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Road Kill
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http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... =1592&rd=1

What do people think?

I'm of the opinoin that this is a "wrong-un".

The cover image is cropped differently to the original and the cut in the back seems too short to me.

No sign of run out groove text i.e proof.

Hey if youre gonna spend the money you need to know right?


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Slight Overbomber
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Very hard to say, could be the picture, but the writing on the front looks a little different, and the finger-hole-thing at the top of the reverse side looks slightly the wrong SHAPE, too. As you say, no mention of the runout either. So probly a wrongun?

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Big Si
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Its missing the spire on top of the church - http://members.fortunecity.com/sompromo ... edone.html

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Agrees with Big Si. It's missing the top of the church, so it's fake!
Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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And the person bidding on this is the same person that piaod 133 UK Pounds for the WEA mixes CD-R.

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incredible! more money than sense! :roll:
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Road Kill
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I mailed the seller requesting a scan of the run out groove.

Hmm, no reply what so ever!

Speaks for itself really.

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Slight Overbomber
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Well, if someone out there is happy to spend the money, and if they carry on THINKING they've got the real thing...still, this is a big rip-off!

Again and again and again...
Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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Well the bidder is very clueless, and a newbie jusdging by the other stuff they have bought, a lottery winner prehaps?

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