Anyone doing the FREE Unity festival this Saturday in Leeds?

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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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What with all this talk of meet ups, drinking and gigs I though I'd see if anyone was up for Unity Day on Hyde Park in Leeds this Saturday? ... view.shtml

Nothing corporate, indeed Leeds City Council shut it down early last year more out of pique at their lack of involvement than anything else!

I can't promise a surprise set by Von but basically, for those who've never been to one, it's Leeds 6 rising and reverberating for a day long anti-racism / tolerance festival which basically involves drinking, lying around / dancing taking th(in)gs various bands / sound systems / beer tents and stuff on offer.

I'll be there with a friendly bunch of mixed gender alcoholics. Anyone up for joining us?

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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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Oops! This is actually their main web site URL:

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Quiff Boy
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cool! i didnt realise it was that time of year again... maybe - i'll see what mrs qb fancies doing :)

i went to one a ocuple of years ago and it was a really nice day out.... saw a couple of good local bands, saw a few god awful local bands, and generally had a bit of a day out... :)
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Quiff Boy
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aaargh. its not looking like we're going to make it today. myself and mrs qb both have raging hangovers - neither of us are really up to an all day festie full of loud music and screaming children!! :(

mrs qb was out partying with friends so she has an excuse, but i didnt even go out last night! i just stayed in with a bottle of gin and my pc.... how sad :blush: :urff:

sorry.... shame as its such a nice day out :blush:
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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Utterly Bastard Smurph
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Never mind Quiff... im at bloody work!

Still playing guitar - sometimes weird shaped ones.
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