An "Ipswich Ripper"?

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A fourth prostitute has gone missing in Ipswich. (Clicky)

Anyone getting the feeling we're in for a long and nasty manhunt here?

:urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff:
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:eek: Bloody hell. Only heard there was a third last night...

It does look pretty grim - shades of what happened in Leeds all those years ago indeed :|
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I remember the Yorkshire Ripper case, this is bringing back memories of that time, here's hoping they this bastard quicker than they caught Sutcliffe
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Serial Killers baffle me no end.There normally blue collar slobs like the rest of us, ordinary Joes who try not to stick out from the crowd.

So how does it work? At what point in their day do they go ' Right that's it, I'm gonna go on a killing spree !" The first one I can maybe understand. Your with a hooker, something goes wrong then BAM!! before you know it your washing some one else's blood off the back seat off your second hand Astra.

But the next day. Your sat at home. You've had a long boring day at work. What do you do now? hmmm..I'll have me tea, watch That 70's show and then..hmmm I know, I'll go out an kill some one!! Or I could just see what's on Sky Movies tonight. And how do you stop telling ya mates?

Hey did ya watch the Arsenal match? - "No I was out slashing some hooker into tiny slithers, what was the score ? I missed the second half!"

I'd be a crap ripper, I'd probably post something about it on some 1980's goth band fan site or something equally stupid.

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For some of the serial killers, it's been a sexual thing. Jeffrey Dahmer could only get his jollies w*nking over the detached head of an 18-year-old boy or something.

And as well, once they've got away with it once, they start to think they'll never get caught, and the "who cares about another prostitute?" mentality takes over.

Basically I reckon you'd have to be a bit Radio Rental to do it once, never mind 7 or 8. I dunno.
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markfiend wrote:For some of the serial killers, it's been a sexual thing.
I think they've been saying the girls that have been found weren't sexually assaulted. Not that that necessarily rules out any kind of sexual motive of course.
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I could understand an upright citizen snapping at the injustice in the world and killing a couple pimps, ala Taxi Driver, but I can never understand people like Tsutomu Miyazaki and Peter Sutcliffe.
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markfiend wrote:A fourth prostitute has gone missing in Ipswich. (Clicky)

Anyone getting the feeling we're in for a long and nasty manhunt here?

:urff: :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff:
Refresh the page and you've got a fifth :urff:
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I reckon serial killing is like any other new thing that you try - the first time you do it it's really difficult, but after that each one gets a little easier. There is a well-documented link between power over someone and sexual gratification - I suppose if you get off on the first killing then you need to keep doing it to get your kicks. It's probably a serious thrill to the person wired that way - the knowledge that you're stepping beyond any bounds of acceptable behaviour, that you might get caught, that you're staying 1 step ahead of the law, and you're probably justifying your actions with the logic that "they're only prostitutes, after all, so who really cares?" I don't know that serial killers are all that different from the rest of us - they just step a little further then "normal" people do.
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*takes a step away from EvilBastard*
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Brideoffrankenstein wrote:*takes a step away from EvilBastard*
*runs after BoF, his footsteps ringing out in the fog, getting closer and closer, until finally he reaches her, taps her on the shoulder, and says "Excuse me, miss - you dropped your purse."*

Serial killing is probably just a slightly bigger thrill than sneaking your first cigarette when you're a kid - remember that rush, that heart pounding, hypersensitive, illicit buzz? But as things went on that rush disappeared, didn't it? So just imagine transposing the Silk Cut with a bloody knife plunging in and out of the torso of some streetwalker, and you've probably got it :lol:
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it all starts in the childhood already. A deformed kid - a deformed sexuality. First thing might have been some animal torturing, liked it, wanted something bigger, maybe dressed up in mummy's clothes - maybe not. Developped a certain fetish, not so unlike "normal" fetishes, just more extreme, never got caught outliving the fetish .... et voilà the story of Jeffrey Dahmer. (and countless others)

They are driven either by a psychosis (these are mostly the insane serial killers like Ed Gein, who are unstructured and leave a lot of traces) or they suffer from severe antisocial behaviour: the psychopath. They kill orderly and are very difficult to track down.

