Sisters Scrapbook

Do you do a TSOM-related website? Do you know any cool TSOM websites? Sites listed here may be about anything to do with The Sisters: lyrics, tours, photos, biographies, interviews, etc. Post your URLs along with a short description of the website here.

Note: Please post links about trading Sisters memorabilia or your personal collection in the Trading section.
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Quiff Boy
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taylor wrote: ... Jackie.jpg

I need more infos on this ? where it was removed ?
it's from a british girls' magazine called "jackie" :D :D :D :roll:
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more details ? 1984 04 85 ?
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the jackie quote about huss's david cassidy fetish had me in stitches :lol:
you don't get much more rock 'n' roll than that :lol:
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That's incredible. Thanks Biggy and Quiff Boy! 8)
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Always knew "Jackie" was wicked!!
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Quiff Boy
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i've added the sisters scrapbook to the photo gallery, and removed the old scrapbook site ;) ... p?cat_id=3
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dead stars
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You realise you're old when you run out of new Sisters pics to download.

:roll: :(

(Can't believe I'm saying that about a band that still exists...)
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khepri II
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Quiff Boy wrote:i've added the sisters scrapbook to the photo gallery, and removed the old scrapbook site ;) ... p?cat_id=3
@QB , should be may be use this a general dumping ground. I have plenty of stuff I could send your way :von:
Just remember this. This rabble you keep talking about does most of the working, paying and dying in this community.
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Quiff Boy
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mail me a few scans and i'll see if its worth it... :)

it sounds like a good idea, but i dont see any point in it if its just going to be like a mirror of that old yahoo group of corvus', or that "gothic image database" at :roll:
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Quiff Boy
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hmm. go on then. :roll:

i've created an area for general sisters stuff: scans of clippings, interviews, tickets, etc

"the sisters imagebank" ... p?cat_id=4

no limits on the number of uploads per user, but anything not sisters related, or just way too obvious, will be removed. as i said, i dont see any point in turning it into a mirror of the image database :? :urff:

let's see what you've got... ;)
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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