Dominion Mailing List

THE place for your Sisters-related comments, questions and snippets of Sisters information. For those who do not know, The Sisters of Mercy are a rock'n'roll band. And a pop band. And an industrial groove machine. Or so they say. They make records. Lots of records, apparently. But not in your galaxy. They play concerts. Lots of concerts, actually. But you still cannot see them. So what's it all about, Alfie? This is one of the few tightly-moderated forums on Heartland, so please keep on-topic. All off-topic posts will either be moved or deleted. Chairman Bux is the editor and the editor's decision is final. Danke.
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eotunun wrote:(...)
As it turns out, one can go past the off-topic talk on the forum while on that mailing list one has to dig through all the blurp. Somehow Dominion still belongs to having the full set of channels available, but it's not as handy as the structured and moderated Forum.

That´s the reason why I have never joined Dominion.
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Whereas Heartland always stays on topic?
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Rise891 wrote:Whereas Heartland always stays on topic?
Not at all - but there's less 'blurp' (if you ken the difference :wink: ).
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i would disagree actually, but that's part of the joy ;)

hl can go very off topic, but what we don't have is flame wars. our mod team take a very firm hand on controlling that kind of aggravation. it's supposed to be a nice place for everyone to 'hang out', as well as a great information resource.

as i see it, one of the primary differences (and one reason why we are so popular with new-comers) is that heartland serves as a searchable archive of previous discussion

people find the forum while searching google for the sisters because of the vast amount of sisters-related discussion

(in theory at least) these people can then search around the forum and latch on to discussions

mailing lists will never have that kind of archive... even if they do have have a searchable archive, it's all a lot more linear and a lot less easy to navigate your way around for all but the most techie people...

way back when i started hl, dominion was at an all time low. as has been hinted at on this thread, there were dozens of long running flame wars, newbies were greeted with groans and "not again.... RTFM!" responses (ironic, when when "TFM" was impossible to find and nearly as hard to read)

it lacked any real sense of community, other than a small group of people who knew each other from travelling to gigs.

its a lot less like that these days, but the sad part of it is that for most web users now a discussion list conducted via email seems so un-interactive. it lacks all those groovy features you get with 2.0 communities like facebook & myspace - avatars, witty comments on your profile, etc

with a band like the sisters, newcomers are what keeps it fresh and alive. otherwise we all get older and the band eventually runs out of people to play to because we're all married with kids and too much full time responsibility to support the band as much as we'd like

areas of HL are intentionally left to 'wander their course', just as other areas are kept on topic. the beauty of the message board format is that it lets you do that (when its done properly ;))

or something. :lol:
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Quiff Boy wrote:i would disagree actually, but that's part of the joy ;)

hl can go very off topic, but what we don't have is flame wars. our mod team take a very firm hand on controlling that kind of aggravation. it's supposed to be a nice place for everyone to 'hang out', as well as a great information resource.

as i see it, one of the primary differences (and one reason why we are so popular with new-comers) is that heartland serves as a searchable archive of previous discussion

people find the forum while searching google for the sisters because of the vast amount of sisters-related discussion

(in theory at least) these people can then search around the forum and latch on to discussions

mailing lists will never have that kind of archive... even if they do have have a searchable archive, it's all a lot more linear and a lot less easy to navigate your way around for all but the most techie people...

way back when i started hl, dominion was at an all time low. as has been hinted at on this thread, there were dozens of long running flame wars, newbies were greeted with groans and "not again.... RTFM!" responses (ironic, when when "TFM" was impossible to find and nearly as hard to read)

it lacked any real sense of community, other than a small group of people who knew each other from travelling to gigs.

its a lot less like that these days, but the sad part of it is that for most web users now a discussion list conducted via email seems so un-interactive. it lacks all those groovy features you get with 2.0 communities like facebook & myspace - avatars, witty comments on your profile, etc

with a band like the sisters, newcomers are what keeps it fresh and alive. otherwise we all get older and the band eventually runs out of people to play to because we're all married with kids and too much full time responsibility to support the band as much as we'd like

areas of HL are intentionally left to 'wander their course', just as other areas are kept on topic. the beauty of the message board format is that it lets you do that (when its done properly ;))

or something. :lol:
well yes I agree - i barged in out of the blue like and started asking all manner of questions that no doubt had been asked before and then some. i was also allowed to smash a few quotes up. and ask people nosey questions.

not like me then. no, not at all :lol:

but i have been treated with respect and patience and everyones been ever so friendly.

also the other forum where i have been for a few years and was spending a bit of time. my god - all they are doing of late is moaning, moaning and whinging. :roll: :(

i very nearly started a "if you dont like them why don't you F Off" thread but thought better of it :D

so overall i would give this eperience a score of 11/10 easily :notworthy: 8)
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Rise891 wrote:Whereas Heartland always stays on topic?
Especially here.

I am still at dominion and have been with some interruptions since 1992 or so. It has treated us well, even if not all have treated it well. The media have changed over the years, but for a period that was the best source for Sisters news.

