
Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Petseri wrote:Whatever my avatar is, I am sure that it makes Herr Blast very happy.
a football school for teachers? :innocent:
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Mine is just there cos I'm after coming back from a country where there are loads of those signs all over the place. I just like irrelevant and inconsequential pictures that mean absolutely nothing to the subject at hand, but are somewhat amusing nonetheless.

Be grateful, Tidal, that you weren't around during the Wile E Coyote run. ;D
If I told them once, I told them a hundred times to put 'Spinal Tap' first and 'Puppet Show' last.
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mh wrote:Be grateful, Tidal, that you weren't around during the Wile E Coyote run. ;D
They were genius.

My favourite was "I was quite impressed until I hit the floor..." :lol: :notworthy:
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smiscandlon wrote:
mh wrote:Be grateful, Tidal, that you weren't around during the Wile E Coyote run. ;D
They were genius.

My favourite was "I was quite impressed until I hit the floor..." :lol: :notworthy:
Agreed, apart from my ATOMIC KITTEN ones, which were obviously the best ever seen on HL :innocent: :twisted: , they were my favorites :notworthy:
Being brave is coming home at 2am half drunk, smelling of perfume, climbing into bed, slapping the wife on the arse and saying,"right fatty, you're next!!"
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I think we're due a revival then. ;)
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mh wrote:I think we're due a revival then. ;)
Being brave is coming home at 2am half drunk, smelling of perfume, climbing into bed, slapping the wife on the arse and saying,"right fatty, you're next!!"
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I just like the drawing of my avatar. Or is the deeper meaning behind it that I am suffering all the time? :lol:

Well maybe I am....waiting for the next one to arrive. :|

Edit: Sisters album that is! :)
Last edited by Ozpat on 24 Sep 2007, 19:10, edited 1 time in total.
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When I first found HL, I didn't know how to install an avatar & I thought,as it was a sisters forum, I'd take a still of Von from the Wake video.
TBH, I coudn't be bothered to change it.
On one of the cure forums I'm on, my avatar is a dalek death squad.
Never really thought they had any deep meaning really.
Here, the Hl-ers are a bit more "off the wall" than your usual forums folks & so the avatars are often quite funny.
& @scotty the Kitten pics are always good eye candy :innocent:
Just like the old days

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scotty wrote:
mh wrote:I think we're due a revival then. ;)
Hard to believe, but I still got 'em all on my HD, because they were genius! :notworthy: Especially 'long long long train ;D'

Mine, 's a picture of one of my girlfriends ;) :twisted:

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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Mine, 's a picture of one of my girlfriends ;) :twisted:

Nice teeth :lol:
Just like the old days

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Pista wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Mine, 's a picture of one of my girlfriends ;) :twisted:

Nice teeth :lol:
Wait till you see her knobs.

Last edited by Izzy HaveMercy on 24 Sep 2007, 19:15, edited 1 time in total.
For Greater Good - Ambient Music for the Masses...
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Mine's just a guy who should moderate on here (in his own inimitable style) and bring HL back up to what it was.
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What do you say it should be?

By the way... I haven't explained my own avatar. I've been through a few but this is just a pic I took personally of Ben at Zottegem. It was the best pic that night, and the vagueness only adds to the image of trancendance that seems to go with it. And it's a pic nobody else can have picked from the web, as a plus.
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I used to have a music-blog where me and some friends posted vintage LP rips stored at... :roll:
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Welcome aboard rapidshar.
Be prepared for much frivolity & don't take too much of it personally.
As someone said once, "please leave thin skins at the door"

Just like the old days

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Because I'm really good looking 8)
Nationalise the f**king lot.
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at first i wanted my own photo on the avatar.....but i didn't understand why i can't uplaod it.....Well...i thought.....english is not for me.....and at the first time i was without an avatar trying to understand the topics but i didn't write.
after a week i was exploring the topics i had an idea: my favourite group and a personal message " it's only theatre of pain"....yes the pain was what i feel trying to understand and answer....and i don't change this
Last edited by psichonaut on 24 Sep 2007, 20:52, edited 1 time in total.
thanks...my Lord...i'm unbeliver
tear up your pants for psicho...and jump on him
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Maisey wrote:Because I'm really good looking 8)
If I had a face like yours...........I'd shave my erse and walk about backwards!!!

Only kiddin' :kiss:
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Pista wrote: & @scotty the Kitten pics are always good eye candy :innocent:
Agreed, and in my Avatar is the luckiest Thumb in the World :innocent: :twisted:
Being brave is coming home at 2am half drunk, smelling of perfume, climbing into bed, slapping the wife on the arse and saying,"right fatty, you're next!!"
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My Avatar is pochoir-:von:. It was kind of hard to find a nice picture of him with the light coming from only one side and deep shadows.
This is the original photograph I used in the end:
http://www.myheartland.co.uk/gallery/da ... _large.jpg

It took a lot of effort, but I love how it turned out. I sprayed it on my folder for school and have it as a poster in my room.
made in the 80s
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Because Nick Cave is ever so slightly good and Blixa Bargeld is just teh sex, to coin a phrase 8) :kiss: :notworthy:

Good tailoring is your friend, gentlemen!
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aye, there are some who would do well to note that
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I'm torn about how Nick Cave looks. Sometimes I think he looks like an ape, sometimes a very sexy man.
Nationalise the f**king lot.
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Tidal wrote:Just an inquiry; on people's avatars. Explain why and how you got your avatar the way it is now!

I noticed that the avatar a person uses has a subconscious, yet significant effect on the impact of what the person is saying. This works in particular for ItnaKlipse and Smiscalion, whose avatars, well, force upon you a certain amount of respect for the avatar, and furthermore, for what they are saying. I do assume you guys aren't really russian tsars or preachers...
Nice thread Tidal - The same had crossed my (twisted) mind too ... :lol:
They (The Establishment) use sex as an addiction for control, just as they use alcohol and drugs ...
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Maisey wrote:I'm torn about how Nick Cave looks. Sometimes I think he looks like an ape, sometimes a very sexy man.
LMAO! :lol: :notworthy:
I left my heart in Ballycastle... :cry: :cry: :cry:
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