If you like I can give you a more detailed distinction between these two sorts. (I wrote an exam about this subject for university once, it's still in my head and I have quite a bit of medical literature on that..) :wink:
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Mmmm, you're hot when you talk psychological disorders.

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timsinister wrote:Mmmm, you're hot when you talk psychological disorders.

Dont you feel recognised for the first time, Tim? :wink:
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This is really fuckin scary for me

my eldest daughter likes to go out clubbing in Ipswich...and it's not unknown for me to have to pick her up after the club closes...i would meet her at the railway station and then follow the one way system through the red light district and on to Portman Road (Ispwich Town FC)...the disturbing thing about this route is that the prostitutes used to use Portman Road as their street but due to excessive security cameras in the area they moved...

ALSO...while the police have been searching for the missing prostitutes a small drug gang war broke out in one of the clubs (Zest) where a young male from London was shot dead in the car park...3 others had to attend the A&E department for knife serious...

thankfully in recent weeks she has been going out in Colchester and at the moment she has no plans to go into Ipswich...

this is going to be a difficult christmas for most of the young people in Ipswich...more so for the families of the girls who have been taken.
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canon docre wrote:
timsinister wrote:Mmmm, you're hot when you talk psychological disorders.

Dont you feel recognised for the first time, Tim? :wink:
This is new to me; perhaps I just need to see more attractive therapists. Any suggestions?

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Burn wrote: this is going to be a difficult christmas for most of the young people in Ipswich...more so for the families of the girls who have been taken.
Sympathies, Burn. My female friends could never understand my insistance on walking them places, or calling taxis at all times. I pointed out that in the twenty-four months I lived in Kingston, six girls, two old women, and a young man were pulled out of Barmston Drain, the small drainage tributary that flows through a large part of the city. Seeing it on the news is one thing, walking past it every day is quite another...
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I'm only too pleased that I don't go out, read the news papers or watch the news. I'd rather not know what depravity lies in wait.
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timsinister wrote:perhaps I just need to see more attractive therapists
Aw, cheers :P
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Heard it on the news this morning. :?
They should be able to catch him soon as he is "hungry"
so it seems and will make mistakes. Maybe not by I do hope so. :|

Reminds me of Citizen X I recently watched but that's another thread...
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these are women he's slashing up and their profession only makes them vulnerable, not guilty, or deserving, or "just another tart". let's hope people (media,general public,police) remember that and get on the case quickly and without hindrance a la "wearside jack".

it's easy enough for non-working girls to get mistaken for prostitutes and as he gets cockier he may stop caring who he to people like burn -i feel for you bro, i really do- if yopu've got womenb relatives,friends whatever who are in the area for any reason insist on them going everywhere accompanied or by car. and insist on them carrying a hammer or somethimg with which they can defend themselves in their handbag; just in case they are tjhe sort who will think "sod waiting for a taxi,it's only a 5 minute walk."as a non-rapist/murderer i think it should be legal for women to carry CS gas on them anyway-i'm sure the police would understand a female being "tooled-0up" at this time.

finally,blokes:if you're walking aropund late at night and you see a lone female walking down your side of the street, cross over. it makes them feel a lot less threatened.
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Aye, good point Lee I never meant to imply that these women's jobs makes them any less human. In fact that sort of mentality could lead via a slippery slope to the mentality of the killer...
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Prostitutes with the surname Nicholls do have a rather unlucky history England. Thankfully this one was spared what happened to the last.
I suspect we've got a one-man morality crusader "cleaning up the streets".
From what I understand these women were also drug addicts hence the "profession". Proof if any is needed that we lost the war on drugs and need to turn to legalisation and harm-prevention quickly.
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i didn't think you were implying it at all mark, but undoubtedly some will. :?
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