27/10/04 - Hussey goes to heaven.

NEW RULES: One thread per day only. If there's a thread for today already started, post on that. And if there isn't? Then you get to start one. Aren't you the lucky one?
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Moz Magister
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One dark night That Guitarist having had too much to drink slips, falls off stage and dies.

He duly arrives at the gates to heaven and St Peter starts to show him around; after about 20 mins Hussey sees a familiar figure wearing black leather, aviator shades and sat on top of the biggest throne ever made.

Disgusted, Hussey exclaims "Who does Eldritch think he is? God?"

To which St Peter replies "That is God, he just thinks he's Eldritch!"

Have Fun!

"As one door closes, another slams in your face"
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James Blast
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Heheheheheheh :D
"And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere".
~ Peter Steele
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Black Dahlia
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Hell is other people
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Old as the hills...reminds me of the Eldritch walks on water joke, which is very funny, but too long, and I can't remember it all...

Again and again and again...
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