moses wrote:I have to say I am quite surprised at the anti-drug stance of most of you, I would have thought on a Sisters forum partaking in illegal drugs would have been de rigueur considering what the band and their cohorts were about. I guess nothing ventured nothing lost.
'Seven shades of shiva rising, I am come
let's do the war on drugs

I'd consider myself more "pro common sense" than "anti drugs". There are certainly some people for whom taking drugs is a baaaaad idea (we're all different, and we all react to things in different ways), but that's much the same with drinking too. If someone who reacts badly to booze is advised not to drink, I don't really see why it should be any different for anything else (including cheese sandwiches).
Referring back to other posts now rather than to yours...
By all means exploration and making mistakes (and learning from them, whether that be "I don't think cheese sandwiches are the thing for me" or "you know what, cheese sandwiches are actually OK" or even "I'm making a choice not to eat cheese sandwiches for my own reasons" doesn't matter, it's all learning) is part of growing up, and there are people who will eat cheese sandwiches until well into their 80s (and beyond) with no ill effects. But when you're just starting to get to know cheese sandwiches, a "one step at a time, and baby steps first" approach really does no harm.
So I suppose what I'm saying is, if you're going to risk making a mistake, it would be nice if you try to ensure it's a small one.