If I run into -bat, I will offer a pint for thanks. :notworthy:
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Quiff Boy wrote:i would disagree actually, but that's part of the joy ;)

hl can go very off topic, but what we don't have is flame wars.
Alright then, delete 'blurp' and insert 'spew'. :lol:
Who can begin conventional amiability the first thing in the morning?
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well well well. what about the latest entry :eek:
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Debi wrote:well well well. what about the latest entry :eek:
Care to expand for those of us who don't prescibe? :eek: :?
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Debi wrote:well well well. what about the latest entry :eek:
Same fcukwit with whom I had the blowup over his (her?) claim that there had been rumours about Von having a heroin problem going around Heartland. :roll:

Not likely to be missed anywhere... :innocent:
Who can begin conventional amiability the first thing in the morning?
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silentNate wrote:
Debi wrote:well well well. what about the latest entry :eek:
Care to expand for those of us who don't prescibe? :eek: :?
well someone just had a huge rant at it would appear the general Dominion folk calling them all sorts of names including see you next tuesdays would you believe. it didnt seem to make much sense and i assume they are not english as it wasn't very coherant. :?
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7anthea7 wrote:
Debi wrote:well well well. what about the latest entry :eek:
Same fcukwit with whom I had the blowup over his (her?) claim that there had been rumours about Von having a heroin problem going around Heartland. :roll:

Not likely to be missed anywhere... :innocent:
oh - was it that "person" - i remember them stating they had heard it here :( but you defending saying you'd not seen anything ever. and i cant say that i have in the brief time i have been rummaging around :roll:

i like the way they then ask to be removed from receiving emails :urff:

i say if you are man enough to be casually casting all sorts of derogatory comments at people whom you don't know then man the f*ck up and stay around for the backlash :innocent:
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Debi wrote:
7anthea7 wrote:
Debi wrote:well well well. what about the latest entry :eek:
Same fcukwit with whom I had the blowup over his (her?) claim that there had been rumours about Von having a heroin problem going around Heartland. :roll:

Not likely to be missed anywhere... :innocent:
oh - was it that "person" - i remember them stating they had heard it here :( but you defending saying you'd not seen anything ever. and i cant say that i have in the brief time i have been rummaging around :roll:

i like the way they then ask to be removed from receiving emails :urff:

i say if you are man enough to be casually casting all sorts of derogatory comments at people whom you don't know then man the f*ck up and stay around for the backlash :innocent:
...or at least read the faq on how to unsubscribe yourself :roll :lol:
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Quiff Boy wrote:
Debi wrote:
7anthea7 wrote: Same fcukwit with whom I had the blowup over his (her?) claim that there had been rumours about Von having a heroin problem going around Heartland. :roll:

Not likely to be missed anywhere... :innocent:
oh - was it that "person" - i remember them stating they had heard it here :( but you defending saying you'd not seen anything ever. and i cant say that i have in the brief time i have been rummaging around :roll:

i like the way they then ask to be removed from receiving emails :urff:

i say if you are man enough to be casually casting all sorts of derogatory comments at people whom you don't know then man the f*ck up and stay around for the backlash :innocent:
...or at least read the faq on how to unsubscribe yourself :roll :lol:
actually i did think that when i read it. either a lazy person or wrote that there as a pointed remark :urff:
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I don't think it necessary to throw down the gauntlet - and straight afterwards the towel - so very early ... :innocent: :roll:
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Being645 wrote:I don't think it necessary to throw down the gauntlet - and straight afterwards the towel - so very early ... :innocent: :roll:
agree - loser :innocent:
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7anthea7 wrote:Same fcukwit with whom I had the blowup over his (her?) claim that there had been rumours about Von having a heroin problem going around Heartland. :roll:
Actually I do vaguely remember one person, repeat one person, making a (risibly unlikely) claim once on HL about Andrew having an H habit. What's to bet it was this person?

Favourite agent provocateur tactic: plant a fake rumour in one place, and then rail against that rumour elsewhere.
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markfiend wrote:
7anthea7 wrote:Same fcukwit with whom I had the blowup over his (her?) claim that there had been rumours about Von having a heroin problem going around Heartland. :roll:
Actually I do vaguely remember one person, repeat one person, making a (risibly unlikely) claim once on HL about Andrew having an H habit. What's to bet it was this person?

Favourite agent provocateur tactic: plant a fake rumour in one place, and then rail against that rumour elsewhere.
a troll by any other ;D
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The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
—Bertrand Russell
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Amphetamine Filth
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Eldritch is having a heroin problem?? :eek:
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Aazhyd wrote:Eldritch is having a heroin problem?? :eek:
& so it begins! :urff:
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The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
—Bertrand Russell
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markfiend wrote:*sigh*
indeedy :urff:
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Aazhyd wrote:Eldritch is having a heroin problem?? :eek:
No, he has 2 of them: one here, the other on Dominion. :lol: Oh, and the third one in that new song not yet played live. :D
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Aazhyd wrote:Eldritch is having a heroin problem?? :eek:
:urff: ... or was it "heroine" ... ? :roll: :urff: :roll: :urff: ... :urff:

... a problem, however ... :roll: ... or not? :roll:

... black wind come carry me far away ...
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