Sisters GIF's

Do you do a TSOM-related website? Do you know any cool TSOM websites? Sites listed here may be about anything to do with The Sisters: lyrics, tours, photos, biographies, interviews, etc. Post your URLs along with a short description of the website here.

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Big Si
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They make rather nice Avatars! 8) ... 0Mercy.htm

I'm rather fond of this one -

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Unless it is posed, the body language says a lot.....
Todays sarcasm is tomorrow's news
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dead stars
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That computer :?: behind Patricia, is it the Doctor?
paint it black
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@ DI

i think you'll find its a mirror :eek:
Goths have feelings too
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dead stars
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No. It's not. There's a leather pillow and something behind it... What's that? Looks like a keyboard... :eek:
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Big Si
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dead inside wrote:No. It's not. There's a leather pillow and something behind it... What's that? Looks like a keyboard... :eek:
The Leather pillow is the back rest of the couch she is sitting on. The keyboard is actually the Mirror Frame/Sideboarding built into the walls :| I've got another poster that came with the Dominion 12" Box set, from which photo shoot this picture was also taken from (probably the lounge bar in a hotel in Amman, Jordan after shooting the video in Petra, and flying about in Russian Hind Helicopter Gunships :eek: - I remember reading the story of the shoot in smash hits 1988 (couldn't find it in the Heartland Scrapbook though :( ))
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