Biggy's Buddies

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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indeed, although some things are best kept to Private Messages :?

just keep it all in one place is all we ask...
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I read it because it was a new thread and I was interested.

Now I read it just like a cat watches a mouse struggling in a mouse-trap until it dies. With a mixture of morbid fascination and curiosity.

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Well if you all keep replying it'll never drop off the front page :wink:

And I just have to say that it was our beloved NESS that started this thread not the new mentalist.
You've been berating one of your own. That's almost like incest.
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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:I read it because it was a new thread and I was interested.

Now I read it just like a cat watches a mouse struggling in a mouse-trap until it dies. With a mixture of morbid fascination and curiosity.

best threads always have that feeling

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
:eek: :lol:
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Blimey if only I'd known it , the biggest mistake, they key to press saturation
Winnie should have been press officer.

So much attention and the Mike Peters story hasn't even been rolled out yet..................
'I have reason to believe' he said, 'that one of you has been going out at night!'
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keith's dad
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come on kids lets all calm down, we all love biggy thats why we are reading this thread, im not road crew and never wanted to be i just wanted to have alugh and do fat birds which i did
Bradford Massive
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keith's dad wrote:just wanted to have alugh
do they sell that at the frog and parrot?

:lol: :lol:
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sorry about the typ o but i'm a bloke and typing is for girls :lol:
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it's okay, just carry on with the stories...

*sits back with popcorn, coke & a grin on my face*

[back to lurking mode]
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keith's dad
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nice pic madam butterfly it reminds me of my balls after i had ivf treatment, i might get the hang of this computer lark one day , i liked the old days best when you got twated if you danced at the front and you weren't in the following
Bradford Massive
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keith's dad
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typo again it should have said if you weren't in the following
Bradford Massive
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s**t i think it was right the first time i m going for a sit down
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... pipe and slippers, dear?
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I meant to add :lol:
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keith's dad wrote:i liked the old days best when you got twated if you danced at the front and you weren't in the following
oh really now, but dear sir, how on earth would you remember that?
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keith's dad
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you don't get a nose like mine without getting a good twating from time to time
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oh and i might add times have changed.

still want to show me a piccie of your balls, just to check if it's true as most boys have more talk than, well, balls.
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to be fair its only one ball
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awww...shame, better PM the image then, you know folk on here would play with it like an egg...

..or the cat & mouse game with catch me if you can.

**Please don't get me wrong, biggy has respect on here & after seeing his artwork * talent I agree he is talented....'s just you old blokes with stories from the past, not a problem at all but KNOW that there are rules within the HL forum & if the admin has warned as well as the mods, well just be careful how far you take the reminiscence of thoughts as some of our users are but mere teens and therefore the phrasing of what you may consider to be shocking for some is but a mere yawn for others...
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keith's dad
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i understand what you are saying but please remember i m used to the could old days when people had names not code name and you could by a house for £10 in them days you knew who you were talking to, peolpe seem to know who i am but i only know biggy's real name and pete from derby eveybody could be complete strangers, best friend or even the fat bird who puked over my underpant (not in them at the time but i had to do the rest of the no leeds no london tout with one pair of brown y fronts with yellow piping)
Bradford Massive
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another type o
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does anybody know what happen to krodge lovely
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dave, everyone including me is laughing at your spelling and not your stories (although the underpants one would have been quite funny if the memory didn't still haunt me)
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oh keith's dad, do not fret, it is indeed in those times that your mind has seemed to have evolved within. these times have now changed within the fact that this internet ~ forum thingy has evolved that the whole world and here i mean most countries withon mother earth have that thing called the internet thingy.

funny enough, now imagine me sitting next to you with your one ball *not that i'm using this fact as a discriminating factor* but knowing you from what you have posted (wink) it's the same reason why some here are here within the HL walls, but i'm a solo creature within these walls where the users here, within name, i have come to know and love and see many as good goddamn friends and if my appearance at first *that you seem to know but is like water off a duck's back to me* has been to some a respected encounter in a form that you would have to feel as the HL effect and open to all....

i don't know biggy but do know pete who pointed me in this direction. probably not the same pete you know but then again, your search is limited to where you are and your past there?

try for interest's sake, a solo username that is living now in the north for over a decade, but that is rooted from the south.

it would really tickle my fancy if your biggy knew my john - tattoo artist that was u.k. born, s.a. bred & as fuckingcrazy as you bunch although too young by the feel of things...

this is an international forum at the moment!


*sorry tim this was typed before your *wibble ~ image* :notworthy:
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