Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
Can you imagine the picture? A rainy day at the cemetary, and the Caddi creeps alon the narow paved track, the engine growling on a doomy bass, boiling the water of the pavement, blowing steam, fog rising from the hood..
Rawr.. That's an Idea I had in a german lesson back at school..
Btw: Thanks, Zeno&Sinnie. I actually allready knew that!
Last edited by eotunun on 25 Aug 2007, 21:13, edited 1 time in total.
"These are my principles! And if you don't like them just says so, I have others, too!"
~Rufus T. Firefly
Obviousman wrote:Today, I have been mostly drooling over this, by the way. Used to be one near us in mossy green with the spare wheel up the back. Awesome
A few years ago I was offered one.. A wreck for 2000DM..
Despite an extended and carefull search on the seller's head, I couldn't find bulletholes.
"These are my principles! And if you don't like them just says so, I have others, too!"
~Rufus T. Firefly
Obviousman wrote:Today, I have been mostly drooling over this, by the way. Used to be one near us in mossy green with the spare wheel up the back. Awesome
Probably a bit of an odd thing to say, but American cars, nay make that Caddies, are the only way to head to your grave (unless you can go for a Roller obviously, but the chances you get to see that outside of the UK are rather slim)
Not that that's the sort of thing I'm spending my day on thinking about
Obviousman wrote:Today, I have been mostly drooling over this, by the way. Used to be one near us in mossy green with the spare wheel up the back. Awesome
A few years ago I was offered one.. A wreck for 2000DM..
Despite an extended and carefull search on the seller's head, I couldn't find bulletholes.
What's 2000DM like in Euros, about 1000? I've seen they're not too expensive in the UK, remind me to get one if ever I move that way
They're built like a DS with bolt-on panels, making most rust superficial, which surely must be a good thing!
eotunun wrote:Considering their roadholding, you are probably right.
Obviousman wrote:Probably a bit of an odd thing to say, but American cars, nay make that Caddies, are the only way to head to your grave (unless you can go for a Roller obviously, but the chances you get to see that outside of the UK are rather slim)
Apparently, you've never been to the U.S. There are oodles of them over here.
a Mon Oncle of mine used to have a Rover 200 and would pick me and The Mum up from Cardross station (it's hanging baskets of flowers were a wonder, nae! sight to behold) when we would go a visiting of a Sunday back in pre art school days and after... ah! happy days...
"And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere".
~ Peter Steele
And, Marco: This one with Hijackers and Chrome sidepipes and a nicely beefed up 427er engine is what you ask for, not a shabby Mercedes plastic crap. ;D
All those childhood dreams.. And I can't even afford This.. :|
your favourite is really nice , but i think we should rent for a day my fav. mercedes.....i like it grey Lord...i'm unbeliver
tear up your pants for psicho...and jump on him
Heh. When I was a kid, my dad's Volvo estate (yes I know) was involved in a collision with one of those. My dad's car was a total write-off, the Rover suffered about £5 worth of damage. Built like tanks those things.
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
—Bertrand Russell
Heh. When I was a kid, my dad's Volvo estate (yes I know) was involved in a collision with one of those. My dad's car was a total write-off, the Rover suffered about £5 worth of damage. Built like tanks those things.
Wow Wasn't aware of that, think that makes me drool over them even more
Yesterday I saw the new Fiat Cinquecento. Looked very cute, aww
Heh. When I was a kid, my dad's Volvo estate (yes I know) was involved in a collision with one of those. My dad's car was a total write-off, the Rover suffered about £5 worth of damage. Built like tanks those things. :notworthy:
Wow :eek: Wasn't aware of that, think that makes me drool over them even more :lol:
Yesterday I saw the new Fiat Cinquecento. Looked very cute, aww :lol:
in italy it's out for the new licensed Lord...i'm unbeliver
tear up your pants for psicho...and jump on him
Bah! Naa! No VW. Maybe an original Beetle or a Polo II (The late 80s version that is.)
Maybe a Passat. But only if there is a really cheap offer (Which usually isn't available) and the engine hasn't been f*cked up too badly.
Sweedish ones for me, rear wheel driven, and old please. Or one of those nice rovers.
Kraut cars are way way overated.
"These are my principles! And if you don't like them just says so, I have others, too!"
~Rufus T. Firefly
eotunun wrote:Bah! Naa! No VW. Maybe an original Beetle or a Polo II (The late 80s version that is.)
Maybe a Passat. But only if there is a really cheap offer (Which usually isn't available) and the engine hasn't been f*cked up too badly.
Sweedish ones for me, rear wheel driven, and old please. Or one of those nice rovers.
Kraut cars are way way overated.
This SAAB is old enaugh for you? Lord...i'm unbeliver
tear up your pants for psicho...and jump on him
Yes! A luverly odd vehicle, that.
This one probably still has the two stroke three cylinder engine..
Volvo Amazon, Saab 900 (Nice despite beeng front wheel driven!) the Volvo 164, 244, 262C 7&900 series, And, ugly but not least the 340/360s.. Cheap to get and utterly reliable.
"These are my principles! And if you don't like them just says so, I have others, too!"
~Rufus T. Firefly