/12/06 Pakistan Quetta 5 17 A bomb attached to a bicycle kill five people, including a woman and a child.
6/12/06 India Kulgam 8 5 Hibul Mujahideen massacre eight migrant laborers.
6/12/06 India Jammu 1 22 Hindu pilgrims at a busstop are the targets of a grenade attack by Islamic militants.
6/12/06 Iraq Baghdad 6 12 Sunni radicals bomb a minibus carrying oil workers, killing six.
6/12/06 Iraq Tal Afar 4 43 A Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into a gas station, sending at least four civilians to Allah.
6/12/06 Iraq Balad 2 26 A market is once again the target of Islamic militants, who blast at least two shoppers to Allah.
6/12/06 India Sopore 3 0 Three people are killed in two separate Islamic grenade attacks.
6/12/06 Afghanistan Paktia 2 5 Two passengers in a car are killed and five injured when the Taliban place a bomb under a bridge.
6/12/06 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 1 Religious extremists attack a private truck convoy, killing one of the drivers.
6/12/06 India Budora 1 0 A newly recruited soldier, home on leave, is abducted, tortured and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
6/11/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A young man is murdered by Islamic extremists outside a mosque.
6/11/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four road workers are murdered by the Taliban.
6/11/06 Chechnya Niki-Khita 1 1 A Jihad ambush kills one Russian and injures another.
6/11/06 Iraq Tikrit 1 0 An Iraqi soldier is captured and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
6/11/06 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 A man and a woman are brutally gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
6/11/06 Iraq Baghdad 6 42 Muslim terrorists detonate a car bomb in a commercial district, killing at least six innocents.
6/11/06 Algeria Skikda 1 3 Fundamentalists capture a civilian and cut his throat on video.
6/11/06 Israel Jerusalem 1 4 Palestinian gunmen fire on a car carrying Israelis, killing a 35-year-old father.
6/10/06 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 2 0 Shiites kidnap two Sunni brothers from their workplace and then chop off their heads.
6/10/06 Iraq Baghdad 9 41 Islamic radicals set off bombs near two crowded shopping areas, killing at least nine and injuring over forty others.
6/9/06 Pakistan Wana 1 4 An 18-year-old farm worker is killed in a landmine attack.
6/9/06 Ingushetia Ordzhonikidzevskaya 6 0 Three young children are among six killed in a targeted Jihad ambush on a vehicle.
6/9/06 Ingushetia Karabulak 1 0 A woman is gunned down by Muslim radicals.
6/8/06 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 1 Three Afghans are murdered by a Taliban roadside bomb.
6/8/06 Afghanistan Bala Buluk 1 0 Two Talibanis kill a government official on a city street.
6/8/06 Iraq Baghdad 19 50 Nineteen people are killed and more than fifty injured by two terror bombings near a market.
6/8/06 Iraq Baghdad 15 23 Jihadis target an outdoor market with separate car bombs, killing at least fifteen innocents.
6/8/06 Thailand Narathiwat 5 3 Five policemen are
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That list did not constitute a response to the points raised in the other thread, nor does it in this one.

What you have argued simply does not follow. The list does not back up anything you have said, nor does it address the things I have said that you appear to disagree with.

iraq body count wrote:For each civilian killed by "terrorists" on and since 9-11, the USA and its allies have brought about almost four non-combatant, civilian deaths in return.
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So what's your point, exactly? That there's a group of whackjobs running around with their mums' teatowels wrapped 'round their noggins killing civilians in the name of their faith?
Earth to DarkAngel - we know!
And so, according to the source of your information, does Glen Reinsford. What a perfectly charming chap he seems to be.
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this thread is the israel/palestinian conflict in a nutshell. bodycount against bodycount - who killed more - who is the worser villain. This doesnt change anything nor will it ever in the future.
Wake up.
You're not any better.
Put their heads on f*cking pikes in front of the venue for all I care.
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This is (as I've said on the other thread) the problem. Fundamentalists of all stripes are unwilling to even consider the possibility that they are wrong. Yes the muslim terrorists are wrong, but the Israeli government is wrong, the US and UK governments are wrong, it's all wrong!

"We're fighting for peace!" goes the cry. It's about as useful as fücking for virginity.

Bring on the next comet impact, please.
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
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stefan moermans
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hhmm :oops: almost ashamed of being white, or against US or against iraq :cry:
Think I found a solution against the pain and hatred and killing :D

Let's exterminate ourselfs(as if we haven't been trying hard on that one) : good and bad, white and dark, yellow and red, believers and and non-believers, aliens and whoever I left-out :twisted: :twisted: At least my children won't have to watch the television again and see people killing each other for a bloody stupid conviction or a piece of land or some petrol or who knows maby even a boot of the sissies :(

:urff: :urff: every single bodycount is simply one to much :von: and that goes for all parties :innocent:
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stefan moermans
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markfiend wrote:This is (as I've said on the other thread) the problem. Fundamentalists of all stripes are unwilling to even consider the possibility that they are wrong. Yes the muslim terrorists are wrong, but the Israeli government is wrong, the US and UK governments are wrong, it's all wrong!

"We're fighting for peace!" goes the cry. It's about as useful as fücking for virginity.

Bring on the next comet impact, please.
rigth on mark. Let the comet do it's work. :notworthy: :notworthy:
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stefanmoermans wrote:
markfiend wrote:This is (as I've said on the other thread) the problem. Fundamentalists of all stripes are unwilling to even consider the possibility that they are wrong. Yes the muslim terrorists are wrong, but the Israeli government is wrong, the US and UK governments are wrong, it's all wrong!

"We're fighting for peace!" goes the cry. It's about as useful as fücking for virginity.

Bring on the next comet impact, please.
rigth on mark. Let the comet do it's work. :notworthy: :notworthy:
I can´t help but think of Krikkit.
A comet woult have give a nicely godlike show, yes, in a way. Might be interesting what they would say if the idea got obvious that the believers aroused more anger with god than the infidels.. ;D
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Anyone fancy a pint?
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Lager for me, please!
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Aye, I think I'll have a Magners. ;D
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
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I'll go with a pint of Dogbolter :D
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Peace is what everyone (except the religious extremists) want. Unfortunately, they will not allow for peace. Instead, they do horrible things to their own people and to others - like killing a little girl, cutting off her head, and sitting her head upon a bomb which will blow up more people. Extremism of this vein is dangerous. Look at the list. If you are one of their people, you cannot speak out against them - they will kill you. That is great psychological control. A lot of their people want to keep the peace with their oppressors - and they will stay quiet just to keep their families alive. These oppressors firmly believe that your culture, my culture, and many many other cultures are sub-human. What often happens when one group believes another to be subhuman???

This is why I say that we cannot make our concerns about this crisis a political issue. Screw the left and the right - for the oppressor, it is not about our politics. (Although, if an oppressor can manipulate our politics to work in his favor, so much the better.) Notoriously, oppressors are extremely manipulative - scapegoating, blameshifitng. Just neutrally observe what they are doing - the constant, brutal human rights violations, the acts of terror, and the threats. Also consider the vast numbers of men being held mentally hostage so they won't see their wives and children murdered. This is a global issue - and it needs to be addressed - not just because they are threatening all of us - but because of the daily horror their own people experience. How it needs to be addressed - I am not abolutely sure. The great comet is not coming to relieve us of our responsibility to take care of ourselves and others. For those of you who have studied oppression, power, and control issues, I would like to hear your feedback.
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stefan moermans
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well :D :D :D luckely we've got heartland 8) 8) where all people, boys & girls, black & white, small and tall (that's me :lol: ) live together in perfect harmony ;D ;D I hope :innocent:
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